Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2972: Disintegrate instantly

After the Moon Temple experienced the infiltration of foreign enemies, the internal verification has risen to an extremely strict level. Any disciple who enters and exits must undergo multiple methods of identity verification.

First, the blood test, then the cultivation base, and finally the physical strength.

Even the elders of the Promise Realm who are respected in the Moon God Temple cannot escape the test.

Moreover, because of lessons learned, the tests that all Promise Realm elders have to go through will be more stringent than ordinary disciples.

In response to such a request, all the disciples in the Moon God Temple, including the elders of the Promise Realm, not only did not have the slightest complaint or dissatisfaction, but they were trying their best to cooperate.

Because not long ago, the Moon God Temple had already paid a **** lesson for this, the three great elders fell, and many Promise Realm elders were killed. This loss was a pain to the Moon God Temple.

The guards of the Moon God Temple have also become stronger than ever before, and the four Promise Beginning Stage elders will sit at the gate of the Moon God Temple in person to prevent everything from being foolish.

However, at this moment, a wave of energy that was so strong that it was irresistible to all Promise Beginning Realm came from the outside, and it rushed into the Moon God Temple in an instant, hitting the seat here without mercy. The four elders of the Promise Realm.

Amidst the roar, the four elders of the Promise Beginning Realm, no matter their cultivation bases were in the realm of the heavens, they were all blown out by the powerful energy, spitting blood out, and their bodies hit the back heavily. On the wall of the temple.

Suddenly, in the hall of the entrance and exit of the Moon God Temple, a powerful after wave of energy raged, turning into a very powerful shock wave even for the Promise Realm powerhouse, and all the Moon God Temple disciples gathered here one after another. It flew out and hit the hard walls around it like a goddess scattered flowers.

When the energy storm raging in the hall of the Moon God Temple gradually subsided, two more figures appeared in the field.

One of the white-robed elders was indeed the Supreme Elder--Yun Wufeng, whom the disciples of the Moon God Temple were so familiar with!

As for the other one, it was the "six elders" who hated and feared the many Promise Realm elders in the Moon Temple.

The current Jian Chen still used the identity of the Sixth Elder, hiding all his details deeply.

"Yue Wuguang, Luo Fei and Lin Zhongzheng betrayed their righteousness. They have already served as the main thieves of South Potian and betrayed the Moon God. Today, the old man, in the name of the Supreme Elder of the Moon God Temple, personally killed the traitors and set them out. It can be regarded as a traitor to be bewitched, oppressed by power, and appropriate forgiveness. As long as you enter and exit the Moon God Temple, all the disciples can forget the blame for their past actions. If not, they will all be executed as traitors..." Yun Wufeng said loudly. Said, the voice was like a billowing thunder, reverberating continuously in the Moon God Temple, breaking through the barriers of many formations, and spreading to the Temple for more than half a month.

As soon as the voice fell, his figure flickered, and he disappeared into the hall in an instant, heading straight to the depths of the Moon God Temple.

Jian Chen followed closely. To deal with Yue Wuguang and the three of them this time, Yun Wufeng could not do it alone, and he could not do it alone. The two of them had to cooperate to do it.

At the same time, in the depths of the Moon God Temple, Luo Fei and Lin Zhongzheng, Luo Fei and Lin Zhongzheng, also rushed out with great momentum, and went straight to the two people, Yun Wufeng and Jian Chen, who had broken into the Moon God Temple. Away.

"It's not right. On the surface, Yun Wufeng and the mysterious strongman are not our opponents at all, but they also took the initiative to kill the door. Could it be that they have nothing to rely on..."

"In this battle, you must be very careful, especially the person who pretends to be the Sixth Elder, and his methods of hurting the soul, must be extremely vigilant..."

"The mysterious person who pretends to be the Sixth Elder, shouldn't he be able to use the method that can hurt the soul..."

Although on the surface, Yue Wuguang and the three of them looked like a rainbow when they rushed towards Yun Wufeng, in fact, they were all whispering, suspicious, and extremely vigilant in their hearts.

It was not Yun Wufeng that really made them jealous. After all, they knew what Yun Wufeng had for so many years, except for Jianchen's profound sword aura.

Soon, they met halfway through. This time, there was no extra nonsense between the two sides, and they would fight each other as soon as they met.

