Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3046: Exposed

Shengzhou where Taizun Huanzhen is located, Luo Tianzhou where Taizun Luo Tian sits, and Zhuzhou where Taizun Weeping Blood is located are very far apart, almost spanning most of the holy world, but at such a long distance. Below, the voice of Huanzhen Taizun still spread to the other two Taizun's ears in an instant.

  The cultivation base reaches their realm, and it can represent the way of heaven by itself, and the entire realm is no longer distanced.

As soon as Taizun's voice fell, Luo Tian Taizun appeared in the Luo Tian family instantly, holding the Spirit Slashing Divine Sword borrowed from the Spirit God family with a solemn expression.

Suddenly, the red mansions were flourishing, and there seemed to be a sea of ​​blood flooding the entire sky. The figure of Weeping Blood Taizun also walked out of the blood-red temple, and then with a wave of his hand, I saw the blood-red color behind him. The temple shrank immediately, turning into a red glow hidden into Taizun Weeping Blood.

  It’s really too respectable who hovered in the high altitude of Shengzhou. It was also a grasp of the empty palm of his hand, and the Bi Sheng Tiangong, which glowed at his feet, instantly became illusory. At the same time, in the hands of Huanzhen Taizun, there appeared a golden palace that had shrunk thousands of times and was only the size of a fist.

  The real Bishengtian Palace has fallen into the hands of Huazhen Taizun, as for the Bishengtian Palace standing on the spot, it is constructed by a mass of extremely pure energy.

  In the silence, Huanzhen Taizun has transferred all the personnel in the Bishengtian Palace and took away this supreme artifact.

  The next moment, it was really Taizun, Weeping Blood Taizun and Luo Tian Taizun, the three supreme figures all disappeared, and they had walked with each other and entered the chaotic space together.

  Going this time, the three of them all brought the supreme artifact with infinite power, which can be described as fully armed, and they are obviously ready to fight with all their strength.

"Big brother, how do you think it is really too respectful to execute Venerable Feng? Is it a straightforward and straightforward obliteration, or temporarily keep his life tortured slowly, let him suffer all the pain in the world before sending him on the road? What?" On the huge bone tower suspended in the void, Wuxin Boy held the jade cup in his hand, with a faint smile on his mouth, while tasting the wine in the cup, while watching the direction where Venerable Feng was.

Although the place where Venerable Feng is located is very far away from them, even separated by more than a dozen continents, if Taizun takes an angry shot, let alone across more than a dozen continents, even the entire holy world can feel it. That terrifying power like heaven.

"If I am really too respectful, I will definitely not let the person who broke my road to die so easily, and I will definitely make the other person suffer all the torture. The hatred of the broken road is not shared." He said hurriedly: "But I am not really too respectful. How it will execute Venerable Feng will be announced soon. Let's wait and see."

Both the host of Wangulou and Wuxintong, both showing expectation, waited here quietly.

   But soon, the two of them seemed to have noticed something, and the expressions on their faces suddenly solidified.

"What's going on here? How did Taizun suddenly leave this world and enter the chaos space again. Venerable Feng, Venerable Feng, wouldn't you kill him?" It was a shocked voice, the development of the matter seemed to have deviated from the track.

"It's true that Taizun actually left. Could it be that he just let Venerable Feng go like this? Or is it true that Taizun didn't even know that his Dao fruit had been destroyed by Venerable Feng?" Wuxin The expression on the boy's face changed rapidly, with surprise, full of doubt and perplexity.

"No, it's not right, it's totally wrong, it shouldn't be like this." The owner of Wangulou was no longer in the mood to taste the Tianqiong God's brew in the cup, and he was very angry that the jade cup in his hand fell to the ground, making a gloomy Voice, said: "Really Taizun has once again entered the chaotic space. If Dao Guo is destroyed, he can't help but know that something unexpected must have occurred in this matter."

