Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2995: Turning the Clouds and Raining (1)

  However, after the shock, the several great descendants gathered on Wuhun Mountain also realized the seriousness of the matter, and their expressions became serious.

   "In this way, then our method of letting Xuezong release people by negotiation will not work, and the ultimate goal of Xuezong birds' walk through the water and rhyme blue must be the Snow God." Soul Burial said in a deep voice.

"If this is the case, what can we do? Xuezong is the number one sect in the Ice Pole State. It is so powerful that it is not something that our Martial Spirit line can contend with. How can we save people?" Yue Chao also deeply. 'S frowned, Xue Zong's strength made the several descendants of the Martial Soul line feel more pressure.

"We can't just watch the Eighth Junior Brother's relatives being persecuted by Xue Zong and be indifferent." Su Qi also spoke. She glanced back and forth on Chu Jian, Yue Chao and Soul Burial, and continued: " Several brothers, our Wuhun line is the oldest of you, can you think of a way to help a bunch of younger brothers."

Hearing this, Chu Jian sighed lightly, and said: "This matter is simple and simple to say, and difficult to say. In the final analysis, the reason is that our strength is too weak to fight against Xue Zong, even if it is to use the martial spirit. The formation will not work either. If we have the powerful strength to contend with Xue Zong, then everything will be simple."

"That's right, if we want to save the Eighth Junior Brother's relatives, we must find a super strong person who can contend with Xue Zong." Senior Brother Soul Burial also agreed, his eyes gleaming, revealing a bit of hesitation. And hesitate.

   Then he sighed slightly, and said: "I want to leave temporarily, a few juniors, let's activate the power of the mountain soul's teleportation again."

  "Leaving at this time? Do you want to activate the power of the Mountain Soul? Big Brother, do you have a way?" The eyes of the few people in the Wuhun line condensed on the soul burial.

   "Let's try it!" Soul Burial said softly. At this moment, his expression became a little complicated.

  Not long after, the great descendants of the Wuhun line worked together to activate the power of the mountain soul again. With the help of the power of the mountain soul, it crossed an unknown distance in an instant and appeared in an unknown starry sky.

  "Where is this place?" Standing on the illusory mountain spirit of Wuhun Mountain, Qing Shan looked around and made a suspicious voice.

  This dark and icy starry sky, except for the twinkling stars and meteorites in the distance, there is nothing else, and the entire starry sky is completely silent.

   "You are waiting for me here, I will go out for a while."

   Abandoning these words, the soul burial stepped out of the mountain soul in one step. With the realm of the Nine Heavens in the Mixed Primal Realm, a few twinkling rooms disappeared in the depths of the star sea, not knowing where they went.

  The other seven descendants of Wuhun Mountain are standing on the mountain soul, looking at each other suspiciously.

Soul Burial was alone away from the starry sky where the mountain soul was, and he quickly flew across the star sea. He did not know how far he had crossed. Finally, a vast continent floating in the starry sky appeared in his sight. in.

  The soul burial is in a straight line, approaching the continent straight.

  This continent is surprisingly Lezhou, one of the forty-nine continents in the Holy Realm.

  Lezhou, there is an invincible force that almost no one knows, and that is the Fanyun Dynasty.

  The strength of the Fanyun Dynasty made all the top powers in Lezhou scared of them, and even more rumored that even if all the forces in Lezhou unite, they are by no means an opponent of the Fanyun Dynasty.

  The reason why the Fanyun Dynasty is so powerful is not because of the number of powerhouses in the Taishi Realm in the Fanyun Dynasty. The main reason is that there is a great figure in the Fanyun Dynasty who pushes Lezhou invincible.

  Master Rain!

The Yushangren is strong, even if all the Taishi realms in Lezhou are united, they cannot compete with it. It is precisely because of the existence of the Yushangren that the Fanyun Dynasty has become the invincible on Lezhou. Power, no one dares to provoke.

At this moment, outside a border of the Fanyun Dynasty, a figure appeared silently, suspended in the air several thousand meters high, looking at the fortress in front of it that looked like a dragon from a long distance. .

  This figure is the soul burial of the great brother of Wuhun!

  At this moment, the mood of Soul Burial was fluctuating. He looked at the frontier fortress belonging to the Fanyun Dynasty, his eyes revealed unprecedented complexity, mixed with it, and infinite emotion

   and, melancholy

  He was floating here quietly, looking at the fortress from a long distance, and he was reluctant to move. It seems that for various reasons, he is reluctant to step into the territory of the Fanyun Dynasty.

Time passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, the time for a stick of incense passed. Because of all the aura of the soul burial, the whole person seemed to be completely hidden between the heavens and the earth. Therefore, although the warriors entering and leaving the fortress below came and went, there was no One person discovered his existence.

"Oh!" At this moment, Soul Burial uttered a long soft sigh. This sigh seemed to carry many complex emotions in his heart, and also revealed the deep helplessness and bitterness in his heart at this moment. .

   "I know I can't hide from you, I need your help if I have something." Soul Burial said softly to the empty void.

  He didn't get any recovery, just in a trance, the atmosphere of this world seemed to freeze suddenly.

  Wind, it stopped!

  The extremely active source of power that flooded the heavens and the earth seemed to have become quiet.

  This world, and even the whole world, became extremely peaceful at this moment.

  But the tranquility did not last long, but was broken by a quietly falling drizzle.

   Rain is floating between the sky and the earth, and the rain is very small, and it is like a spring rain that nourishes the earth and revives everything.

At the moment when the rain appeared, in different areas of Lezhou, many strong men standing on the top of a continent opened their eyes, either with surprise or surprise in their eyes. Ran staring at this world, couldn't help but exclaim.

   "It's the Rain Master, this is the Tao of the Rain Master"

  "What happened to this, it shocked Master Yu"

  Because all the strong have discovered that the rain that has fallen in this bit of rain has covered all areas of Lezhou.

Outside the imperial city of the Fanyun Dynasty, the soul burial still stayed in place. He did not stop the rain. The falling rain gradually soaked his clothes. He just stared at the opposite side with a complex and infinite sense. , A tall woman who didn't know when she appeared.

  This woman looks more than 30 years old. Although she is close to her middle-aged appearance, she still has the charm and beauty.

  She appeared silently, without any breath, she looked like a mortal, but also like a ghost.

   is even more so, as if it has been integrated with the whole world and the whole world!

  This woman is the master Yu Master in Lezhou!

Master Yu did not speak, her eyes that seemed to contain infinite avenues fell on the soul burial, staring at the soul burial quietly for a moment, and then let out a soft sigh, saying: "This dynasty behind me, this Does the earth really make you so scared? You would rather wait here rather than take a step forward."

   "Or, the dynasty behind me is no longer qualified to accommodate the noble status of the first person in the Wuhun line?"

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