Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2986: Hell of Heaven

"Quick battle, don't delay the battle for too long." Grand Elder Cheng Ming said. In front of the army of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect and many powerful men, Cheng Ming changed the kindness and kindness he showed when facing Jian Chen. And becoming majestic, in the old and full of breath, there was an unquestionable command.

  This feels as if it is a superior king commanding the world.

  In this regard, the Four Great Generals of the Celestial Demon Sacred Sect and the many Beginning Realm powerhouses not only did not feel the slightest surprise, but they still had a natural look.

  Because in the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect, the Great Elder does have supreme authority, and almost everything in the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect is made by the Great Elder behind the scenes.

  As for the Heavenly Demon Lord, he is not only a legendary figure in the Holy Realm, but rarely shows up, even in the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect, the dragon is never seen.

   His existence is more like a spiritual pillar to the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect, which is the Dinghai Shenzhen.

  "Follow the instructions of the Great Elder!"

  In the various areas of the Hefeng family, the commanders of the nine legions responded loudly. Many Promise Beginnings are also in the same way. The next moment, all of them no longer have any reservations, and they are all doing their best.

"These elders of the Hefeng family should not be killed in a hurry. Let them be imprisoned in the Heavenly Demon Prison for the time being." Cheng Ming continued. As soon as his voice fell, a ten-zhang-square iron prison fell from the sky. Smashed heavily on a mountain peak.

  This iron prison seemed small in size, but it had an incredible weight. When it fell on the ground, it not only completely destroyed a mountain, but also the whole land was shaken.

  I saw the demonic energy in the iron prison raging, and the inside seemed to be a world of its own, and at first glance, it was full of chaos.

  As soon as he heard the Heavenly Demon Prison, the four battles of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect shook their hearts together, and their eyes were filled with surprise.

  Heavenly Demon Prison, this is something left by the Supreme Elder. It is an extremely powerful high-grade artifact, specially used to imprison the strong of the Taishi realm.

   Now that he uses a treasure of the Heavenly Demon Prison to imprison a group of Hunyuan Beginning Realm, it really feels like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

  There will be no more words in the Four Great Wars. The Great Elder even took out the Heavenly Demon Prison, which also made them realize how important the Hefeng Family's mixed element realm is to the Great Elder.

  At this time, the Great Elder made another move, and saw the Devil's Palm of the Sky Covering illusion, and directly suppressed the last of the Hefeng Family's Nine Heavens Powerful in the Hunyuan Realm.

As a powerhouse of the Taishi Realm, he raised his hands to destroy the world. Even with a random blow, he possessed the power of earth-shaking. He immediately suppressed the strongman of the Hefeng family, and then threw it into the heavenly demon. In prison.

  After that, the great elder no longer took action, but hovered in the sky to survey the whole situation. However, the Hefeng family once again reduced the combat power of a Hunyuan Realm Nine Heavens, which caused the disparity in strength between them and the Heavenly Demon Saint Sect to be even greater.

  At the same time, in the vast starry sky outside the Bingji State, a white-haired old man was stepping in the void, one step at a time, and the surrounding stars were constantly changing with his steps.

  "Finally, I have been away from the family for more than 100,000 years, and I don’t know that in these years, there is a surprisingly talented back in the family that stands out."

  “There is also the Tianhe family, I don’t know if we stepped on it”

  "Today's Bingji State, our Hefeng family should be ranked third, right? But when the old man returned, our Hefeng family's ranking was not third, but second."

  Looking at the Bingji State, where the void in front of him is constantly growing in sight, the old man’s face gradually overflowed with excitement, his mood was very surging, and it was difficult to calm down.

   Hundreds of thousands of years ago, he left the Hefeng family with the cultivation base of the Nine Heavens in the Hunyuan Beginning Realm, and went away to the starry sky, seeking a breakthrough opportunity.

   Hundreds of thousands of years later, he returned to his family in the realm of the First Heaven Realm, which can be described as a glorious hometown.

  He understands even more that his return will inevitably increase the strength of the Hefeng family, and its status in the Ice Pole State will also increase, becoming the second largest power after Xuezong.

