Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2975: Ice Temple (2)

This temple seems to be made up of endless ice and snow, white and flawless, and blends perfectly with this ice and snow world.

It’s just that the temple in front of you is really huge and majestic. It’s bigger than any towering glacier in the Bingji State, and more majestic than any mountain peak, just like a support. Like the spine of the world, it supports this sky.

Moreover, from this ice and snow temple, there is an indescribable vast force that pervades, seems to be able to suppress the heavens and rewrite the inexplicable power of all things.

"This is the Ice Temple?" Jian Chen whispered, looking at the huge temple in front of him that was looming in the heavy snow, his expression became complicated.

Is this the place where the second sister once lived?

"Yes, this is indeed the Ice Temple. It seems that Yue Wuguang wants to escape into the Ice Temple." Yun Wufeng said in a deep voice, his expression becoming more serious than ever, and he seemed to hesitate whether to chase or not to chase. ?

Although in today's Ice Pole State, the Ice Temple is almost like an unowned thing, anyone can step into it. But this is the place where the once supreme and great ice **** inhabited.

Although the life and death of the great Ice God is unknown, the position of the Ice Temple in the Ice Pole State is deeply rooted and has not been shaken in the slightest. In the hearts of many powerful people in the Ice Pole State, it exists like a holy place, sacred and inviolable.

Therefore, when he came to the Ice Temple, Yun Wufeng's heart suddenly retreated, and he did not dare to offend.

He was even more unwilling to kill Yue Wuguang in the Ice God Temple, causing the dirty blood of Yue Wuguang to splash in the Ice God Temple, tarnishing the supreme holy land in his mind.

"Chasing, even if he escaped into the Ice Temple, he must be completely cut off today." Jian Chen didn't have so many worries. Speaking of which, his second sister was still half the owner of the Ice Temple, so he was very concerned about Bing. The temple is far less taboo than Yun Wufeng.

Jian Chen passed Yun Wufeng in an instant, and his figure disappeared in the vast snow that was flying all over the sky.

Seeing that Jian Chen had already acted first, Yun Wufeng had no choice but to sigh lightly and bite the bullet and followed.

In the deepest part of the Ice Temple, there is an area shrouded in vast cold fog. And this piece of cold fog is obviously also very unusual. Not only is it impossible to see through with the naked eye, nor can it be approached by the divine sense, but even the space within the cold fog is also fluctuating from time to time.

This feeling is like this space shrouded in cold mist, as if it turned into a heart, beating vigorously, shaking this space.

And whenever there is such a fluctuation, there is a horrible killing intent that is enough to make any Supreme Beginning Realm's strongest person tremble for it, blooming from it.

This piece of cold fog is the Ice God Great Formation!

A strongest killing formation arranged by Taizun himself!

The existence of this ice **** formation is no secret in the Bingji State, and there are different opinions on the Bingji State.

Some people say that one of the seven great princes of the past, the great Ice God His Majesty is hiding in this Ice God array, or is seriously injured and sleeping, or recovering from his wounds.

It is also said that the Ice God’s Great Array is a deliberately set up by His Majesty the Ice God, only to give the world an illusion that she is still in the world, but the actual situation is that the Ice God has already fallen, or the gods do not know, ghosts He was reincarnated unconsciously.

Of course, no matter what the world thinks or evaluates, this ice **** formation is really strong, very strong. So far, no one has dared to step into it.

The scene inside the Ice God's Great Array has also become a mystery.

At this moment, outside of the ice gods formation, a man in white is standing here. This man looks more than forty, unremarkable, and exudes a breath of Promise Beginning.

He was standing outside the ice god's large array, his body trembling uncontrollably, and even in those eyes, there was water mist in the air, which gradually condensed into tears and rolled down in his eye sockets.

Suddenly, he knelt on the ground, and the teardrops that looked like ice crystals burst out of his eyes, and across his ordinary and ordinary face, drop by drop fell on the ground and condensed into ice beads.

"Your Majesty, are you still inside? Your Majesty, can you hear the voice of the servant..."

"Your Majesty, the slaves and maids have fulfilled their mission. They have successfully taken the majesty back to the holy world, but your majesty needs help. Your majesty, if you are really inside, the slaves and maids beg you, please wake up soon... .."

"Your Majesty, can you hear the voice of the servant, please wake up soon, please wake up soon..."

This man knelt on the ground, his body trembling constantly, whimpering, and crying in a low voice.

Only with the sound of sobbing, his voice gradually changed, from the initial male voice to a woman-like voice.

"Hahahaha, the ancestors are really like gods, the so-called four guards of the Ice Temple, Shui Yunlan, no matter how carefully you hide, you can't escape the calculations of the ancestors, and you really came here." At this moment, an old voice came from behind, and only an old man wearing a hat appeared quietly behind him.

The sudden voice made the white man's face change horribly. The next moment, he burned his essence and blood without hesitation, and used the secret technique to escape here at the fastest speed.

"Hahahaha, in front of the old man, don't do fearless struggle for your new cultivation base of the Promise Realm. My ancestors have a request. I hope you can go back with the old man." The old man with the hat laughed and laughed. , His aura exploded, and an overwhelming coercion that belonged to the Eighth Heaven of Hunyuan Beginning Realm spread out overwhelmingly.

The body of the man in white who was escaping quickly sank, and under this pressure, his speed was suddenly restricted. But before he had any extra moves, a huge palm that was completely condensed with energy was used under the hood, as if forming a prison that was trapped in the sky, and fell from the sky crashingly.

"Now that you know my identity, you dare to be so presumptuous, you are seeking your own death." The white-clothed man screamed, his voice completely turned into a cold female voice.

"Looking for a dead end? Hahahahaha, the ice **** has already fallen, this so-called ice **** formation is nothing more than a false suspicion formation, do you think the current ice temple is still the former ice temple? It seems that you still have it up to now. Did not recognize reality." The old man wearing a hat laughed and said, his condensed energy palm has fallen, sealing the void, as if forming a closed prison, holding the white man tightly in his hand.

The gap between the two sides is really too great, a newcomer into the Promise Beginning Realm, in front of a Hunyuan Realm eighth heavenly strong, it is indeed difficult to escape.

The white-clothed man's eyes became cold, there was no fear, no fear, and some just a monstrous hatred. Immediately, the breath on his body quickly became sluggish, and he used the secret technique again, making his body that was trapped by the giant palm of energy, seemingly hopeless to escape, suddenly disappeared, appeared in the distance, and then turned towards without looking back. Fleeing wildly outside.

"Hey, it's interesting, it's interesting, it's a person from the Ice Temple, even a small servant girl has such a trick. However, it is not enough to escape the palm of the old man." The old man with a smile laughed, he was just a random one. Taking a step, the body suddenly disappeared, chasing outside.

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