Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3051: Lan Zu appeared

This is really because behind the powers of the same rank they are facing, there are too many forces involved, and there are more than forty forces in the formation of the Hundred Holy City.

In addition, there are more than a dozen forces that do not belong to the Hundred Saint City, but also because of Jian Chen, all of their foundations in the Dark Star Realm have been destroyed.

So many forces are brought together to make the Tianhe family a friend, which is indeed for all the high-level members of the Tianhe family.

Brought a strong psychological pressure.

However, while feeling the pressure, many elders of the Tianhe family were puzzled in their hearts.

Who is Jian Chen? Does our Tianhe family have this number?

At this moment, not far from the Tianhe family, there is a cold pool that never freezes all year round, and there are some fishes wandering happily.

These fish are of different species and there are many species, but the ability to survive in such a harsh environment proves that these fish are not ordinary.

Among these schools of fish, one of them looked unusually abrupt, and saw it lifted its head and stared at the direction of the Tianhe family, revealing a trace of humanity.

At the same time, in Lezhou, in the forbidden area of ​​the imperial palace of the Fanyun Dynasty, Mo Tianyun in white was standing in front of a pool with his hands on his back, staring at the depths of the pool.

To be precise, what he was staring at was not this pool, but the group of fish wandering freely in the pool, gradually revealing a strange light in his eyes.

At this time, wearing a purple dress, the graceful rain master walked over with a lotus step, and with a light touch of his finger, the figure of a woman in white clothes appeared quietly, lifted in the air by a gentle force. .

"The power of Yan Zun's law of divine fire is too profound, and it also involves the soul, which is extremely difficult to deal with. I can only do this with my best efforts." Master Yu said, in her Between the eyebrows, a look of exhaustion appeared.

Mo Tianyun set his eyes on the white-clothed woman in front of him, sighed softly, and said, "Let's delay as long as you can. I hope that we can find a way to eradicate it later."

"If you want to completely eradicate it, it's not difficult. If you can invite a strong person who is better than Yan Zun in the perception of the law of Shenhuo, her problem will naturally be solved. And this is what I can think of. The safest way." Master Yu said.

Mo Tianyun was silent and did not answer. With his realm and insight, how could he not think of this, but it was really going to be implemented, how easy it was to imagine.

Mo Tianyun put the white-clothed woman into a jade coffin, his eyes fixed on the water pool in front of him, and said: "I vaguely sensed some weak primordial powers on these fishes. The great supernatural powers turn their souls into billions, and they live on every fish. Master Rain, I really can’t see through you more and more.”

"So, you did not choose to be an enemy of this seat. It is a very wise decision. Otherwise, one day in the future, you will be suppressed by this seat sooner or later."

Yu Shangren replied expressionlessly, without showing any face.

Mo Tianyun smiled, and Yun said lightly, "Although you are constantly growing, I am not standing still. Unless you become the supreme of heaven and earth in the future, you will never want to suppress me."

Master Yu stared at Mo Tianyun deeply and changed the subject: "Jian Chen encountered trouble in the Bingji State, and he was too capable of causing trouble. He actually offended so many top forces in the meteor beast world. Now those top forces are united. When you get up, this power cannot be underestimated. Unless the Tianhe family shows the courage to break the boat, it will be difficult to keep Jian Chen."

Mo Tianyun's expression remained unchanged, but he let out a light sigh, and said: "Jian Chen can't have an accident. If we want to forcibly open the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm, he is the real key. Both of us can only be counted as assistance. On Rain People, I have to trouble you to take this matter yourself."

"Huh, why don't you go by yourself? Compared to this seat, your strength can be better displayed." Master Yu snorted coldly.

Mo Tianyun smiled faintly, and said: "For some reasons, I can't make frequent shots. Master Yu, Jian Chen will have trouble this time. You can only go."

Having said that, Mo Tianyun spoke for a while, and then stared at Master Yu, with a faint smile: "Even if you don't go, what do you think they will be when the Wuhun family knows this news? Reaction? With the consistent style of Wuhun, they don't care how many people will be offended, and they will do their best to rescue their descendants."

"If this is the case, that Martial Spirit line can have erected a lot of enemies. From now on, they will be unable to move a single step in the Holy Realm. It may even have a tragic ending again."

"After all, in those long and long years, there has been more than one case of the Martial Spirit line being destroyed."

"God demon saint master, do you dare!" Master Yu was as if he had been offended, his aura exploded, his eyes sharpened like a sword, and his murderous aura was filled.

Mo Tianyun always maintained a gentle smile on his face: "Even if I don't tell Wu Hun Yi Clan about the danger that Jian Chen has encountered, do you think that with the Wu Hun Yi Clan's own abilities and methods, you cannot pass them? Does your own channel know about this? With their stubborn style, do you think you can stop it?"

The Rain Master gave a cold snort and said nothing, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


"Tianhe family, if you don't hand over Jian Chen, believe it or not, we are going to level your Tianhe family today." Outside the Tianhe family, the group of heroes is indignant at this moment, and one of the top elders from the top power can't help it. , Directly put down the ruthless words.

"Huh, level my Tianhe family? I have to see if your Tianzong has this courage!"

However, just as the person's voice fell, a sweet, but endless, icy voice suddenly came out.

With the voice, the temperature between the world and the earth dropped sharply, the sky was solidified by the wind and snow, and the earth was frozen. The countless vegetation growing in the snow and ice turned into ice sculptures, and it made some of the elders who cultivated to the Hunyuan Beginning Realm. They all shuddered uncontrollably.

I saw the sky above the Tianhe family, Lan Zu's figure quietly appeared there, surrounded by heavy snow, the figure was hazy and unreal.

And behind Lan Zu, two other figures also appeared at the same time, both of them exuding the powerful aura of the Supreme Beginning Realm.

These two people are the other two ancestors of the Tianhe family, Shizu and Tianzu!

"But it's only the Hunyuan realm. I dare to threaten my Tianhe family with big words." Lan Zu said indifferently. As soon as the voice fell, she pointed out.

Suddenly, there were great laws circulating between the heaven and the earth, and a layer of ice crystals filled the body of the arrogant Supreme Elder of Tianzong.

Seeing this scene, He Qianchi, the supreme elder of the Tianhe family, couldn't help showing a gleeful smile on his face, and said in his heart: "Zhan Yun, you were aggressive in the dark star realm back then, and you didn't put our Tianhe family in your eyes at all. Now that I ran into Lan Zu, I finally learned a lesson."

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