Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2911: Tricky

The words behind Senior Feng suddenly filled Jian Chen's mind with doubts, and there was a very powerful expert standing behind him?

And his position in the heart of this strong man is very important? It is important that once he dies, this strong man will not hesitate to find Senior Feng to avenge him?

If Senior Feng is just an ordinary Taishi Realm, then this statement is plausible. After all, he belongs to the Martial Spirit line, although there is no half blood relationship between them, but because of the special inheritance of the Martial Spirit line Sex, making all the descendants of Wuhun's lineage is destined to be the most trusted and most important brother in this life.

And with the strength of the Wuhun line, it was justified to deal with the ordinary Taishi.

But now that Senior Feng's strength is known, the Martial Spirit line definitely does not have this strength.

Jian Chen's mind flashed through the little God of War Iron Tower of the Protoss, and the second sister Changyang Mingyue who had not recovered. Although he has a good relationship with these two, once it comes to the powerhouse of Senior Feng's level, then even Jian Chen himself is not sure whether they will stand for him.

"Is it the iron tower? Or the second sister? Or is it the six reincarnation immortals of the immortal world?" Jian Chen secretly said in his heart, he directly vetoed His Highness of Shengtian Palace. I am not an important person to the Bishengtian Palace. Even if it is worthwhile to return the Huanzhen Pagoda, it is still far from being able to let the Highness of Bishengtian Palace go and stand with another one for his own death. The strong of the same height are the enemy.

At this moment, Senior Feng suddenly stretched out his finger and tapped slightly towards Jian Chen. Jian Chen suddenly felt an invisible power, as if through his own medium, shot into the void and ran towards the unknown.

"Senior Feng, what are you?" Jian Chen's expression changed. Although Senior Feng's finger seemed unremarkable from the outside, he keenly felt a huge and incredible power from it, involving rules and regulations. order.

"Kill Master Qing Mo." Senior Feng said lightly.

Hearing that, Jian Chen's heart was stunned. This nameless star is far away from Heaven and Pluto, and I don’t know how far away it is. Master Qingmo is also a powerful person in the Great Beginning Realm. Can you kill it with a single finger?

This suddenly refreshed Jian Chen's knowledge of the strength of "Half Step Taizun".

"Senior Feng, Master Qingmo was also used by Wangulou. Although he is guilty, his sins are not too serious. You can ask Senior to take a lesson." Jian Chen clasped his fist.

"Things are not as simple as you think. The old man is not the one who kills. If it is possible, the old man naturally does not want to kill Master Qingmo. But at the moment, Master Qingmo must die, otherwise, Shen Jian will have to die." Feng Senior said.

Hearing this, Shen Jian was also at a loss, and asked incomprehensibly: "Senior Feng, this junior has never had a relationship with this master Qingmo, why is his life and death now related to my own safety? "

Senior Feng sat on the ground, the chain of order entwined on his body glowed dazzlingly, apparently suppressing it all the time. He looked at this world and slowly said, "The two people in Wangulou should have been there for many years. Earlier, I discovered that the old man was hiding here, and he was clearly investigating his situation and everything on this star."

"And the treasures planted here were originally reserved for the old man himself, especially the fruit of the holy blood, but it is important to whether the old man can step into that crucial step."

"Therefore, even if the old man falls into a madness, he will subconsciously form an instinctive protection for the Holy Blood Dao Fruit. Once someone takes the Holy Blood Dao Fruit, the old man will definitely kill that person."

"It is not just the person who stole the fruit of the Holy Blood, and from the realm of the old man, but also from you, you can clearly see all the people behind the scenes involved in this matter. And the old man will naturally not Let go of the man behind the scenes who is planning behind."

"Therefore, the old man can only make Wangulou believe that everything is proceeding in accordance with their plan if he simultaneously acts on the person behind the scenes. At the same time, it is also a signal to them that you are dead in the hands of the old man. ."

"If you don't do this, it will be easy to make mistakes, which will make Wangulou feel suspicious. What you will face later is the two of them personally come to investigate. The old man is not afraid of them, but in this way, Shen Naturally, there is no way to hide the existence of the sword."

"Even if Shen Jian is to leave now, he will be detected sooner or later by the means of Wangulou."

"If Wan Gulou knew that the old man values ​​Shen Jian so much...not to mention it, even if they have a little contact, they will never let Shen Jian go in their style. Moreover, Shen Jian has still Can't leave this star."

"Therefore, the old man can only dispel their vigilance by doing everything under the control of Wangulou."

Senior Feng showed a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, and continued: "Actually, the blow of the old man may not really kill Master Qingmo. Although he is far weaker than the old man, he is a Taishi Realm. , Across such a distant void, it is really difficult for the old man to kill him with one blow. But the old man believes that Wangulou will help."

"Because behind you, the old man only saw the shadow of Master Qingmo, and didn't realize that this matter had even the slightest connection with Wangulou. You can only use your dictation before and then deduct the secrets based on many clues. Found their hands and feet."

"They took such a lot of trouble to cover themselves. They never took any action personally. They were only responsible for pushing the flames from the side and leaving no trace. Obviously, they wanted Wangulou to be completely out of the matter in this matter."

"Therefore, only if Master Qingmo is dead, can they be considered to have completely escaped..." Senior Feng sighed softly, and said, "For Shen Jian's existence not to be discovered by them, and to make them believe You have fallen and stabilized for a period of time, and the old man has to sacrifice Master Qingmo..." Senior Feng's tone was filled with a deep sense of helplessness.

Suddenly, Senior Feng's body trembled and the expression on his face also changed. He quickly said: "The time is up, the old man has to leave here. Jian Chen, you must remember that you must not leave here without the old man's consent. Otherwise it would be tantamount to harming Shen Jian."

"As for the Holy Blood Dao Fruit, it was indeed very important to the old man at first. But now, the old man doesn't need it anymore. It was originally intended to be reserved for Shen Jian. As for how to distribute it now, Shen Jian is up to you... .." Senior Feng's body trembled more and more severely, his face twisted for a while, and the aura on his body fluctuated very steadily. Obviously, the time for waking up had arrived, and he was about to be in a state of madness.

After a quick explanation, Senior Feng disappeared without a trace, and had already gone to the other side of this star.

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