Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2613: Soul

Xu Zhiping's footsteps are empty, and his body is extremely amazing. It is rooted in the terrible pressure of the four heavens in the beginning of the world, and all the strong people in Yunzhou are frightened.

His eyes stared coldly at the burial of the soul, and a strange color appeared in his eyes. He said in a very plain tone: "Hou this palm, there is no trace of mercy, with your strength in the Xu Some of this palm has only suffered some injuries that are not light and heavy. The power of the martial arts is well-deserved, but it is a pity that the gap between you and me is too big, which is destined to be Xu’s opponent."

During the speech, Xu Zhiping stepped out and crossed the void, appearing like a teleport in front of the soul burial, raising his hand and pressing down with the terrible power toward the funeral.

With this palm attack, the space around the body of the soul burial seems to be violently compressed. Xu Zhiping, with a mysterious force, freezes the void around the soul burial and wants to bind the soul burial.

This sorrow, the burial seems to be difficult to move, and the mobility is blocked.

After all, Xu Zhiping's strength is too strong, although his combat power is not as good as the beginning of the five-day sky, but in the four heavens, it has already been counted extremely excellent, with the repair of the soul burial The realm is obviously not at the same level as Xu Zhiping.

However, at this time, a vast and majestic force was transmitted through the void in an undetectable way, and poured into the body of the soul.

At this moment, the martial arts array is finally completed!

The strengths of Chu Jian, Yun Zi Ting, Su Qi, Bai Rufeng, Qingshan and Jian Chen are perfectly combined through the martial arts array, and their spirits and body repairs are concluded. With the power of the mountain spirit of Wushen Mountain, blessing on the soul.

This kind of blessing is the unique secretary of Wu Xing's pulse. It is mysterious and mysterious. It can be transmitted through the void. Even if they are separated from the soul by a short distance, they are still unaffected, and no one can Broken.

When the martial arts were formed, the soul was buried in the air. In a short period of time, the strong momentum erupted from him was completely weaker than Xu Zhiping, even more than ever.

If the strength of the six people, such as Chu Jian, Yun Zi Ting, Su Qi, Bai Rufeng, Qingshan and Jianchen, even if they are perfectly combined, it is impossible to make the soul burial reach the intensity of today, but if it is added The power of the Wushen Mountain Spirit, it can be very different.

Therefore, at the moment in the soul burial, the cohesion is not only the spirit of the other six great descendants, but also the help of the mountain soul!

After the soul was buried with such a powerful force, Xu Zhiping could no longer suppress him, and the oppression of his own body disappeared instantly. He shot directly with a punch.

At the same time, Xu Zhiping’s eyes are also a flash of glory. The Wushen and the Temple of Light have struggled for so many years, and once they have saved the sword dust, they have also dealt with many powerful people in the wilderness. It is no stranger to the martial arts.

Xu Zhiping’s palm remained unchanged, and he still maintained the pressure of repression. It was only the momentum of his body that suddenly rose and became more intense. At the same time, the law of the road was lingering around him, causing Xu Zhiping’s body to suddenly emanate. A strong radiance, hot and glaring.

And his palm is also wrapped in a strong ray of light at this moment, just like a round of the sun is compressed in his palm, and the light shines hundreds of thousands of feet, actually shining the dark universe void.


I saw a violent roar coming, and the soul burial contained a punch of terrible power, which directly collided with Xu Zhiping’s palm and collapsed the void.

This time, Xu Zhiping did not bury the soul to repel the same as the above. After a blow, his own body, but can not stop retreating in the void, the glare of the body is quickly dimmed. The face is very unsightly.

"The martial arts squad not only enhances your strength, but also enhances your martial arts power. In the past, your martial arts force could not affect Xu, let alone hurt Xu, but now, Your martial arts force has already been able to hurt Xu’s god.” Xu Zhiping said in a deep voice, this time with the soul burial, his **** was actually shocked, there is no way to resist .

Xu Zhiping looked at Yunzhou and looked down: "Huangfu is one, you and I are together to fight the soul, sand cloud, you go to Wushen Mountain, interfere with them, find ways to interrupt their martial arts."

"We should have shot it." Yunzhou, Huangfu gave a slight smile, and when the voice fell, he suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he had already come to Xu Zhiping.

"No problem, Wushen Mountain will be handed over to the old man." The old ancestor Sha Yun from the **** knife sang a low drink, and his body broke out, and his realm has already reached the end of the three-day peak.

The strength of Shayun is also very strong. Although it is not as good as Xu Zhiping and Huangfu, it is only one step away from Sitian.

He appeared directly outside the mountain soul of Wushen Mountain. A hegemonic sword rushed to the sky. He saw that he had a sword and sent a cold-hearted killing, and he rushed to Wushen Mountain with an unprecedented momentum. Mountain soul.

This knife smashed out, only to see a silver light in the void, the light is small, but it has the power to destroy the earth, wherever it passes, the void is split like a paper.

This light is obviously the product of the knife and the knife. Sha Yun’s knife path has long been fascinating, and the power of this knife has been completely condensed into one line, and the lethality has doubled.

The soul burial did not pay attention to the sand cloud. For the action of Sha Yun attacking the soul of the Wushen Mountain, he did not even look at it, a gesture of indifference.

Even on the mountain soul, several descendants who are forming a martial arts battle are also disregarding Sha Yun.


A loud bang came, and the sword of Shayun hit the energy barrier of the soul of Wushen Mountain with a tyrannical power, but only slightly distorted the energy barrier.

Sha Yun’s eyes were cold, and there was no accident. He continued to attack with the sword.

He knows that the illusory Wushen Mountain in front of him is only formed by a very large amount of energy. It is not the Wushu Mountain in the true sense, but his attack can consume this energy.

Huangfu looked at the direction of the mountain soul and said: "In the early days, this Wushen Mountain, even the attack of Qing Yao Tianwang can withstand a moment. Although the Qing Yao Tianwang is the same as ours, it is the blood of his beast. The power is strong, but even some of the four worlds can be killed in the first day. Qing Yao Tianwang can not destroy this Wushen Mountain in the first time, even more difficult to do with sand clouds, to interfere with them, Sha Yun can be No."

After a pause, Huangfu returned to continue: "Xu Zhiping, your law of the sun is stronger than me. You and Sha Yun are going to attack Wushen Mountain, and the funeral is kept by me."

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