Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3037: Tenjo landlord

"Hezhan I think is the best candidate for the next Patriarch of the Tianhe family. He has served in the Tianhe family of our Tianhe family for more than 100,000 years. He has been serving as the master of the Tianhe family for more than one hundred thousand years, collecting collections for our Tianhe family. It can be said that a lot of important information has been obtained....."

"He Zhan? Well, I have no problem with this person as the next Patriarch. He Zhan's ability is obvious to all. He is not weak in his own talent. The most important thing is that He Zhan is talented and has great ambitions. To manage the Tianhe family is indeed the best choice..."

"I propose to let He Rufeng be the next Patriarch. He Rufeng is no stranger to everyone. This son is not only one of the unicorns of our Tianhe family, but his talents are old and brilliant, and he will reach the limit in just ten thousand years. In the future, there is no suspense when entering the Hunyuan realm, and there is even a slight possibility that he will become one of the ancestors of our Tianhe family..."

"He Rufeng was one of the peerless kings on the throne of the gods. He was exceptionally talented and unparalleled in combat power. He is indeed the pride of our Tianhe family, and even the future of our Tianhe family. The character is not suitable for the position of the family..."


A group of Taishang elders of the Tianhe family gathered around a big round table and had a heated discussion about the future successor of the Tianhe family. Everyone spoke freely, proposed a personal choice, and launched a fierce battle.

As a big family ranked among the top three in power, the Tianhe family is naturally divided into factions. With many Taishang elders as the head, numerous interest groups or branches have formed, and these Taishang elders naturally hope that they are here. A person can gain the authority to be in charge of the Tianhe family.

In front of this big round table, there are three elders with childlike faces with their eyes closed all the time, and they sit still. The three of them did not make any remarks. They were out of the way and showed no interest in the election of the next master.

The three of them are the most respected elders in the Tianhe family. This is not only because they have the largest generation, but also because of their strength, and they are all in the realm of the Nine Heavens in the Hunyuan Beginning Realm.

However, at this moment, the three elders were sitting still, and the elders who ignored the affairs of the world all changed their expressions. At this moment, the closed eyes were opened at the same time, and the three of them looked at each other, and they all revealed their eyes. Surprised.

"Okay, everyone don't discuss it. The candidate for the next Tianhe Patriarch has now been determined." At this time, one of the three great elders spoke, and the old voice was full of hoarseness, but With an unquestionable order.

Hearing the sound, the many elders who were engaged in a verbal battle closed their mouths, and everyone's eyes were involuntarily falling on the elder who was speaking, showing respect.

Because this elder is a living fossil in the Tianhe family, he has lived for tens of thousands of years. Regarding generations, even the blue ancestor of the Tianhe family has to call him grandfather.

"Elder Tian, ​​I don't know who will be the next Patriarch?" Some elder Taishang couldn't help but asked.

The old man called Tian Lao raised his eyelids slightly, and said in a hoarse tone: "The candidate for the next Patriarch is Hebai!"

"Hebai? How could it be him?"

However, when the elders on the spot heard the name He Bai, their expressions were all startled, and immediately showed incredible and incredible expressions.

"Tian Lao, are you mistaken? This Hebai's performance in our Tianhe family is mediocre, and his own abilities are not very outstanding. Let such a character be the family, this... I am afraid not It's too suitable..."

"Yes, Mr. Tian, ​​if you let a younger generation with outstanding ability serve as Patriarch, we have nothing to say, but Hebai is really not capable of taking on this great task..."


Many Taishang elders have raised objections.

Old Tian sighed softly and said, "You are right. He Bai is not outstanding in all aspects. He is indeed the kind of person who is more mediocre, but who made him give birth to a good daughter."

"Hebai’s daughter? Crane Qianqian? Yes, Crane Qianqian is indeed the leader of the younger generation in our Tianhe family. The history of our Tianhe family is just like cow hair. I don’t know how many appeared. If He Bai is allowed to be a member of the family just because of He Qianqian, Mr. Tian, ​​this matter is extremely inappropriate..." There is a great elder He retorted, very unconvinced.