"Could it be that Jian Chen didn't die in the hands of Venerable Feng, he is still alive now? No, it is absolutely impossible." Wuxin Tongzi's face was so gloomy, he immediately began to reason, but in the end, everything about Jian Chen Information cannot be deduced at all.

   "Damn it, it's the mask of the strong Illusory Demon Race. Could it be that the mask still has the ability to isolate and defer?" For a while, Wuxin Boy was a little confused, and his heart was extremely anxious, and he couldn't sit still.

   "I will return immediately, and I will check it personally!" The host of Wangulou said with a black face, thinking that Jian Chen might not have died, his heart was as impatient as an ant on a hot pot.

  The matter was over, and he didn't care whether it would leave any indelible marks, so he decided to go and find out in person.

"Wait!" At this moment, Wuxin Boy seemed to have thought of something, his expression changed immediately, and said: "I suddenly remembered that a few years ago I received a message that Wu Hun's line and Master Yu went to the ice. Jizhou also fought a battle with Bingyun Patriarch of Bingjizhou. Originally, such trivial matters would not have attracted our attention, so I didn’t care about it back then. But now that I think about it carefully, the Wuhun family actually took the initiative to go. To provoke the Snow Sect in the Bingji State, this matter is really strange."

"Martial Spirit Line?" The host of Wangulou frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Jian Chen happened to be the eighth descendant of Martial Spirit Line. When the Martial Spirit Line attacked Xuezong, how many people appeared in total? "

  "Check, check it now!" Wuxin Boy's eyes condensed, and he immediately gave orders to the people below.

  At the height of the Ten Thousand Bone Building, what happened in the Bingji State was not as good as their eyes, so they didn’t pay too much attention to it. But now, it has to be found out.

As a top killer organization, Wangulou’s intelligence capabilities are naturally very powerful, almost spreading across the forty-nine continents and eighty-one stars of the holy world. There are few secrets that can be kept from them.

  In just one day, a piece of information was transmitted from the Ice Pole State to the headquarters of Wangulou at the fastest speed through the Intercontinental Teleportation Array, and fell into the hands of Wuxin Boy and the owner of Wangulou.

This information is a jade slip. The content of the jade slip is almost a complete record of the battle scenes that took place outside the Xuezong sect that year. Only some have been shielded by formations or magical powers. The picture is completely missing.

  Besides these pictures, there is also a long text narrative about the causes and consequences of this war.

  From the beginning to the end, there was no news about Jian Chen in this information, and only seven people from the Wuhun line were present, and there was no trace of the eighth heir.

   But even so, through this information, the host of Wangulou and Wuxintong still discovered an unusually prominent person, that is, the supreme elder of the Tianhe family, He Qianchi.

"He Qianchi and Shui Yunlan, the guard of the Ice God Temple, entered a top-secret small world to visit the reincarnation of the Snow God?" Wuxin Boy's eyes became extremely terrifying, and there was a terrible killing intent. He squeezed the jade slip in his hand into pieces, gritted his teeth and said: "That person can never be the supreme elder of the Tianhe family, a member of the Tianhe family, and it is impossible for him to be a member of the Ice Temple. People walk so far, let alone the reincarnation of the Snow God."

   "The reincarnation of the Snow God should have only appeared in recent years, and Jian Chen is less than a thousand years old. The most important thing is that Jian Chen has a mask of the Illusory Demon Race. He can pretend to be anyone!"

Wuxin Boy's mood was violently ups and downs, and he said solemnly: "Once he puts on that mask, it will be difficult for me to see through him. Brother, it seems that you need to go to the Bingji State yourself, because there is only the Nine Heavens Realm. In order to see through the mask disguise of the Illusory Demon Race and gain insight into the true identity."

"My true body has returned from the Chaos Void and is heading to the Bingji State." The owner of Wangulou couldn't keep the clouds and breeze as before. Although he couldn't see his face, he just listened to the indifference. With his voice, it is not difficult to guess what his mood is at this moment.

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