Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3057: Shocked (2)

"This is." When he saw the golden armor on Mingxie's body, the old man from the Taishi Realm who shot him suddenly stared, his heart also twitched fiercely at this moment, his eyes showed amazement and disbelief. A look of confidence.

Without hesitation, he immediately shouted in a low voice, doing all he could, trying his best to withdraw the blow he had just hit, and forcibly reverse his own strength.

"Puff!" He immediately received a strong backlash, and opened his mouth to spout blood, but he didn't care about it at all. He worked hard with all his strength, and his anxious eyeballs were about to bleed, and finally he was paying. At the cost of a serious backlash, the blow was forcibly recovered.

Not only him, but all the powerhouses gathered here, whether they are the Supreme elders of the Hunyuan realm or the ancestors of the Taishi realm, after seeing the golden armor on Mingxie's body, all of them are shocked. , One after another quickly retreated in horror, staying away from the evil for the first time, and no longer dared to stop them.

In the end, Mingxie was like a broken bamboo, with the power of the Nine Heavens in the Hunyuan Realm, and instantly came to the Taishang elder who attacked Mingdong, and bombarded him mercilessly.

As the **** general of the Shengtian Palace, Mingxie's combat power is naturally extraordinary, and he has the ability to fight at a higher level, so that the true power of his punch has actually faintly exceeded the boundary of the Hunyuan Beginning Realm. Therefore, when he hit the Supreme Elder with this blow, he immediately made the Supreme Elder feel that at this moment, he seemed to have suffered a blow from the Supreme Beginning Realm powerhouse.

"Bang!" There was only a muffled sound. This cultivation base was in the fifth layer of the Hunyuan Beginning Realm, and was still from a certain top clans in the Holy Realm. The end of God's destruction.

Switching to other top forces, unless there is a deep hatred that cannot be resolved, they will never take action to kill one of the opposing elders.

Because these people, even if they are placed among the top forces that dominate one side, belong to the high-ranking generation, and can be regarded as the pillars of the family.

If you kill this class of characters, the hatred between the two powers will be great, and it is definitely not something that can be easily settled.

Even the Tianhe family in the Bingji State only destroyed the body of an overlord elder, leaving behind his soul.

But Ming Xie had no worries about this aspect at all, and in front of many top powers, he mercilessly beheaded a supreme elder from a certain top power.

Not to mention the Supreme Elder, even if he is an ancestor-level figure in the Supreme Beginning Realm, as long as he can fight, he will not hesitate to kill him.

Suddenly, the whole world became quiet, and the silent needle drop was audible, except for the "sizzling" sound made by the fallen elder Taishang when the rain of blood from his body fell on the ground.

No one pays attention to the death of the Supreme Elder. At this moment, all the powerful outsiders gathered here are focused on the body of the underworld. To be precise, it is the set of golden battles covering the body of the underworld. A.

Even in the crowd, the ancestors of the Taishi Realm, who kept their eyes closed and put on a high posture, opened their eyes one after another, their pupils shrunk to the size of needles, and they gathered on the body of the evil spirit. , The look became more solemn than ever.

Among them, there may be some people who don't recognize Mingxie, but the suit of armor worn on him is not unfamiliar to everyone.

Because that is the standard armor of the Bishengtian Palace, the person who can wear this armor is naturally the **** of the Bishengtian Palace!

In particular, this **** general is also a powerhouse of the Nine Heavens in the Primal Beginning Realm!

"Fellow Daoist of the Shengtian Temple, I wonder why you appeared in a small place like Tianyuan Family?" In the crowd, an ancestor of the Taishi Realm spoke up. Without the domineering arrogance, he did not use his realm to overwhelm others, but Hold fists at Mingxie, polite.

However, when he first asked this sentence, the ancestor of the Great Beginning Realm suddenly got a shock. He suddenly recalled that the **** from the Shengtian Palace in front of him was clearly standing behind a young man.

Thinking of this, the ancestor of the Taishi Realm suddenly felt long-winded, and his eyes immediately turned to Mingdong, who was sitting on a chair with Erlang's legs upright on his face.

Especially when he saw Ming Dong's face clearly, it overlapped perfectly with the portrait he had in his mind in an instant.

It was also at this moment that the ancestor of the Great Beginning Realm finally knew the true identity of this young man, and his face immediately became very exciting.

Not only him, but also other powerful men who were suspended in the sky, noticed Mingdong at this moment.

They didn't take Mingdong seriously before, and they didn't even take a straight look. Looking closely now, he immediately recognized Mingdong's true identity, and his expression changed drastically.

"It's His Majesty Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine Nine" elders elders lips.

In a moment, everyone knew Mingdong’s identity. Even a very small number of elders who did not know Mingdong’s identity understood the true identity of this young man through inquiries, making their hearts sink instantly. Bottom of the valley.

In the next moment, all the powerful outsiders fell down, all standing on the ground.

The Nine His Royal Highnesses of the Bishengtian Palace are underneath, and they continue to remain floating, looking down at the Nine His Royal Highnesses in a condescending manner, which is a great disrespect to the Bishengtian Palace.

"His Royal Highness, why do you appear here?" an elder of the Hunyuan realm asked cautiously, although the cultivation of the person in front of him is really not worth mentioning, but his status is noble, even It was he who sharpened his head, and it was also an existence that could not be climbed high.

Looking at the flattering and flattering old man in front of him, Ming Dong showed a faint disdain and sarcasm in his eyes, and sneered: "I am the deputy head of the Tianyuan family. As the deputy head of the family, I stay with myself. Shouldn’t it be in his family?"

"Why, your Highness, you, are you the deputy head of the Tianyuan family?" The old man suddenly lost his tongue. He suddenly thought of what he and the others had done before, and his face instantly turned pale.

"His Royal Highness, are you joking, how can you be the deputy head of the Tianyuan family with such a noble status?" Another super elder said, his tone was a little stuttered, and his face was full of unbelief.

Behind him, all the Taishang elders and ancestors from dozens of top forces, their faces became very ugly. They came to the Tianyuan Clan, and they wanted to control everyone in the Tianyuan Clan, threatening Jian Chen with the life and death of the entire Tianyuan Clan, and forcing Jian Chen to surrender the gains in the Dark Star Realm.

But who could have expected that the Nine His Royal Highnesses of Bisheng Tiangong were in the Tianyuan family, and even claimed to be the deputy head of the Tianyuan family, how could this be done for them?

The entire southern region controlled by the Tianyuan family has been completely sealed off by them, and even all the teleportation formations that existed in the southern region have been destroyed.

There was also the guardian formation of the Tianyuan family, all of which were also broken.

Then suddenly he told them that the Nine His Highnesses of Bisheng Tiangong were actually the Deputy Patriarch of the Tianyuan Family?

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