Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2645: Life and death

This energy storm was produced when Lin Fei, who had been repaired to the six-day sky of the mixed environment, was invincible in the face of such a terrible energy aftermath, not to mention the kingdom of the gods. The number of warriors is less than one percent.

In the face of this terrible storm that even the gods are likely to fall, those who have not repaired the king of God are only dead.

"Is my great Nubis, will I die here today?" In the Tianyuan family, Nubis, a golden coat, stood on a roof and looked at the energy storm coming from the sky. His face was full of unwillingness. .

He has long been a master of the king of the kingdom of the king, especially after getting the body of an old snake, by swallowing the original essence of his family, his cultivation is constantly moving toward the beginning, and it will take him long. Will break through the king of God and truly enter the beginning.

And even the power of the blood will evolve with the constant engulfing of the old snake.

He firmly believes that in the future, he will inevitably shine and become the strongest party.

"My great Nubis has just started, and the road to evolution has not yet reached the end." Nubis's eyes showed a madness of color, mixed with it, and a strong unwillingness.

He is not willing to fall down like this. He is not willing to die before he reaches the peak. He is also not willing to be a stepping stone for others.

"Isn't it the beginning of the mixed yuan? What about the beginning of the mixed yuan? My great Nubis is not afraid of you." Nubis showed a madness in his eyes. In the face of the coming disaster, he did not Depressed and waiting to die, but was provoked by a strong fighting spirit hidden in the blood, rather than die.

Even if he knows that he is dead, he will not sit and wait for death, but choose to burn all his potential, explode all his strength, use his last faint fire of life, burst out the most beautiful light, and go to the fierce battle. dead.

Just when Nubis broke out, this fearless death, abandoning everything to prepare for a struggle, seems to provoke a potential hidden in the deepest part of his blood, making him special, which belongs to the golden silk snake There was a slight change in the blood.

This change is very subtle and very mysterious, even Nobis himself is not aware of it.

However, this change is to let the blood of Nobis move forward a little bit in the invisible and become a little higher than before.

Or, it is his blood at this moment, which has produced a trace of evolution.

The horror energy storm in the sky rushes from the momentum of destroying everything. The enormous pressure makes Nubis unable to control the body.

It was a golden snake with a long length. He said that he was a small snake because it was too small, and the body was long, but only the thickness of the water tank was not proportional to the length of the body.

From a distance, it looks like a long golden rope floating in midair.

On the back of this golden snake, there are two long lines of gold, silver and silver that spread out through the whole body. The golden long line has become dull and unobtrusive, as if it has completely blended with the golden snake scales all over the body. One.

Only the silver thread shines brightly and brightly.

This is the symbol of the gold silk silver snake!

On the snake head of Nubis, there is a small one-horned horn, wrapped in a circle of mysterious patterns, and there is a faint blue light flashing.

The gold silk silver snake, this has no single angle, and this change of Nubis has obviously deviated from the proper form of the golden silk silver snake.

Suddenly, Nubis, who turned into the body, made a noise. His long shots suddenly slammed up, forming a flesh-and-blood shield on his body and over the Tianyuan family. His head was like a sky. The handle is like a sword, and the fearless death rushes toward the raging energy.

However, the gap between the two is too great. Even if Nubis is already a king of the king, even if his blood has produced a trace of evolution, it still cannot make up for this huge gap like a shackle. .

Under the violent energy aftermath bombardment, the head of Nobis was first, and the hard and incomparable head was filled with cracks and flowing golden liquid.

Next is his body, all the golden scales are crushed, the huge body is covered with countless wounds, and the golden liquid invades the whole body.

Nubis gave a painful snoring. He formed a shield in his body and blocked the Tianyuan family. He was the first to bear the horrible energy shock, which caused him to be hit hard in an instant. The long body was also destroyed by this energy. Underneath, will be torn.

Just as Nubis felt that he was about to be smashed, a sudden burst of melody suddenly came, only to see the sacred curtain of the Shangguan squad, and the thirty-six strings of the celestial melody were placed on her knees. On the other hand, Saitama refers to the rapid fluctuation of the strings, forming a piece of sound waves visible to the naked eye.

Her pale, tender fingers were broken, the blood stained the strings, and another drop of dripping on the guqin.

Shangguan dynasty has obviously exerted its full strength.

However, even if she added Nubis, in the face of this energy aftermath of mixed-race shots, it is still the arm of the car, even if she is the inheritance of the three ancestors, mastering the two demons will not help.

"Hey!" Shangguan screen spurted a blood, and the body of a kite like a broken line seemed to fall to the ground, and his face became pale.

But at this moment, a gentle energy appeared quietly around the Shangguan curtain, protecting the Shangguan curtain.

Perceived the existence of this energy, there was a shock and doubt in the eyes of Shangguan, she could clearly feel how terrible this energy is, even though it is only a thin layer, it gives the Shangguan a kind of The indestructible feeling seems to be that even if the heavens and the earth ruin, the void collapses, it is impossible to break through this seemingly weak energy.

Shangguan’s eyes suddenly looked deep into the Tianyuan family. She had a kind of inspiration in the darkness. This energy came from the depths of the Tianyuan family.

To her regret, this energy only protects her alone, Nubis, and everyone in the Tianyuan family, still in the storm of destruction.

It seems that the entire Tianyuan family, only she is valued by the mysterious strong.

Shangguan’s curtain opened his mouth. Just when she wanted to ask the unknown mysterious strongman to save the Tianyuan family, a huge bronze shield suddenly flew from the sky, across the void at a fast and incredible speed. Between the Tianyuan family, the blue light curtain hangs over the Tianyuan family.

When the powerful energy turbulence in the sky hits the cyan reticle, the cyan smear suddenly swells out of layers, successfully blocking it.

I saw Yunzi Pavilion, Su Qi and two people are falling from the sky, the body exudes a strong atmosphere of mixed elements, such as meteors generally cut through the sky, and fell toward the Tianyuan family.

At the rear, it is white as wind, Qingshan and Jianchen, and they are coming to the Tianyuan family at different speeds.

"It's not good, it's a person who is a martial artist. They are actually coming back." Lin Fei's face changed dramatically, and his heart suddenly broke into a bad feeling.

"Well, the people who came from the martial arts came back. The predecessors who came from the wasteland did not kill them."

"This is troublesome, the Tianyuan family is still extinct? Should we retire first?"

The other two mixed-age elders on Xiao Xingjun’s side are also sinking in their hearts, and their faces have become more dignified than ever.

However, before they had negotiated the results, Yun Ziting and Su Qi had already come to them. I saw Yun Ziting holding a bronze rifle. The body was so powerful that he directly penetrated the void and smashed toward Lin Fei. .

"Wu Hun Broken Soul!" At the same time as the shot, Yun Ziting’s mind was moved, and the martial arts secret technique was instantly displayed.

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