Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2997: Turning the Clouds and Raining (3)

Master Yu's eyes were also full of nostalgia. She fixedly looked at the soul burial and said: "Since then, we have been inseparable, like a shadow, with enemies, we will challenge together. When there is danger, we will deal with it together. Yes. Good luck, we will also enjoy it together. Even if there is death, we live die together..."

"In these countless years, we have experienced countless ups and downs together, through countless storms and waves, and we have also joined hands together and stepped on the bodies of countless enemies..."

"For so many years, we have never had any quarrels, nor have we had any unpleasant things. That is because I obeyed your words. If you say it, I will never say two. If you say go east, I will never Not going west..."

"It was only later that I found out that the emotions that we two have formed after countless years of trials and hardships and many trials of life and death, turned out to be so worthless in your heart..."

"You actually did not hesitate to abandon this relationship for the sake of a Wuhun Mountain, for those who had never veiled your face before, and did not even know the details or the past, so you did not hesitate to abandon this relationship."

"Fanyun, is this your return to me?" She was heartbroken with crystal tears in her eyes.

Soul Burial’s expression is very complicated, and he has a deep sense of guilt: "I have not forgotten when the rain is covered. I have grown from a child who almost starved to death in that small village to the point where I am today. I can’t do without your help. It’s just that the sky doesn’t follow people’s wishes. My mission has forced me to make another choice, which is to protect the Wuhun Mountain and protect the continuation of the Wuhun line."

After hearing this, Master Yu seemed to be deeply irritated, a powerful momentum suddenly erupted from her, and she shouted at Soul Burial with grief and anger: "Wuhunshan Wuhunshan, now there is only Wu in your eyes. Soul Mountain, if that's the case, then you will go back to your Wuhun Mountain."

Master Yu's sleeve robe Yihui, the sky and the earth suddenly violent wind, a huge energy like mountains and seas suddenly gushing out, effortlessly lift the body of the soul burial far away.

The figure of the rain master has disappeared!

Soul Burial stabilized his figure hundreds of miles away. With a bitter face, he said to Void: "I know you hate me very much in your heart, but there is one thing that makes me have to brazenly come to you, our Wuhun I need your help."

Soul Burial didn't get any response. In fact, he was currently located nearly a thousand miles away from the border fortress of the Fanyun Dynasty.

However, Soul Burial went on to say: "Our Martial Soul line will be in a fierce battle with Xue Sect, the number one power in the Ice Pole State. The strength of Xue Sect is so strong that our Martial Soul line will undoubtedly be defeated, so I think ..." At this point, the tone of Soul Burial came to an abrupt end. He hesitated slightly, as if he had made some kind of decision, and said: "No matter, now I am no longer qualified to ask you to take action. This matter , Let's let our souls decide on their own." Soul Burial's eyes showed a decisive look. Once he finished speaking, he stopped staying at all, turned around and left.

He walked extremely decisively, simply, without the slightest thoughts, and some, just a resolute!


Hearing a muffled sound, the shadow of the soul burial reappeared as soon as he disappeared. His body seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and the whole person was bounced back.

The void he was in was no longer known when it was sealed, and a very powerful spatial law imprisoned it, turning this place into a prison.

The figure of Master Yu appeared silently in front of the soul burial. At this moment, her face was green and gloomy, and even those eyes burst with a forcing and sharp light, which looked extremely terrifying.

"What are you going to do?" Shangren Yu asked. She almost gritted her teeth and said out every word. Her white jade hands were already tightly pinched together, and her whole body was trembling slightly. Obviously Has been furious to the extreme.

Especially that gaze was as terrible as if to kill someone.

She knows the soul burial too well, from the words of the soul burial, she has already heard what the soul burial is going to do next, which instantly ignited the anger in her heart and made her angry.

"It's another descendant of your Martial Spirit line that has a feast with Xuezong, and then you are ready to go to Xuezong to die like moths to the fire?" Master Yu's tone was extremely cold and mixed in. There is also an unabashed hatred.

"Our Martial Spirit line is a whole. We don’t distinguish between you and me. Any matter of any descendant of the Martial Spirit line is the matter of everyone in our Martial Spirit line. Any of their enemies is our martial arts. The hatred of everyone in the soul line..." Soul Burial said confidently.

"Xuezong's Frozen Cloud Patriarch, can fight the Seventh Heaven, your martial souls are seeking their own way of death." Yu Shangren said coldly.

"I know, but I said that our Martial Spirit line is a whole. We will never watch anyone go to death. If necessary, we will even stop it. But this matter, we can't stop it. , Because I have already seen that the junior fellow has the determination to fight to the death."

"If this is the case, then our Wuhun line, we can only do our best to help." Soul Burial said.

Master Yu did not speak, but stared at the soul burial intently. For a moment, his anger seemed to be frozen.

After a while, Master Yu seemed to have lost all strength, and all the aura brewing on her body suddenly disappeared. She looked lonely and silent, stepping on broken steps in the void, and walked past the soul burial without any haste. , Walked towards the distance step by step, and finally disappeared in the territory of Fanyun Dynasty, only a voice that seemed to be endlessly sad and extremely disappointed came out from the void slowly.

"You go..."


In a starry sky very far away from Lezhou, the spirit of Wuhun Mountain is quietly suspended here, and the seven descendants waiting on the spirit sit on it boredly, making curious sounds.

"Hey hey hey, tell me what kind of medicine is sold in the elder brother gourd, he asked us to wait here, but he ran away without a trace. What's the matter?" Su Qi dialed boringly. Moving a branch, he said to the people around him.

"Because there should be some peerless strongman known by Senior Brother, and this peerless strongman is hiding nearby. The departure of Senior Brother, because it is time to invite this peerless strongman." Chu Jian suspiciously said.

"Since the big brother knows the peerless powerhouse, he is hiding it from us? This is too loyal, right." Su Qi curled her lips, very dissatisfied.

"Okay, sister, don't say anything about the big brother, maybe there is something unspeakable about the big brother, or maybe it's because this peerless strong person is withdrawn and you don't want more people to know about it. In short, we have to trust the big brother. , No matter what happens, you have to trust the big brother." Yue Chao said with a serious face.

"This place is quite close to Lezhou." Jian Chen's voice came out coldly. He was comparing the starry sky map and quickly grasped where he was.

"Lezhou? Big brother will never go to Lezhou, right?" Qingshan looked startled and said subconsciously.

Jian Chen didn't speak, just stared at the direction where Lezhou was, and the light in his eyes flickered.

"Because I shouldn't, Yu Shangren, the number one powerhouse in Lezhou, only has the strength of the fifth layer of the Taishi Realm. She may be able to fight the sixth layer, but she definitely can't reach the Bingyun of Xuezong. Patriarch." Bai Rufeng shook his head and denied.

As soon as Bai Rufeng's voice fell, there was a sudden flickering of human figures in the distant starry sky. Soon, the soul burial went and returned, returning to the mountain soul of Wuhun Mountain.

"Big brother, where did you go? Have you already invited strong support..."

As soon as the soul burial returned, several major descendants of the Wuhun line asked one after another.

But Soul Burial was reluctant to say more, saying: "Don't ask, let's go, let's go directly to Bingji State!"

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