Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2608: Gong Sunzhi arrived

Looking at the Emperor of the Xi's Emperor, who suddenly appeared in the Temple of the Golden Jubilee, all the phoenix dragons and grandchildren gathered here are horrified at the same time, and full of anger, and there is also a grievance.

Both the Yangyang Dynasty and the Xi's Dynasty are the immortal dynasties in Yunzhou. They are in charge of one collar. Both status and strength are comparable and never related.

However, at this moment, as the Emperor of the Northern Dynasty, the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty did not invite himself to appear directly in the most sacred temple of the Golden Emperor in the Blood Yang Dynasty.

This is not just a provocation! Even in the eyes of some Fengzilong Sun, this is already an insult to the Blood Yang Dynasty.

As the immortal dynasty of the southern region of the tyrants, it has now fallen into such a field, and it is deeply weak in the face of the threat of the sorrowful empire. This not only makes these phoenix dragons feel sad, but even the blood emperor feels very embarrassed. Qu.

"The emperor, now the Justice League is fighting with the Four Elephants Alliance. You are a member of the Justice League. You have not helped the Justice League. Instead, you have the heart to come to our **** dynasty to intervene in these trivial matters. The Xi's dynasty is really laid-back." The blood emperor said with a blank expression, his tone was very low.

"The battle of the 10,000-year period, but it is related to the heart of the rain, this is not a trivial matter." After the emperor waved, there was a dragon chair out of thin air. He was so voluntarily sitting on the dragon chair and the ground. There are more than a dozen feet of falls, and I don’t know whether it is intentional or unintentional. I always exceed the head of the blood emperor in height: "As for the war between the Justice League and the Four Elephants Alliance, there is no need for us to intervene in the imperial dynasty. The order of the dynasty was just to let us cherish the dynasty to keep the North."

The emperor's tone is very flat, facing the blood emperor in a down-to-face manner.

Although in terms of identity, he is equal to the blood emperor, and he is the emperor of the immortal dynasty. However, on the strength, he cherishes the emperor is the beginning of the mixed yuan, and the blood emperor, but the endless.

And, it is still the beginning of the beginning of the Promise!

This also makes them have some gaps in their identity.

The blood emperor is silent, and the war between the two major leagues involves almost all the major forces in Yunzhou, not to mention the two remaining Taizu emperors in the Southern Yangyan dynasty, even the two majors of the Eastern and Western Regions. The immortal dynasty, but also all the beginnings of the mixed yuan all dispatched, but the North only did not send a soldier to go, this explains what, the blood emperor's heart is clear.

This is not to say that the Xi's dynasty is not subject to the Justice League. On the contrary, the Justice League is sheltering the Xi's dynasty and not letting the Xi's dynasty participate in the war, and it will not damage the Xi's dynasty.

Obviously, the Justice League is because of the Tianyuan family, and thus special care for the Xi’s dynasty.

The nine emperors of the Blood Yang Dynasty, the excitement and excitement that had previously appeared on their faces, have long since disappeared, and their faces are gray and full of despair.

He knows that since the emperor has come out, he is definitely not likely to leave Yunzhou. The next fate is to spend the eternal years and then fight the princess of the Xi's dynasty.

He even knows that after the battle of ten thousand years, he will be defeated, and there is no chance of winning.

Even if he is a breakthrough, he enters the beginning, even if he has the absolute ability to crush the Princess of the Royal Dynasty, the person who eventually died is still him.

"Why, why should I go to provoke the Tianyuan family, Jian Chen is not to avenue flowers, I will not give him, but why should I retaliate against the Tianyuan family. Revenge for the Tianyuan family, but why should I kill the Tianyuan family? If you don't kill the Tianyuan family, then I won't offend the princess of the Xi's dynasty. I won't fall into this end of the day." The nine emperors regretted it. At this moment, he hopes that time can be reversed. I hope that everything can come back.

In the end, the blood emperor compromised, and the nine emperors were left in accordance with the requirements of the emperor. The weakness of the four-image alliance made the blood-yang emperor no longer have the ambition to challenge the emperor.

That is, at this moment, in the huge city of Yunzhou, the cross-continental transmission array that is rarely used during the week, suddenly emits dazzling light, and the strong force of transmission is between the moments. Attracted countless people nearby.

"It is a trans-continental transmission array. It is said that this transmission array needs color crystals to be turned on. This is only what the original strongman possesses..."

"The transmission array has started. It seems that someone has come to us from other continents. The person must be a big man..."

"It is very likely that it is a strong starter. Let everyone let go, but don't block the way of the predecessors..."

For a time, the nearby warriors talked a lot, everyone was wide-eyed, staring at the cross-continental transmission array, full of deep curiosity.

After a few breaths, accompanied by a strong spatial fluctuation, the dazzling light from the transmission array gradually disappeared, revealing the four figures standing in the transmission array.

The head of the person is a young man. He wears a gorgeous white robe, and he is so arrogant that there is a arrogance that can’t be concealed.

The other three are two middle-aged men and a thin old man. Compared with the white-robed youth's sharp-eyed dew, the three of them are more ordinary, full of restraint, and look like ordinary. Ordinary people.

But they can take the cross-continental transmission array. No one really thinks that they are just ordinary people.

"Yunzhou, the Lord of the House has finally arrived, Jian Chen, do you think that you can sit back and relax in Yunzhou? The Avenue to the Holy Sepulchre is something that belongs to the Lord of the House. This time, the main body of the House will surely retake the Avenue to the Holy Sepulchre. The practice is complete. "The young white gaze standing in front of the gaze looked at the world and gave a low whisper.

This white robe youth is the grandson of the bright temple of the present day in the wasteland!

As for the three people standing behind Gong Sunzhi, since they set foot on Yunzhou, they will look at the direction of the southern domain, and a trace of fineness has passed away.

This silky man is like a lightning bolt, with a fascinating gaze and a gaze, even the space has a slight undeniable fluctuation.

It’s just the gaze, it’s such a mysterious and unpredictable, it’s hard to imagine how terrible these three seemingly ordinary people are. "You, come over!" Gong Sunzhi pointed to a nearby warrior and asked with a cold expression: "Tell the Lord, where is the Tianyuan family created by Jian Chen?"

The martial artist who was fingered by Gong Sunzhi was only a human god. He was pale and full of uneasiness. Some of them shivered in front of Gong Sunzhi and wanted to speak.

"Don't ask, we don't have to ask, we already know where the sword dust is." A middle-aged man standing behind Gong Sunzhi opened his mouth, his eyes flashing, staring at the direction of the southern domain slowly: " It’s too late for us to come. Yunzhou is playing a wonderful show. Not only is Jian Chen found, but even the other people who are in the same vein are here.”

"What? Wushen is also here?" Wen Yan, Gong Sun Zhi was shocked, and immediately immediately overjoyed, a strong warfare burning in the chest.

Although he is still the realm of the king of the gods, he can control the sword of the first guardian sword, and his grandson is arrogant, and he can't live in the same direction.

Because he is now guarding the holy sword, he does not have a bit of jealousy about the martial arts.

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