Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2640: Xiaoxingjun fallen

In a blink of an eye, the crisis from the fundamental fate of Qing Yao Tian Wang was easily resolved by the unintentional boy.

This scene was clearly seen by Xiao Xingjun, which made the expression on his face suddenly solidify.

The understatement of the unintentional boy resolved the attack of the King of Heaven, and this method also made Xiao Xingjun very shocked and even unbelievable.

"Who are you, why do you want to break this good thing, you know who the righteous father is?" Xiao Xingjun looked at the unintentional boy with a frightened color, and his footsteps retreated in the subconscious.

There was no half-point energy fluctuation in the unintentional boy, and it seemed to be an ordinary neighboring child. However, Xiao Xingjun instinctively felt the fear.

"Your righteous father is not the nine-star star of the Starry State. Others are afraid of the nine-star star. This seat is not afraid. As for the identity of this seat, your righteous father knows it naturally." The unintentional boy said that the tone is very dull and there is no such thing. Xiao Xingjun is on the go.

Xiao Xingjun’s proud identity is in the eyes of an unintentional boy.

"You haven't even been afraid of the righteous father." Xiao Xingjun's face has changed. Over the past millennium, no matter where he went, he encountered a powerful strongman, as long as he moved his father's name out. Can give the other party a shock.

This seemingly young boy is still the only one of all the strong people he has seen, who is not afraid of his righteous father.

This made him faintly aware that the height of this boy is afraid that he has reached the same level as his father. Even if it is not as good, it is not too far.

"Sword dust, you should handle it first. After some time, the Japanese seat will come over. There will be an important news to tell you." After leaving this sentence, the figure of the unintentional boy suddenly disappeared.

When the unintentional boy walked away, the shadow of Jian Chen suddenly fell on Xiao Xingjun. The cold eyes and terrible killing made Xiao Xingjun chill.

"Sword dust, this time you are lucky." Xiao Xingjun’s heart is awkward, and now he has lost all means. This makes him feel unfounded when he faces Jian Chen. After he is very reluctant to leave this sentence, he turns around and go.

"In front of me, do you think you are going?" The shadow of Jian Chen appeared quietly in front of Xiao Xingjun, blocking the way of Xiao Xingjun.

In his hands, the nine-star Tiandao sword slowly appeared. With the infusion of energy, there were immediately illusory stars emerging, and the terrible pressure pervaded, which made the world fly a stone.

"With the strength of the king of God, you can die under my nine-star heavenly sword. It is also worthy of your identity." Jian Chen said slowly, the fierce swordsmanship, and the lock of Xiao Xingjun.

"You want to kill me?" Wen Yan, Xiao Xingjun's face changed greatly. At this moment, he finally couldn't keep his heart calm, and his heart began to become confused. A mood that had never appeared in him was quietly His heart filled, and soon filled his entire body and mind, so that he could not help but tremble slightly.

This is the fear of death!

"My righteous father is Jiuyi Xingjun. If you dare to hurt me a hairy hair, my righteous father will never let you go. My anger of my righteous father, even the Shengsheng Temple can't stand it." Xiaoxingjun is very strong. He said that his pupil is gradually shrinking, especially when he saw Jian Chen slowly raise the nine-star Tiandao sword in his hand, his heart trembled even more, and his legs and feet were awkward.

"The righteous father, the righteous father saved me" Finally, Xiao Xingjun was scared by the killing of Jian Chen, and all the defense lines in his heart collapsed, and a pale face fled.

Also at this moment, the nine-star Tiandao sword in the hands of Jian Chen stabbed out, the sword seemed to blend with the void, a sword stabbed, the sword tip of the Excalibur disappeared, and then it was very strange from the front of Xiao Xingjun. The space suddenly appeared in the space.

Xiao Xingjun, who fled the emperor, slammed into the sharp sword tip of the Jiuxing Tiandao sword.


Sharp sword tip, unrelentingly pierced through the chest of Xiao Xingjun, the horrible sword instantly swept the body of Xiao Xingjun, smashed the internal organs of his body and the size of the meridians, even the gods did not escape.

Xiao Xingjun’s eyes widened, his face was an incredible look, and he died until he couldn’t believe that someone would dare to kill him.

The singer of the nine sons of the Star of the Stars, the gods are gone!

In the void outside the sky, it is fighting with the Four Elephants Alliance, and has already secured the cremation of the upper hand. Chu Jian and Yue Chao three people also discovered the fall of Xiao Xingjun, which made the faces of the three of them instantly become dignified. .

"Speedy quick decision!" The soul was buried with a low drink, and immediately, Yuechao and Chu Jian immediately took full action.

"Xiao Xingjun is actually dead." The top of the four-star alliance is also very ugly. Xiao Xingjun is their biggest strength, because this is the link they climbed on the nine-star star, and now the tie is broken. All their previous efforts and efforts have been lost.

Not only that, but it is even possible to withstand the anger from the nine stars.

Because Xiao Xingjun was fallen in Yunzhou, all the top powerhouses in Yunzhou have an unshirkable responsibility.

The Justice League is closely related to the Tianyuan family. They may be able to get the care of the Bisheng Tiangong, but they have no such strong background.

For a time, the hearts of several top powers in the Four Elephants League fell into the bottom of the valley. As for the betrayal of the combination, the intestines of the repentance are now green.

"Hey!" Inside the Tianyuan family, Jian Chen threw the body of Xiao Xingjun on the ground, and Xiao Xingjun died. His pervasive intention in his heart finally began to slowly dissipate.

The people of the Tianyuan family immediately came up from the surroundings. They all gaze at the body of Xiao Xingjun, and their complex looks.

No one spoke, all of them were silent. Although the culprit causing the turmoil in Yunzhou has fallen, everyone is not happy, but the atmosphere is somewhat heavy.

Because during this period of time, they also know more or less the identity information of Xiao Xingjun, and the result is that such important figures have died here, which makes them all think about the consequences of this.

"Sword dust, then what are your plans?" Shangguan screen came to Jian Chen, and asked softly. The fall of Xiao Xingjun, which made her think of the serious consequences.

After all, this is the son of Nine Stars, and it is the only son of Nine Stars.

The anger of the Nine Stars is even more terrible than any devastating storm. The Tianyuan family is in front of them, just like a baby.

"I am going to bring the Tianyuan family to Shengzhou." Jian Chen said that he dared to kill Xiaoxingjun because he still had a lot of credit in the Bisheng Temple. This credit is enough to change a special territory in Shengzhou and let the Tiansheng Temple protect the Tianyuan family.

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