"Kill Moon Wuguang first, fight quickly!" Jian Chen shouted, holding the Nine Star Heavenly Dao Sword, his body also exuded a powerful aura comparable to the Hunyuan Realm, and rushed towards Moon Wuguang without fear.

However, when he heard the words "Quick Fight and Quick Decision", whether it was Yue Wuguang or Luo Fei and Lin Zhongzheng, their pupils shrank.

They are now the three powerhouses of the Primordial Realm, two fifth heavens and one seventh heaven. Even if Yue Wuguang has injuries on his body, he no longer possesses the combat power of the peak period, but they are also lean camels that are bigger than horses. Enough to fight Yun Wufeng.

Looking at the opposite side, apart from Yun Wufeng, the mysterious figure disguised as the Sixth Elder, although possessing the combat power of the Hunyuan Realm level, was only in the early stage of the Hunyuan Realm.

It stands to reason that such a lineup can't compete with them at all, but the opponent shouted "Quick battle and quick decision", which seemed to be full of confidence.

At this moment, Yue Wuguang and the three of them thought of the kind of weird means that could attack the primordial spirit.

At the same time, a pressure from the heavens and the earth suddenly came, Yun Wufeng had already displayed the god-level combat skills for the first time, staring sharply at Yue Wuguang.

Yue Wuguang's heart shivered. This familiar scene made him recall the experience of the Burial Moon Cavern again. He quickly retreated without hesitation. At the same time, most of his attention was on Jian Chen's side. Full of guard against Jian Chen's profound sword aura.

In an instant, Yun Wufeng's god-level combat skills were brewed, and as the long sword in his hand was swung down, a huge crescent-shaped blade immediately smashed down, emitting an extremely bright light.

Suddenly, the space vibrated violently, and the entire Moon God Temple seemed to be shaken, shaking slightly.

However, Yun Wufeng's god-level combat skills did not attack the target with a dignified face. The fully guarded Yue Wuguang was the Supreme Elder, Lin Zhongzheng, of the fifth heavenly level of the Hunyuan realm!

Lin Zhongzheng's face changed drastically, and the power of cultivation in his body exploded with all his strength, resisting with all his strength.

However, at this moment, an extremely powerful sword intent came, and Jian Chen's profound sword aura appeared again, turning into a white light, shooting towards Lin Zhengzhong at a speed that surpassed time and space.

"That's it, that's it, the old man's primordial spirit is hurt by this thing, this breath, the old man will never forget." At the moment when the profound sword aura appeared, Yue Wuguang's mind trembled, and his face changed rapidly. .

Lin Zhongzheng was also aware of the profound sword aura. Although he had not seen Jian Chen's profound sword aura, he had heard a description from Yue Wuguang, so he was also a warning sign in his heart at this moment.

But as soon as the Profound Sword Qi came out, he would hit the target. Except for the Dark Star Great Emperor, Jian Chen had never encountered anyone who could dodge or resist the attack of Profound Sword Qi.

Therefore, even if Lin Zhongzheng was fully guarded, he still seemed to be in vain in front of Xuanjian Qi.


Xuan Jian Qi broke through the air, broke through all obstacles, and instantly did not enter Lin Zhongzheng's eyebrows.

Lin Zhongzheng's body trembled violently, and he let out a tragic roar like a beast. His primordial spirit was not as powerful as Yue Wuguang. To deal with Yue Wuguang, a seven-layered heavenly powerhouse, Jian Chen needed to use two profound sword auras.

But against Lin Zhongzheng, the Fifth Layer of the Hunyuan Realm, just a single profound sword energy caused his soul to be hit hard.

However, his screams soon ended, Yun Wufeng's god-level combat skills came, and the crescent-shaped blade with the power of the sky, from top to bottom, split Lin Zhongzheng's body in half.

Lin Zhongzheng, both form and spirit are destroyed!

"Elder Lin... Elder Lin... unexpectedly... he died like this..." After witnessing Luo Fei who was falling in the forest, his face instantly turned pale, and his heart could not help but breed. There was a feeling of fear that had not appeared in him for many years.

Luo Fei had been so scared that his liver was splitting, not because Lin Zhongzheng's fall irritated him too much, but because Lin Zhongzheng died too fast, almost without the strength to struggle.

"I have the same strength as Elder Lin, even Elder Lin would die so easily, if it were me..." Luo Fei's complexion changed rapidly, and his figure flickered, rushing out of the Moon Temple at the fastest speed. Yaoyao fled to the outside.

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