Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2642: Spike sand cloud

When he was hit by the strong lightning, not only was the body unable to move, but he was in a stalemate, and even his consciousness was in chaos. He woke up at this moment and did not know what happened during his coma.

When Sha Yun’s eyes swept around, he naturally saw the blue sky sacred man who suddenly emerged. Although he was puzzled at the bottom of his heart, he really worried that he was not the blue sky sage, but asked Gongsun Zhi: “Dazhu, Xu Zhiping and What happened to the emperor? Where did they go?"

"Shayun predecessors, you wake up just right, don't worry about them, now the opportunity is rare, go to block the soul of the martial arts, don't let them escape." Gong Sunzhi looked happy, immediately drink.

The disappearance of Xu Zhiping and Huangfu’s reunification made Sha Yun’s heart feel that something was wrong, but looking at the soul of the Wushen Mountain, which was gradually gone, I couldn’t think too much time, and immediately chased the past with a big knife.

"This seat has repeatedly spared you, but you are so stubborn. If so, then you will die."

At this moment, the indifferent voice of the rain came from the air. The next moment, the space in front of Sha Yun suddenly broke open, forming a portal, and the sand cloud that could not be prevented was directly rushed in.

However, when he came out of this portal, it seemed to have experienced the passage of time and space. It instantly spanned thousands of miles and appeared on the rain.

At the same time, a jade palm, with a terrible to indescribable pressure to shoot over the forehead of Shayun, the palm did not arrive, squeezed this side of the void, so that this side of the void instantly solidified, Squeezed from all directions to the sand cloud.

If you change to any one of the beginnings of the Promise, under this horrible space squeeze, it will be crushed into a pool of meat, even the weaker mixed environment will die.

Sha Yun’s face changed greatly, and with the repair of the three-day heaven of Taishijing, it was a hard space to hold up a space, and the big knife in his hand was in front of him.


A crisp sound, the rain on the people's jade palm slap on the long knife of Sha Yun, a devastating energy suddenly spewed out, the middle of the artifact long knife slammed, Continue to photograph, and finally landed on Shayun's forehead.

Sha Yun’s body suddenly became stiff. The next moment, his old body became weak and weak, and the light in his eyes was so fast that he became hollow and looked like nothing.

It has been repaired to the end of the three-day Tianfeng Peak, and it is only one step away from Sitiantian.

Killing the ancestor of the **** knife, Sha Yun, it seems to be a trivial thing for the people on the rain. She does not look at the body of Sha Yun, and puts the Buddha at the beginning of the three heavens. The person can't enter her eyes at all, and it won't cause her too much attention.

In the rain, people control the law of space. There is no distance in her eyes. She only disappears when she appears. When she appears again, she has appeared in front of Gong Sunzhi as a teleport, and her eyes are cold and cold.

"Damn, there is a strong enemy of the blue sky, and the people on the rain don't deal with the blue sky, but they come to deal with me. How can she always go with the master?" Looking at the rainy people who suddenly appeared in front of me, Gongsun Aspirations in the heart of the dark, for the rain, he is really afraid of the heart.

But the only thing that made him feel good is that even if the rain man can deal with the sword of the **** of the gods, it obviously needs a short time.

Moreover, there is still a strong enemy of the Blue Sky Supreme, and the people on the rain are obviously weak.

"The Lord of the House is propped up by the guardian light of the sword of the gods. As long as the Blue Sky is coming, the people on the rain will have no strength to deal with me." Gong Sunzhi was secretly in his heart. His realm is low, and he is far from being able to see the details of the battle between the rain and the blue sky. In the heart, he subconsciously believes that the strength of the blue sky is stronger than that of the rain.

Because Xu Zhiping and Huangpu returned to each other, the blue sky will break under two or three. From this point, let Gong Sunzhi feel that the strength of the Blue Sky is very terrifying.

It’s just that things didn’t go as far as Gong Sun’s imagination was. The people on the rain waved gently against Gong Sunzhi. The next moment, there was a strong space law fluctuation around Gongsun Zhi. And Gong Sunzhi, together with the guardian holy sword, disappeared in this space fluctuation without a trace.

In a virtual distance far away from Yunzhou, there are numerous large and small, countless broken meteorites, and there is a raging energy turbulence, filled with this lonely sea of ​​stars.

At this moment, the space fluctuated, and Gong Sunzhi, who was protected by the protection of the Holy Light, appeared here. A pair of eyes filled with stunned look around.

"Where is this? What about Yunzhou? Wushen Mountain? What about the rain? How are all gone?" Gong Sunzhi made a whisper, and his eyes were a little confused.

Suddenly, a huge beast that was enough to tear the gods came, and the horrible sound of the sound of the sounds of the sounds was born.

I saw this piece of Xinghai suddenly trembled violently, and countless meteorites burst and turned into a stream of light.

Suddenly, the sudden change shocked Gong Sunzhi. His eyes turned with a trace of horror. This look made his pupil shrink to the size of the eye of the needle and his face became pale.

I saw that in his gaze, a giant elephant with a huge body appeared there, and the violent breath emitted by the body made the stars and seas vibrate, and the void was twisted.

It is really too big. The body displayed at this moment is equivalent to the area of ​​a large domain in Yunzhou. The strength of the body is even more powerful.

Gong Sunzhi was scared and turned white. He had heard of the starry beast and also saw some of it. It was like a huge starry beast in front of him. He never saw it.

Moreover, the power of blood and blood emanating from this starry beast is even more trembling, even if there is the protection of the sword of the **** of the gods, the heart can not help but give birth to the feeling of fear.

Suddenly, the giant elephant-like starry beast uttered a violent snoring sound, and the long nose smashed the starry sky, crushing countless meteorites, and with a terrifying power directly smashed toward Gongsun Zhi.

Most of the stars and beasts are low in intelligence, and the territorial concept is extremely strong, killing all invading creatures.

Gong Sunzhi apparently invaded the territory of this starry sky beast and was ruthlessly attacked.

And, this is still a supreme starry beast, even in the supreme level are strong.

Outside of Yunzhou, as the star of the Star of the Stars, the blue sky sage, the moment has disappeared without a trace, I do not know where to go.

He sneaked away when he was on the rain to deal with Sha Yun and Gong Sun Zhi. In a short period of time, he was far away from Yunzhou and disappeared into the depths of the Xinghai.

"I didn't expect the people on the rain to hide the power. This is troublesome. Not only did I not get the water and the iron, but I also provoked such a powerful opponent." Deep in the Xinghai, the Blue Sky is escaping quickly, and the speed is fast. As a result, the stars are turned into a meteor drifting behind him, and the intestines that have been destroyed in the heart are green.

"If you know this before, the old man would rather go bankrupt and exchange for her, and he will never take advantage of it. Jiuyi Xingjun, this time the old man was miserable by you." The blue sky sages complained in the sky, especially when he thought of it. The cold killing in the eyes of the rain is big.

He knows that this time he is going to spoil the game, most of them are bad things that have broken the rain, and they are hated by the rain.

Suddenly, the face of the Blue Sky stalwart suddenly changed, and the figure of the fast-moving escape came to an abrupt end, and a face was as ugly as a dead aunt.

I saw him in a thousand feet, a faint space wave came, accompanied by a thick cloud of rain.

The figure of the rain man appeared in front of the blue sky in the presence of ghosts, just blocking the way of the blue sky.

"In the presence of this seat, have you escaped?" The cold and full of killing voice of the rainman came, letting the heart of the Blue Sky Supreme sink to the bottom.

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