Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2585: Face calmly

"Everything obeys Xiao Xingjun?" Jian Chen's face showed a sneer, saying: "Small star Jun will destroy my Tianyuan family, destroy our Pingtian dynasty, are you four ready to shoot?"

Miyaji was silent, and Wu Lu, standing next to her, turned to look at Gong Ji, and then turned her eyes to Jian Chen, revealing a hint of helplessness. "Sword dust, we know that there is a Shengsheng Temple behind you." However, the Bisheng Temple is not as brilliant as it used to be. You continue to be an enemy with Xiao Xingjun. Even if the Shengsheng Temple can't keep you, you still let go of your arrogance, admit your mistake to Xiaoxingjun, ask Xiaoxing. Jun's understanding."

"Ha ha ha, yes, Jian Chen, kneel down and confess to the prince, if you are satisfied with this, perhaps the king will forgive you." Xiao Xingjun laughed and sighed, and took a touch of sword dust. kind.

In the heart of Xiao Xingjun, there was a sneer, and the murderous machine was extremely strong. The dark road said: "Jian Chen is so humiliating to this prince, and he will kill the only servant of this prince. This is a deep blood, not killing him. Take a break. However, if you can humiliate before killing him, but also happy."

However, Xiao Xingjun does not understand Jian Chen. With the spirit of Jian Chen, he will beg for mercy, and he will die and not yield.

Jian Chen is too lazy to waste his tongue here with Xiao Xingjun. For Xiao Xingjun, he ignores it and ignores it directly. He just looks at Wu Lu and Gong Ji, saying: "We Tianyuan family treats the enemy, never I won’t be so soft, you regret it now.”

"There is no Bi Sheng Tian Gong, you Tianyuan family in our eyes, in fact, can not get on the table." Wu Lu said softly, with a faint sarcasm in the tone, seems to be mocking the sword dust, this time, even can not see Clear the situation.

Xiao Xingjun saw that he was ignored by Jian Chen, suddenly angered from the heart, coldly said: "If this is the case, then the king will let you see the Pingtian dynasty and the Tianyuan family in your eyes, but you do everything. No, I don't know what kind of feeling of powerlessness is happening to you, what kind of expression you will have." Behind the scene, Xiaoxingjun couldn't help but laugh.

Destroy the Tianyuan family, he has already won the prize. At this moment, he seems to have seen the desperation from the face of Jian Chen, who is helpless and watched the grief and anger of his beloved woman falling into the arms of others. .

Xiao Xingjun looked at the depths of the Pingtian dynasty and said: "All the people of the Tianyuan family have heard clearly to the prince. This prince is the star of Yaozhou, the star of the singer, the master of the sacred sacred world. The only son of the super-powerful Jiuyi Xingjun, nowadays, the sword of the Tianyuan family is offended by the prince, and it is the servant who killed the prince. He has already formed a great feud with the prince. Therefore, the Tianyuan family will be destroyed. Not only the Tianyuan family, but also the Pingtian dynasty, this lord also wants to let it fly out in Yunzhou."

"But this is not a killer. I have a lot of innocent people in the Pingtian Dynasty. Therefore, Benjun will give you three days to let you escape from the Pingtian Dynasty. After three days, the king will wash his blood. The dynasty and the Tianyuan family, the chickens and dogs do not stay."

Xiao Xingjun’s voice spread all over the entire Pingtian dynasty. For a time, all the Pingtian dynasties, including Dong’an County, were alarmed.

Moreover, his voice broke through the guardianship of the Tianyuan family, and it reverberated over the Tianyuan family for a long time.

Jian Chen's face sank, he looked back at the direction of the Tianyuan family, and immediately his eyes fell on Wu Lu and Gong Ji, who stood behind Xiao Xingjun. With Xiao Xingjun's cultivation, there is no way to make the sound break through. The guardianship of the Tianyuan family was passed on to the inside of the family. All of this was due to the help of the two Taishiqiang who had Wulu and Gongji.

