Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3043: Trading weight

Mo Tianyun looked at Master Yu deeply, and said: "With the strength you have shown now, you can be so infatuated with a man who will never be able to step into the Supreme Beginning Realm all his life. Such things are in the Holy Realm. , Really rare."

Mo Tianyun paused and continued: "Master Yu, this time I came to see you here for two purposes. One is to resolve the grievances of the year, and the other is to make a deal with you. Only now It seems that in order to resolve the grievances that year, I am afraid that it needs to be completed in the form of a transaction."

Master Yu suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, regained a cold face, and said indifferently: "What kind of transaction?"

Mo Tianyun waved his hand, and a woman in white appeared out of nowhere.

This woman looked like she was only in her twenties, she had the beauty of Shen Yuluoyan, closed moon and shameful flowers, and her appearance was all over the country.

But at this moment, she closed her eyes tightly, her face was pale, her body was like floating anger, and her life fluctuations were extremely weak. She looked dying and seemed to step into the yellow spring at any time.

And at the center of her eyebrows, there was a green leaf floating, and a layer of hazy green light fell to protect her body and even her soul.

"She was injured by the law of Shenhuo, although I protected her soul in time, but it can't last long. Master Yu, the law you understand happens to be mutually restrained by the law of Shenhuo, I hope you can save her." Mo Tianyun Road.

Master Yu’s gaze fell on the woman in white, she seemed to see something, her complexion suddenly became extremely dignified, and with a wave of her hand, the woman in white who was in a coma suddenly straddled a hundred miles and appeared in Master Yu. before.

Master Yu did not touch the body of the white-clothed woman, but stared at her eyebrows. After a while, he made a solemn voice: "This is the power of Yan Zun's law of divine fire!"

"Yes, it is indeed Yan Zun's power of the law of divine fire, but fortunately, she was only injured by the aftermath of Yan Zun's power left in a talisman. This is the time to delay. Otherwise, I will not be able to help her. Renewing my life to today." Mo Tianyun sighed softly, and said: "It's just that Yan Zun's perception of the law of divine fire is in the extreme state, so even if I have the treasure to protect her, it can only be temporary. The power of preventing this magical fire law has never been able to completely eradicate it. Now, she can't support it for long."

"It's a miracle that only the initial cultivation base of the Hunyuan realm can be sustained until now. Unfortunately, I can't save her." Master Yu shook his head, with an indifferent expression: "After all, Yan Zun is the nine-layer cultivation base to reach the Taishi realm. The heavenly figures have a very high level of perception of the law. People at this level have incredible power even if only a trace of power is left behind. Although this seat has the law of perception and the law of gods and fires It will have the effect of restraining each other, but after all, the level of the law is too low to help her."

"With your ability, even if it really can't help, there must be a way to temporarily suppress the power of Yan Zun's law of divine fire." Mo Tianyun said.

"I did my best to buy her some more time, but that would require the power of a double seal. Heavenly Demon Lord, do you offer a starting price?" Master Yu said.

"Naturally can afford it!" Mo Tianyun vowed: "Furthermore, I said that I will enter into a deal with you before. One of the conditions of this transaction is to let you go all out to suppress Yan Zun's power and fight for her. Some time!"

"Really?" The Rain Master showed a hint of interest: "That way, let me see what kind of exchange weight it is that makes you so sure."

Mo Tianyun smiled confidently, and between waving his hands, an energy screen was placed to completely seal the place, and then slowly said: "A secret in the mysterious little heaven, I wonder if this bargaining chip is enough?"

Upon hearing this, Master Yu suddenly shrank his pupils, and immediately stared at Mo Tianyun, with a certain urgency in his tone: "Xuanhuang Little Heaven? Do you know a new Xuanhuang Little Heaven? What level is it? Xuanhuang Little Heaven?"

"The specific level of the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm is still unclear, but the level will definitely not be low. Master Yu, I can share the secrets of the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm with you, for you to make an all-out effort to suppress Yan Zun’s Divine Fire Law. This How about the pile transaction?" Mo Tianyun said.

Master Yu’s eyes are piercing, and he is obviously questioning: "How precious is the secret of the Xuanhuang Little Heaven, and you know it clearly in your heart. With such a major secret, you are only in exchange for this seat to use all your strength to suppress Yan Zun’s law of divine fire. , This is too simple. Mo Tianyun, let's be honest, you are so easy to tell me the secret of the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm, what is your wishful thinking."

"The reason is very simple. That little heaven only opens once every 10,000 years, and now it has been less than a thousand years since the last time it was opened."

"Ten thousand years, I can't wait that long, so I have to enter in advance. However, due to the high level of this Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm, it is hidden very deeply. If you want to find it out in advance when it is not opened normally , Then you must have an extremely advanced knowledge of the laws of space." Mo Tianyun said.

"That's why you found me?" Master Yu said with piercing eyes and indifferent: "The Holy Lord of the Devil, I don't know if you look at me too high, or you still lack the knowledge and understanding of Xuan Huang Qi. Xuan Huang Qi, after all, is a great power at the same level as the power of Chaos. No matter the level of the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm, it is the Qi of Xuanhuang after all. Even if this seat has the power to penetrate the sky and the earth, there is no ability to reverse it. Xuan Huang, open that place in advance."

"Don't say that this seat is not good, even if it is a time and space old man who is proficient in time and space, I am afraid that it will not be able to do it."

"It's true that you can't forcefully open the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm with your own power, but if you and I join forces with the same level of power as the Xuanhuang Qi to help you? In this way, do you think you can't force the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm to open?" Mo Tianyun said with a smile, chatting and laughing, calm and unhurried, with a well-prepared posture.

"The power at the same level as Xuanhuang Qi?" Shangren Yu looked startled, and immediately seemed to realize something, and shook his head: "You mean Jian Chen? Yes, Jian Chen is indeed the first freak since the creation of the world, Yuan There was a ray of real chaotic power in the god. It’s just that the ray of chaotic power on Jian Chen’s body was far from enough if he wanted to reverse the Xuanhuang rule. Moreover, that ray of chaotic power was integrated into his soul, It can't be used at all."

"No, the power of chaos I'm talking about doesn't refer to the wisp of Jianchen Yuanshen. Master Yu, you just need to understand that I am sure to open the Xuanhuang Xiaotian realm in advance. Of course, the premise is that you need your participation. You just need to tell me whether you will do or not do this transaction." Mo Tianyun smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Yu Shangren’s eyes suddenly shined brightly, revealing an inconceivable sense of excitement: "Okay, I believe you, I must be your identity as the Lord of the Demon, and I will not lie about this kind of thing. Heavenly Demon Lord, if this is successful, not only will all the grievances between the Heavenly Demon Saint Sect and my Fanyun Dynasty be wiped out, but also all the gains in the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm will be shared with you."

"If that's the case, please ask Master Yu to save people first."

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