Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3040: All show their magical powers

   Mo Tianyun's trick appeared to have the mighty power to create a vast sea of ​​stars, and it was able to mobilize the infinite power in the entire star sea.

   Suddenly, billions of stars shone, and the terrifying power is approaching. Mo Tianyun displayed the power of drawing stars in the Nine Gods Art, and with a force of ruining the world and destroying the earth, he collided with Master Yu’s god-level combat skills.

  In the void crack, a powerful energy storm erupted once again, raging in this tens of thousands of miles of void space with a destructive force that destroys everything.

With this blow, Mo Tianyun still had the upper hand. When the slow star sea disappeared, his stalwart body still stood on the spot, never moving, like a demon god, giving people an invincible feeling, from the front The raging energy storm, as soon as it approached Mo Tianyun's body, it split on its own and passed by Mo Tianyun's side.

  As for Master Yu, the power of the cloud and rain all over her body refuses to oscillate. There is a force of killing, as if the power of a vast sea of ​​stars is intertwined with the power of clouds and rain all over her, so that Master Yu’s body protection energy is constantly trumpeted.

Mo Tianyun is too strong, even if the rain master has used the power of the silver scales to make her realm directly from the fifth heaven to the seventh heaven in the Taishi realm, plus the use of god-level combat skills, it can be used in Mo Tianyun's It is also difficult to gain the upper hand in front of the Nine Gods Jue.

The remaining galaxy's power, with the dying power that was about to be exhausted, eventually shattered all the body protection energy of Yushangren's body, exposing his body, and then instantly condensed a powerful energy shield. Completely offset the power of Mo Tianyun.

"Master Yu, even though your strength has soared now and become beyond imagination, but with your current state, it is still difficult to beat me." Mo Tianyun did not continue to make moves. But standing in the air, staring at the rain master with a serious face.

There is no contempt in his expression, because he is the only one who understands that the battle between him and Master Yu is only to gain the upper hand. Even if the battle strength of Master Yu at this moment is not equal to him, there is still a gap. Not as huge as imagined.

   "And I also feel that after using this power, you will also pay a high price yourself. The longer you maintain your current state, the greater the damage you will cause." Mo Tianyun continued.

  However, Master Yu was still indifferent, unmoved at all, she let out a cold snort, and cut out the long sword in her hand again, using the law of space.

  She displayed God-level combat skills again, but this time the God-level combat skills obviously belonged to supernatural powers such as the law of space.

  From the outside, the space god-level combat skills performed by Master Yu did not have the astonishing momentum as imagined, but Mo Tianyun, who was under attack, had a different feeling.

In Mo Tianyun's eyes, the world he is in at this moment has undergone earth-shaking changes. The god-level combat skills used by Master Yu according to the law of space transform into an illusory world in an instant. With the hands of Master Yu When the long sword was cut down, the whole world also burst out with horrible kills. There were endless space and sharp blades shot out from all directions, layered on top of Mo Tianyun, and launched a storm-like attack. .

  This kind of god-level combat skill may be far less powerful than the one previously performed by the Rain Master, but the degree of threat is far stronger than all the god-level combat skills she has previously performed.

"The power of the palm of the moon with the Nine Gods Formula!" Mo Tianyun was in danger, he used a secret technique, and the infinite galaxy once again turned out, but compared to the vast formation displayed by the power of drawing stars, the power of the palm of the moon was displayed at this moment. On the other hand, in the vast starry sky, a huge full moon appeared.

  The power of palm moon is obviously stronger than the power of drawing stars. On the original basis, its power has been improved again.

  However, the two teams collided, and Master Yu still did not escape to the advantage. The god-level combat skills she displayed were once again defeated by Mo Tianyun's Nine Gods Technique, and she was at a disadvantage!

"The power of the Nine Gods Fusion!" Suddenly, Mo Tianyun took the initiative to attack. His aura was overwhelming, and his fighting spirit was high. Behind him, a huge scorching sun appeared in the illusory sea of ​​stars that turned out. Brilliant light.

  The sea of ​​stars, the full moon, and the scorching sun all appear at the same moment, as if a perfect picture has been unfolded, drawing a corner of the universe.

  But at this moment, this picture scroll is showing an unimaginable monstrous force, with an irresistible and terrible coercion, directly suppressing the rain master!

   Suddenly, before the starry sky arrived, terrible coercion rolled in. This coercive force was strong enough to make many ordinary Seventh Heavens in the Taishi Realm feel terrified.

Master Yu has long hair fluttering wildly, and her clothes are hunting and hunting. She raises up to the sky and makes a long roar. She once again displays her god-level combat skills, and engages with Mo Tianyun in a terrifying, fierce battle with ghosts and spirits, in this void. , Everywhere is full of energy storms caused by the two of them fighting.

  This is just a storm transformed by the aftermath of energy, and it can discourage those who are in the early stage of the Primordial Beginning Realm.

  I have to say that Master Yu is very powerful, his combat power can be said to be against the sky, and he has a lot of god-level combat skills.

   But when facing Mo Tianyun, she was still suppressed everywhere. Although she was not defeated, the disadvantage was also obvious.

   "Master Yu, since you are aggressive and always refuse to stop, then you are offended!" Mo Tianyun's voice came out, his hands danced, and he outlined the trajectory of the "Tao" between heaven and earth, and performed the secret technique again.

   "The power of the Nine Gods and Galaxy!"

Suddenly, Mo Tianyun displayed the three magical powers of star-drawing power, moon-handling power, and sheep-fusion power, which seemed to merge in an instant, making the three completely different powers of stars, full moon and scorching sun. In this moment, there is no flaw in the perfect integration.

  Three types of magical powers, the perfect blend of three powers, makes the power of the ninth type of magical powers of Jiu Shen Jue suddenly rise to a new height, forming a qualitative change.

  As soon as the power of the galaxy was displayed, the expression of the Rain Master finally changed, revealing an unprecedented dignified color.

  At this moment, she felt a huge threat!

   But immediately, the rain master showed a cruel expression, his aura suddenly changed, and suddenly there was a mysterious mood that enveloped his body.

  "The avenue is in the sky"

  "Heaven and Earth have me"

  "I am the Way of Heaven"

  Master Yu uttered a low cry. When she yelled out the last phrase "I am the way of heaven", the sky and the earth shook suddenly, and all the ways were humming together. It seemed that there was a supreme power that suddenly came with a posture of judging all evil in the world.

  Master Yu's body has disappeared. At her location, a huge black shadow appeared, like a demon **** standing on top of the earth, exuding supernatural power, and then suddenly protruding out a huge palm.

  This palm seems to contain the ultimate power of all the world, and it also seems to deduct a complete road between heaven and earth. With the palm of the hand, all the order between heaven and earth is rewritten, and new rules are born.

  And the power of the galaxy that Mo Tianyun used that made Master Yu felt threatened, it collapsed directly in front of this huge palm.

  All the rules of this supernatural power have been rewritten, and all powers are completely disordered and self-defeating.

  Mo Tianyun's expression has also become more solemn than ever before, and he immediately shouted in a low voice: "Nine battles are in one, heaven and earth are wild."

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