Behind the Jian Chen, the figures flickered, and the eight innocent protectors of the Tianyuan family came to the back of Jian Chen. They were all dignified and looked at the opposite group of strong uniforms wearing the uniform of the Four Elephants.

"Sword Dust!" A gently calling from far to near, the Shangguan singer's arms holding the celestial melody appeared in the side of Jian Chen, the eyes of the two ghosts staring at the opposite side, a face frosty.

"Hey, the four elephants, this group of wall grasses, when the Mingdong brothers were there, they were very polite to our Tianyuan family. They also said that they were their best friends. As a result, the Mingdong brothers left, this is the past. For a long time, the Four Elephants Alliance began to slash the swords of our Tianyuan family. This group of villains is really ridiculous.” Nubis stood behind the sword and shouted, Zhangkou was facing one of the four elephants. Helped people spit a sip of water.

At this moment, many high-level and **** kings of the Tianyuan family have come to the back of Jian Chen.

"Snow protection method, Tianyuan family this time, is really facing the disaster of extinction, this little star Jun I have not heard of, can be nine stars, it is really supreme, the supreme." Standing behind the sword dust The law of the protection was in the sound, and the two ancestors of the Four Elephants personally came forward to face each other. There were also many powerful people. The face was scared and the face was a little white, and the heart was frightened.

The snow guard nodded and looked more dignified than before, and did not speak.

"Tianyuan family is probably a big disaster, and the snow guards the law. We are still rushing out of the Tianyuan family."

The snow guardian method was silent for a long time, and he replied with a voice: "It is still too early to make this decision. I believe in the family and believe in the Tianyuan family."

"I know that Jian Chen has a reliance, but the form that I faced this time is not comparable to that of the past. Xingyao Mountain is no better than Bi Sheng Tian Gong. Moreover, Xiao Xingjun is still the owner of Xingyao Mountain. Although he has some status in the Bi Sheng Tian Gong, can his position be stronger than Xiao Xingjun?" Kaishou’s voice, he saw the snow protection method still indifferent, just bite his teeth, said: "But you If I don't leave, I will leave, and I will stay in the case of knowing that I must die. This is not what the wise man did. I can't make it for the benefit of the Tianyuan family and lose my life."

At this point, the law of protection immediately flew out, away from the sword dust, said: "I started the ash officially out of the Tianyuan family, although the Tianyuan family offended the Star King, but I did not disrespect the Star Jun adults, but also Wang Xingjun adults let me go."

"Hahaha, let's go, Benjun will let you go." Xiaoxingjun laughed.

Hearing the words, the eyes of the gray gaze were happy, and the heart hanging on the scorpion finally let go, loudly: "The star jun is bright and open, I am admired and admire." When the voice falls, the ash will go away. It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The departure of the Enlightenment Law has dealt a heavy blow to the top of the Tianyuan family. After all, he is one of the strongest of the guardians of the Tianyuan family. At this moment, he did not hesitate to leave the Tianyuan family. Many high-level moods have become heavy.

"Protect the law, the law of protection, oh..." Some of the guards standing behind the sword dust, the face has become very unsightly, sighing one by one, but many people's eyes are flashing, not changing.

"Oh, greed is afraid of death, even if it is cultivated to the beginning, the future achievements are extremely limited." A Tsing Yi, temperamental Qingyi Xuan stood in the crowd, said in a cold voice.

"Nothing!" Jian Chen calmed down and calmed down, and his mind did not see any fluctuations. He said: "If any force wants to grow up, it will experience a lot of life and death. This time, the Tianyuan family is facing a huge disaster. Can pass, our Tianyuan family will fly to the sky, but the Tianyuan family will cease to exist."

Jian Chen looked back at the people behind his eyes and a group of high-level and veterans. He said: "If there is any unwillingness to stay with us, you can leave now. My sword dust will not blame you."

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