"It is not the intention of the three of us to let Hebai be the head of the Patriarch, but an order from Lan Zu. You elders, if you think this is wrong, you can go to Lan Zu for advice." An old man sitting next to Tian Lao spoke, and this person is one of the three great Nine Heavens in the Primordial Realm Realm here.

"What? This is Lan Zu's order..."

"This... how is this possible, Lan Zu actually named Hebai as the head of the Patriarch..."

As soon as Lan Zu's name came out, all the Supreme Elders in the field suddenly did not dare to speak, and all the Supreme Elders who were opposed to it died down one by one, and did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.


Somewhere in the starry sky of the Holy Realm, at this moment, an extremely luxurious void spacecraft was quietly shuttled through the vast starry sky, at a very fast speed.

And at the bow of this void spacecraft, there are two young children sitting on the side of the ship, staring curiously at the stars.

They were a man and a woman, and the girl was dressed in white. They were innocent and prosperous. Their big eyes flickered, and they seemed to be extremely curious about everything.

The boy was wearing a golden armor, his face was cold, with a cold spirit that was extremely inconsistent with his age, and he looked mighty and mighty.

"Finally I can come out and take a look at the outside world, Brother Xiaojin, where do you think Master is taking us? Oh, I haven't seen Brother Jian Chen for a long time. I miss him so much. I miss Jian Chen so much. Brother, Brother Xiaojin, do you think the master will take us to find Brother Jian Chen!" The girl sitting on the ship's side with her feet dangling said, her innocent eyes filled with hope.

"I don't know!" The little boy wearing a golden armor and exuding murderous air said coldly, and immediately he seemed to recall some past events that were buried in the depths of his memory, and his cold eyes were involuntarily exposed. With a touch of warm color, he whispered: "However, Master said that the Tianyuan family in Yunzhou is still there. Sister Xiaoling, who has been away for so long, maybe we should find time to go back and have a look."

The little boy looks young, but he has a sense of maturity and stability that is completely inconsistent with his age.

The two children, a male and a female, were Xiaojin and Xiaoling who followed Jian Chen from the Tianyuan Continent to the Holy Realm.

After so many years, Xiao Ling hasn't changed at all, and still maintains the former character, innocent and innocent. As for Xiaojin, he is fully mature, with a wave of battle-tested iron blood and coldness on his body, and he can see that he is a ruthless person who has crawled out of the sea of ​​blood.

Although Xiaojin looks exactly the same as before, but in fact, the hard work he has experienced over the years has already caused him to undergo an earth-shaking change.

Moreover, Xiao Jin's appearance is not unchanged. All this is because his sister Xiao Ling likes to see him before, so Xiao Jin always keeps himself like this.

"But, but the master said it's so dangerous outside, there are so many big bad guys, and if the master is not around, we will be bullied by many big bad guys." Xiao Ling said timidly, and there was fear in his innocent big eyes that day. look.

Xiao Jin's eyes were cold, and his murderous intent shot to the sky, as if the death **** in the world descended to the world, and said indifferently: "Sister Xiaoling, don't be afraid, brother Xiaojin has enough power to protect you. I have been following Master all these years. Nothing."


"Tianyun, look, that kid is about to be taught by you to be a murderous demon." At the highest point of this void spacecraft, Mo Tianyun is standing here looking up at the sea of ​​stars, one wearing a black robe The woman was nestled in Mo Tianyun's arms, making a sullen voice.

Looking at the woman in his arms, Mo Tianyun's eyes showed a rare soft color, and said: "If he wants to survive in this world, he must learn to do this, otherwise, he will only become a stepping stone for others. , Will eventually die."

The woman in her arms is silent. She obviously understands this truth.

"Then where are you going next? When are you going to return to the immortal and devil realms?" The black robe woman continued.

Mo Tianyun's eyes showed an inexplicable look as soon as he heard the immortal and devil realms, but it was more of a indifference.

"It is not the time to go back, but I believe that day is not far away. As for now, I am going to Lezhou..." Mo Tianyun said.

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