Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3035: Push away the clouds

Yun Wufeng now hides his cultivation base. There is no energy fluctuation in his whole body. He looks like an ordinary old man. Unless his cultivation base reaches a certain level, no one would think of sitting here at all. A strong man who has reached the realm of Hunyuan Beginning!

Such characters, even among the top forces in the Bingji State, are all high-ranking elders, and their status is extremely prominent.

Jian Chen was pouring the wine with his hip flask in his hand. He shook his body, climbed up the stairs in a sloppy walk, and walked straight to the table of Yun Wufeng.

When he came to the opposite side of the table where Yun Wufeng was, Jian Chen placed the wine jug in his hand heavily on the table and made a dull sound, causing the entire inn building to tremble slightly.

This hip flask is not big, but it seems to have a heavy weight!

Looking at the drunk, unconscious, uninvited strange man sitting opposite, Yun Wufeng's brows suddenly wrinkled, his face showed impatience, and he said in a low voice: "Your Excellency, there is someone here, you Going to the wrong place."

"Senior Yun, it's me" Jian Chen said, his tone was also low, but he was a little more hoarse.

Yun Wufeng's expression moved, this familiar voice instantly made him understand the identity of the person in front of him. His gaze fell on Jian Chen who was sitting opposite, looking at the strange face, he couldn't help but shook his head secretly, because until now, he hadn't determined which one was Jian Chen's true face.

"What's wrong with you?" Yun Wufeng asked. He stared at the depressed Jian Chen, showing some concern and doubt.

For Jian Chen, although he has not known him for a long time, he has also fought side by side somehow, so he deeply understands that the person in front of him is definitely not an easy master. Once he kills someone, he will never He was half-distracted and soft-handed, and the methods were weird and unpredictable, one after another, even the first supreme elder Yue Wuguang of the Moon Temple suffered a big loss in his hands, and eventually ended in death.

Therefore, Jian Chen had already been labeled as cruel in Yun Wufeng's heart.

But now, such a cold-blooded and decisive character would show such a sad look, which made Yun Wufeng very surprised.

"I, I might lose a close relative forever." Jian Chen's voice was a bit ambiguous. As soon as he finished speaking, he grabbed the jug and poured it out. After a lot of booze, he He smashed the wine jug that seemed to weigh a kilogram on the table again, unceremoniously grabbed a meat bone on the wine table, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Yun Wufeng's thoughts moved, and an invisible force immediately protected the table. This table was just an ordinary thing and could not stand too much force.

"Your close relatives are in danger?" Yun Wufeng asked with concern, full of doubts. The mysterious lord in front of him is not only powerful, but also has friendship with the Tianhe family.

In addition, even the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect, who has made all the top forces in the Bingji State jealous, can also speak for themselves.

This kind of identity and background, in Yun Wufeng's eyes, is enough to walk sideways on the Ice Polar State. What kind of danger can't be easily resolved?

Jian Chen shook his head. He was depressed, his eyes were distraught, and he whispered: "In the family where I was born, I have two older brothers and one older sister. Once when I was very young, I was found to have not practiced. The aptitude for me has been neglected in the family for a long time. At that time, my status in the family was so low that I could be deceived. Even my biological father was the same for me. The attitude of the deputy ignores"

"At that time, in the whole family, the only thing that made me feel warm, except for my mother, was the second sister."

"My second sister brought an infinitely beautiful memory to my childhood. That experience, which is unforgettable in my life, is an eternal mark that will never be erased."

Seeing Yun Wufeng, Jian Chen seemed to have finally found a person to speak. It also seemed that a person who was extremely depressed had finally found a person who could complain about all the emotions accumulated in his heart. Slowly expressed the pain in his heart.

Yun Wufeng didn't speak, he seemed to be a listener, quietly listening to Jian Chen's narration, his eyes full of vicissitudes flashed with curiosity.

Because Jian Chen quickly became mysterious in his eyes, and even his true identity was a secret. This was the first time he was able to understand some of Jian Chen's past.

"Second sister, she has always been very good to me. She was like that when she was a child, and she will still be like that when she grows up. In order to improve my strength, she would rather be affected by her own cultivation level, but also give out a part of extremely precious resources. Share with me"

"Later I learned that my second sister was the reincarnation of a big person, and now, the memory of that big person will return. Once my second sister recovers the memory of her previous life, she will completely become another person."

"And I, for some reasons, may become an enemy with my second sister, or even meet each other."

When talking about the encounter between the weapons, Jian Chen's heart seemed to be stabbed fiercely, and he convulsed violently.

This is the scene he least wants to see!

But he also understands a truth, that is, many things in this world are beyond his control.

"Oh, compared with the old man, you are actually very lucky, because at the very least, your relative is still alive and she still exists in the world, no matter what the relationship will develop in the future, she is at least still there. The old man is alone now, and there is no one to worry about in his heart." Yun Wufeng let out a long sigh. At that moment, his whole person seemed to become even older: "Originally, the old man still had Xiao Yue'er, Xiao Yue'er, Xiao Yue'er. Although Yue'er has no blood relationship with the old man, she has long been treated as his granddaughter in the old man's heart."

"But now, Xiao Yue'er is no longer there, and the old lady doesn't even know whether Xiao Yue'er is alive or dead"

"Xiaoyue'er, it's probably gone anymore, right"

Yun Wufeng's eyes were hollow, and there was also an unconcealable sadness.

The old and the young, and the two people who have the same sadness of losing their loved ones in their hearts, started a long conversation in this restaurant, telling each other the sad things in their hearts, as if they were venting the backlog in this way. The sadness in my heart.

Jian Chen stayed in the restaurant for seven days. During these seven days, he didn't know how much wine he had drunk. The wine spilled on his clothes. He was already drunk. If it hadn't been for a layer of invisible energy to isolate here and prevent the sound from spreading. , And also prevented the leakage of alcohol, for fear that the soaring alcohol emitted from his body had already filled the entire restaurant.

Seven days later, Jian Chen seemed to have finally figured it out, and slowly walked out of the grief of losing a loved one, and said: "In fact, Senior Yun said it is not bad, although I may lose my second sister forever, but at least , The second sister is still alive, she is still alive and well"

"It doesn't matter how the second sister will treat me in the future, whether she recognizes me or not, all of this is not so important. Because as long as I always have the second sister in my heart, it will be enough."

"Second sister, no matter what you will become in the future, you will always be my second sister. This will never change."

Jian Chen stood up, his malaise was swept away, he drank the remaining wine in the flask, laughed three times, and threw the flask in his hand out the window, and then the whole body was silent. disappear.

"Oh, who is the **** who is throwing things around. It hits the door of the uncle's mind. Isn’t it too long a life, this, this jug turned out to be a supreme sacred artifact, hahaha, this jug is Mine"

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