"The ranking of forces on the Bingji State has not changed much for at least a million years. Today, when the old man set foot in Bingji State, this ranking should also be changed." The old man said on his face. Smiling, looking at the Bingji State, which is getting closer and closer, with expectations and pride in my heart

It’s just that when he first came to the outer void outside the Bingji State, he seemed to have noticed something, his face suddenly changed, and immediately a horrible anger came into being. With a loud shout, his speed suddenly increased, with a wave of anger. The vast and coercive Hefeng family belonging to the powerhouse of the Taishi Realm.

  "Tianma Sacred Church, dare to attack our Hefeng family, you are so bold"

  His voice came from the void outside the Bingji State, forming a powerful sound wave covering the entire Bingji State.

  His voice reached the ears of many big forces in Bingji State, and the high-levels of these big forces suddenly became very exciting on their faces, not to mention how greasy they were in their hearts.

  The ancestors of the Taishi Realm of the Hefeng Family, it seems that they were all beheaded by the Heavenly Demon Lord, not one left.

   "It's Taishang Wu"

   "It turned out to be Old Wu, **** it, he disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years, how come back suddenly at this time"

   "Old Man Wu actually broke through. Alas, in the current situation, even if Old Man Wu breaks through to the Taishi Realm, nothing can be changed."

  "Old Wu, hurry up, run away from here, don’t come back"

  The Hefeng family also heard waves of exclamations. If in normal times, the family adds a powerhouse of the Supreme Beginning Realm, this will definitely be a sensation on the entire continent, but now, all the elders of the Hefeng family will only feel sad.

  Based on the current situation of the Hefeng family, what if there is a Taishi Realm? It can only be a dead end.

"Hefeng family, there is actually a new Taishi Realm, so let's use him to try the secret methods taught by the master." At the same time, the great elder of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect raised his head and looked up at the sky, and then he threw it to Jian Chen A token full of demonic energy, said; "Jian Chen, the old man is going to leave for a while. This is an identity token belonging to the old man. If you hold him, no one will dare to attack you except the sword. Apart from the four of them, all the rest can be under your command."

   hurriedly explained, Cheng Ming's body swirled and rushed into the sky beyond.

  In an instant, the two great Taishi realm powerhouses fought fiercely in the void.

   Jian Chen watched the fierce battle unfolding in the sky outside the sky, and wanted to use the profound sword energy to help the great elder, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up.

There is no formation to cover the void outside the sky, and it cannot be isolated from the exploration of the divine sense. The war between the great elder and the newly promoted Taishi realm of the Hefeng family will inevitably arouse the attention of all the powerhouses in the ice pole state. If you use the mysterious on this occasion Jian Qi, he couldn't guarantee that he would be recognized.

  It’s not the same if it’s changed to the Hefeng family. There is a magic circle to cover it, and the outside divine sense can't get in. The probability of being able to recognize the profound sword aura is very slim only based on the levels involved in some Hunyuan realm powerhouses.

  Compared to Tianwai Void, it is obviously much more concealed to act in the Hefeng family.

  Jian Chen held the token of the Great Elder and was unimpeded in the army of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect. He flew directly out of the battlefield and found Yun Wufeng in the distant mountains.

"Senior Yun, go, let me kill the enemy." Jian Chen called Shang Yun Wufeng, and went straight to the Hefeng family. With the strength of the Sixth Heaven in the First Realm of Yun Wufeng Hunyuan, his participation in the battle will make this battle possible. The curtain falls faster.

   "Little friend, there is the battlefield of the Celestial Demon Sacred Sect in front of us. We are afraid that it would be inappropriate to break into it, and it is easy to cause misunderstanding." Yun Wufeng's heart was lost for a while.

   "Senior Yun, don't worry, I have reached an agreement with the Heavenly Demon Sacred Cult. Now we and the Heavenly Demon Sacred Cult are on the same front." Jian Chen said vowedly.

  PS: I originally wanted to make two changes today, but the mental state is not good, I can’t finish the second chapter, so

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