Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2979: Lan Zu

Seeing Jian Chen so eagerly, He Qianchi didn't talk nonsense, and nodded: "Well, I will take you to see the ancestor." With that, He Qianchi turned around and flew into the iceberg behind Tianhe God City.

Jian Chen followed He Qianchi, both of them used the speed of the Hunyuan realm level, very fast.

Not long after, Jian Chen passed through a very powerful guardian formation under the leadership of He Qianchi, and formally entered the Tianhe family.

The Tianhe family is located in the iceberg. There are countless buildings and pavilions here, either standing against the mountain, or cutting off the peak from the middle, and building it on a smooth mirror platform.

In the sky, ice cranes are flying from time to time, making bursts of crisp chirps, and there are disciples of the Tianhe family accompanied by them.

"See the Supreme Elder!"

"See the Supreme Elder!"

He Qianchi took Jian Chen and galloped among the icebergs of the peaks and ridges, all the way into the depths of the Tianhe family. On the way, many disciples of the Tianhe family bend down and salute with respect.

He Qianchi showed kindness, and nodded in response to these saluting juniors.

"I have used the secret method to inform the ancestors. As for whether the ancestors can do something for you, it is not up to me." On the way, He Qianchi spoke to Jian Chen, although he did not know what Jian Chen met. What's the trouble, but he has a keen sense of smell, it must be no small thing.

If it is not done well, it will involve a lot.

It's just that the earth of three catties of divine blood that Jian Chen took out made the Tianhe family owe him a great favor. This favor makes it difficult for the Tianhe family to refuse any request from Jian Chen.

Of course, the following matters are not what the Supreme Elder He Qianchi can call the shots.

Everything is up to the ancestors!

Suddenly, He Qianchi's expression changed, and his expression was surprised and unexpected. He turned his head to Jian Chen and transmitted the sound: "The ancestor promised to see you, but this time, it is our heaven who will meet you. The Blue Ancestor among the three ancestors of the Crane family."

"In our Tianhe family, Lan Zu's right to speak is supreme, and the other two ancestors are far behind. Therefore, when you meet Lan Zu this time, you must be more respectful."

He Qianchi spoke to Jian Chen Ding with a serious face, telling a lot of things that need to be paid attention to in all aspects, until he finished all the things that need to be paid attention to, and finally arrived at Lan Lan. The ancestor's hidden cultivation place.

What appeared in front of Jian Chen was an upside-down iceberg suspended high in the sky. The tip of the iceberg was facing down, and the mountainside was cut off by a sharp blade, forming a very large area of ​​land facing the sky.

However, around this suspended mountain peak, there seemed to be endless goose feathers and heavy snow flying in the wind, covering the ice peak like a bright white sky. From the outside, it looked hazy, looming, and revealing a sense of mystery.

"This is the Feixue Peak where Lan Zu lives in seclusion. It is one of the three ancestral peaks of our Tianhe family. I can only send you here. Lan Zu is waiting for you on Zu Peak. Go by yourself." Qian Chi stopped and said with a serious face.

Jian Chen nodded, and after saying goodbye to He Qianchi, he immediately passed through the thick flying snow that enveloped Feixue Peak and stepped on the ground of Feixue Peak.

It was also at this time that the heavy snow that filled the Feixue Peak suddenly separated from the middle, forming a channel that spread all the way to Jian Chen.

Jian Chen hesitated slightly, and immediately walked forward along this passage, and finally entered a temple that looked like an ice sculpture.

As soon as he stepped into the temple, there was a terrible cold air rushing toward him, and Ling's Jian Chen's body was immediately winded, and a layer of ice crystals quickly condensed on the surface of his body.

This cold air is extremely terrifying, it seems to be able to invade his body, not only makes him feel extremely cold, but even the blood in his body seems to be solidified, and the power of Chaos has become slow.

I saw in the middle of this hall, a woman in white was facing her back, unable to see her face clearly.

There is a huge pill furnace in front of her, and there is a strong pill fragrance permeating out of the pill furnace. A steady mouthful is refreshing and refreshing. The limbs and hundreds of skeletons have a feeling of being purified, and the feeling of exhaustion is swept away. And empty.

However, the flame used in alchemy was not the kind that Jian Chen recognized. The law of divine fire with strong high temperature was a kind of ice flame formed by cold ice.

This kind of ice flame can't feel the slightest high temperature. Yes, it's just a desperate icy cold.

"Junior Yang Yutian, see Lan Zu!" Jian Chen knew that the woman in front of him was Lan Zu in He Qianchi's mouth, and he immediately saluted respectfully.

"Yang Yutian, you are the one who pretended to be the Lord of the Fifth Hall in the Dark Star Realm, and played with the great forces of Hundred Holy City in applause?" Lan Zu said, her voice was very soft and flexible. , Very crisp, really as beautiful as nature. She didn't wait for Jian Chen to speak, and continued to speak: "You do have some means, not to mention anything else. It's just this kind of disguise.

"Let's talk about it, why are you looking for this seat in such a hurry."

"Ancestor Lan, I have a vital friend who was taken away by an unidentified strong man. This person used sophisticated means to cover up all traces. The younger generation is incompetent. He came to the Tianhe family to ask for help. I hope that Lan Zu can Get out and find out the whereabouts of this person for me." Jian Chen said.

Lan Zu let out a light laugh, and said: "Let me take action personally, just to find someone's trace? You are the first one in these countless years."

"The junior also knows that this is a great disrespect to the senior, but it is because the friend who was taken away by the bird is too important to the junior, and I also ask Lan Zu to help." Jian Chen pleaded.

"That's all, if your three catties of blood has solved the urgent need of my Tianhe family, this seat will help you. Where was your friend taken away." Lan Zu said.

"Just in the Ice Temple"

"Ice Temple? How could it be there?" Lan Zu frowned, and then muttered for a while: "When the Heavenly Demon Lord broke into the Ice Temple, he destroyed all the layout of Yan Zun, even all the strong Yan Zun placed inside. All of them can't escape the catastrophe, so that, because they are not Yan Zun's people."

After a lot of indulgence, Lan Zu suddenly pinched the magic formula with his hands, and was punched into the pill furnace one after another, allowing the pill furnace to run on its own. After that, with a wave of her hand, a powerful force immediately swept Jian Chen and disappeared.

Jian Chen only felt a flower in front of him, and when his vision became clear again, he had already arrived outside the Ice Temple.

"This seat of God blends the heaven and the earth, interacts with the great avenue of heaven and earth, has insight into the past and the future, and sees if we can find the trace of that person." Lan Zu said, and immediately on her body, a strong avenue law permeated, as if at this moment She has been able to represent the supreme order between heaven and earth to a certain extent.

Of course, this is only to a certain extent. Compared with the real Taizun, the gap between the two can be described as the difference between the sky capsule.

In this state, all the past events experienced in this world are like pages in Lan Zu's mind, and the many things that have happened in the past can't be hidden from her perception.

Jian Chen waited anxiously on one side, feeling nervous and looking forward to it, expecting Lan Zu to live up to his expectations and accurately lock the identity of the strong man in the hat.

If you don't even know the origin of the other party's identity, then there is no way to save people.

After a while, Lan Zu opened his eyes again, a strange light flashed in those bright beautiful eyes, and said: "There is a strong master in the Supreme Beginning Realm who cut off all traces for that person behind him, and this person's The strength is not weak, at least it is also the mid-term of the Taishi Realm."

Jian Chen's face changed horribly, and the thing he was most worried about still happened, but he still looked at Lan Zu with the last hope: "Lan Zu, do you have a clue?"

Lan Zu gently shook his head.

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