Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2909: Half-step Taizun

"This person has such a terrifying cultivation base. One Hunyuan Beginning Realm can be shaken to death with a roar. Where is this ancient beast, this is clearly a supreme power. Master Qingmo, what a Master Qingmo "Jian Chen's face became very ugly. The matter has come to this point. He still doesn't understand that he is caught by Master Qingmo's trap, and he is teleported to a Jedi by his teleportation formation.

It’s just that he couldn’t understand why Master Qingmo wanted to frame him in this way. If it is said that Master Qingmo already knew that he was Yang Yutian’s identity, he wanted to covet the batch he had obtained in Dark Star Realm Resources. But those resources are all in him at the moment, so this statement is not valid.

  Other than that, he really couldn’t think of Master Qingmo’s motive for harming himself.

   Jian Chen's eyes swept over the formation here, his face turned blue. He didn't need to test at all, and he already saw that the formation here was very powerful. With his current strength, there was absolutely no possibility of shaking.

"You can't summon Wuhun Mountain. The strength of the people here is too terrifying. If I bring Wuhun Mountain, it will harm several seniors and sisters on Wuhun Mountain. For the current plan, the only way to combine the purple and blue swords is There was a decisive look in Jian Chen's eyes, and immediately communicated with the Purple Sword Spirit, ready to let the two swords merge.

   "Half a step Taizun, Master, this person's strength is almost half-footed into the realm of Taizun. With our current strength, even the combination of two swords can't hurt him." Ziying's voice came out.

   "What? Half a step too respectful?" Jian Chen was taken aback. Although he knew that the opponent was very strong, he did not expect to be so strong.

   "Since you can't hurt him, then use the two swords to attack the formation here." Jian Chen said coldly, he has no choice but to abandon everything and make the final fight.

At this moment, a terrifying law that made Jian Chen's color changed suddenly appeared, and the whole unknown star suddenly shook violently. In the void, spear after spear emerged, each The spears are completely condensed by the power of extremely powerful laws, dazzling, containing the might of destroying the world.


In the next moment, many spears pierced the sky and shot directly at Jian Chen. Those powerful formations that guard the heavens, materials and earth treasures could not stop the attacks of these spears. The spears looked like nothing, directly from Penetrated outside the formation.

  Under the lock of these law spears, Jian Chen's entire body could not move, and the terrifying pressure transmitted from the law spears was enough to crush his flesh.

"Is this the strength of Half-Step Taizun?" Jian Chen felt bitter. He originally wanted to break the formation with the combination of purple and green swords, but only now did he understand that in front of a Half-Step Taizun, With his current strength comparable to the Hunyuan Beginning Realm, he didn't even have the opportunity to combine the two swords.

   "Jian Chen, don't resist!"

However, at this moment, a sound that made Jian Chen very familiar suddenly came, and the middle-aged man outside the formation had already walked in. He held a token in his hand and waved at Jian Chen. .

With this wave of   , a purple brilliance burst out, and the sword dust was enveloped in an instant.

Bathed in this purple light, Jian Chen felt as if he had entered another world. All the pressure he had experienced before disappeared without a trace. The terrifying killing intent from the spear of the law was also half a minute. Can't feel it.

Although Jian Chen can no longer feel the slightest pressure, those law spears have not disappeared, still exuding the aura of ruining the world, and the remaining power is not reduced, one after another stabbed in the mass that enveloped Jian Chen. In the purple light.

  There was no imaginary sound of a huge explosion, or even the slightest energy fluctuation. When these powerful and terrifying law spears pierced this purple light, they disappeared out of thin air without making any waves.

Jian Chen stared at this scene. Each of these law spears was condensed from an extremely high level of law. Any one of them possesses the realm of killing the low-level Taishi, but it is so powerful. As soon as the spear met the purple light, it disappeared without a trace.

  What happened before his eyes was obviously beyond his understanding.

   But immediately, his gaze fell on the middle-aged man not far away, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his face showed incredible expression: "Shen Jian, why are you here?"

  This middle-aged man is Shen Jian, that is, the former life's Dugu seek defeat, the great king of the holy and abandoned world in the lower realm, the Holy Spirit King!


At this moment, on the other side of the nameless star, another monstrous roar resounded throughout the world. This time Jian Chen was in a purple light, he did not feel any attack, but he saw the entire star. Shaking fiercely in this huge roar, I saw that in the desolate area outside this oasis, countless mountains were collapsing, pieces of land were sinking, and even more fiery red buried deep in the ground. The magma was squeezed into the sky.

  Following this huge roar, a stalwart figure exuded a powerful aura that seemed to crush the endless galaxy, and instantly rushed from the other side of the stars.

Looking at the stalwart figure exuding monstrous majesty, Shen Jian's eyes flashed with a complex color. He was holding a token, and his whole body was enveloped by a layer of purple light, as if he was in another world, so he let Na Xiu In order to achieve how terrifying the great existence of Half Step Taizun was, Shen Jian was not affected in the slightest.

  The next moment, Shen Jian squeezed the Yinjue, which seemed to arouse a force in the void. Suddenly, I saw countless chains of order condensing from the void, dancing between the heavens and the earth, delineating the traces of the avenue, and suddenly entangling the terrifying powerhouse with a half-step Taizun cultivation base.

  The half-step Taizun struggled crazily in mid-air, and the chains of order entwined around him were shaking violently. The terrifying power and the void of the world were all in the collapse of the blockbuster.

  But as the power of the Order God Chain continued to increase, his struggle finally became weaker and weaker.

  After dozens of breaths, he stopped struggling completely, just as he hung in the air under the shackles of the chain of order, he heard heavy breathing.

At the next moment, these chains of order that stretched out from the void began to be stretched without limit. The supreme powerhouse who was bound in mid-air, his body also slowly fell as the chains of gods grew longer. On the ground, then dragged a long chain of order gods, took heavy steps, and walked towards the position of the Holy Blood Dao Guo step by step.

Jian Chen's eyes always fell on this supreme powerhouse. This supreme powerhouse was tall and powerful. He was wearing a tattered robe, and his face was completely covered by scattered long hair. Can't see what it means.

   "Senior Feng!" Shen Jian knew that the most dangerous moment had passed. He took Jian Chen out of the formation, then put away the token, and came to this supreme power in a few flashes.

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