Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3066: Violet Sword Spirit's Method

Xu Ran also recognized the quality of the superior **** king pill at a glance, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "The level of this pill has reached the rank of **** level. Jian Chen, you use the pill of the **** king realm Dao sentiment actually refines the **** pill, it's amazing, it's really amazing."

  The alchemy perception of the Divine King Realm can only refine the best sacred pill. This is an undisputed fact in the holy realm, but it is not absolute.

For example, some exceptionally talented kings of the gods, because of the special cultivation techniques, the powerful secret skills they master, and some unusual inheritances, etc., they all have the strength to challenge higher levels and can be in the realm of the gods. The strength of the game competes with Sijing.

  The same is true of alchemy. If some special materials are added in the process of alchemy, or some precious things with special functions, and certain functions of the alchemy furnace, it will also bring huge benefits and improvements to alchemy, or It can increase the success rate of alchemy, or enhance the medicinal properties of the elixir, or even directly increase the level of the elixir. In the end, the alchemist can refine the alchemy of a higher level than the alchemy he has mastered. The medicine comes out.

  And Jian Chen is now in the latter.

  He used the elixir principles at the peak of the God King Realm. Normally, he could only refine the best sacred pill, but if the medicinal materials used in the alchemy were extraordinary, he did have a certain probability to refine a god-level quality pill.

  And the high-class **** king grass or middle-grade artifact pill furnace, obviously is the key thing that determines the quality of the pill!

It is a gratifying thing to make a divine pill, and to change to be an alchemist of any other divine king realm. However, on Jian Chen's face, instead of seeing a trace of joy, he frowned tightly. Sorrow.

He is so anxious to refine the Divine King Pill, the main purpose is not to cultivate his own power, but to bring these Divine King Pills into the Dark Star Realm and cultivate a large number of Divine King Realm masters for the Dark Star Realm. Replenish them with the power they need when opening the altar, thereby obtaining ten drops of Taizun's blood.

  As long as he has ten drops of Taizun's essence and blood, he can go to the small world of the Temple of Light to harvest the temple of Taichu.

  There are restrictions on entry into the Dark Star Realm. It not only requires the martial artist to be younger than a thousand years old, but also cannot bring any god-level things into it.

  Now that the **** king pill refined by the superior **** king grass has reached the quality of **** level, doesn't this mean that these **** king pill cannot be brought into the dark star realm at all?

  God King Dan couldn’t bring him into the Dark Star Realm, then how would he complete the deal with Dark Star Emperor? How to get ten drops of Taizun blood from the Dark Star Realm?

"God-level quality, how come this has become a god-level quality pill." Looking at the god-level pill lying quietly in his hand, Jian Chen's heart slowly sank, annoyed, he suddenly The **** king pill in his hand fell to the ground fiercely, and after a few bounces, it finally rolled to the corner of the secret room and stopped.

  Xu Ran looked at Jian Chen's move in confusion, and said: "What's the matter? Are you still not satisfied with this **** pill?"

   Jian Chen sighed and said: "What I want is not a god-level pill, what I want is a holy pill below the god-level quality."

   "Senior Xu, let's re-refining alchemy!" Jian Chen did not believe in evil, so he took out a new material and put it into the pill furnace. With Xu Ran's assistance, he began to refine the **** king pill again.

   Soon, the second furnace of God King Pill was successfully refined, but Jian Chen's face became a bit ugly, because the second furnace of God King Pill was still a god-level pill.

"Xiyu, prepare me a pill furnace for a lower-grade artifact at the fastest speed." Jian Chen transmitted to Xiyu. With the wealth of the Tianyuan family today, even if it is a top-grade artifact, it has enough resources and financial resources to carry it out. exchange.

   Soon, the lower-grade magical pill furnace was delivered. This time, Jian Chen abandoned the middle-grade magical pill furnace and used the lower-grade magical pill furnace to refine the **** king pill again.

  Not long, the **** king pill successfully became the pill, but the grade is still the **** pill.

"Could it be that the Divine King Pills refined with the superior Divine King Grass are all God-level quality pills?" Jian Chen was a little mad, if that was the case, then the ten drops of the Dark Star Clan's excessive blood, he Will not be able to get it anymore.

Although the **** king pill refined by the inferior **** king grass and the middle **** king grass is the highest grade of the **** king grass, the Dark Star clan will never accept this kind of pill that only has a lifespan of 100 years, because it is tantamount to harming their own people. .

  Therefore, if he wants to successfully complete the transaction with the Dark Star Clan, he must provide a high-class God King Pill.

  Next, Jian Chen didn't give up and carried out various experiments, and the pill furnace was changed one after another, and in the end even the best holy artifact pill furnace was used. The various auxiliary materials required for refining the God King Pill have also undergone various additions and reductions, or replaced them with some low-level materials with the same properties.

  There are no exceptions. The final result of his attempts is either the fryer or the failure of alchemy. He has made thousands of attempts and none of them succeeded.

  Even if the **** king pill is successfully refined, its grade is also god-level quality.

   "Could it be that it is really impossible to lower the rank of the God King Pill?" Jian Chen was a little discouraged, his head downcast.

  It is not that he has never thought of bringing the materials to the Dark Star Realm for refining, but when refining the God King Pill, he alone cannot do it. It must be done with the support of Xu Ran.

   But in the Dark Star Realm, there is no such thing as a Hunyuan Realm powerhouse.

  Although Dark Star Great’s battle power is comparable to the Hunyuan Beginning Realm, it is only the battle power, and his own realm is still the Promise Beginning Realm Ninth Heaven.

   Taking a step back, even if the Dark Star Great Emperor really entered the Hunyuan Beginning Realm, with the strength of the Hunyuan Realm's early stage, he might not be able to suppress the power in the God King Grass.

   Soon, Jian Chen found the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower again, and after some inquiries, the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower was helpless. Because it can only be regarded as a demon plant, as a special demon plant, it has advantages as well as disadvantages, and many methods and abilities are not available.

  "Master, maybe there is a way to help you." At this moment, the voice of the Purple Sword Spirit came from Jian Chen's brain.

  "What method?" Jian Chen was overjoyed after hearing this.

"Master, if you contaminate the pill with some profound yellow aura while refining the pill, then you can ignore the rules set by Taizun and unimpededly bring the god-level pill into the dark star realm. Because of the mysterious yellow aura. The ranks of the are very high, above the rules. The rules formulated by Taizun are certainly very powerful, but they still cannot limit the aura of Xuanhuang."

   "So master, if you let the **** pill be contaminated with the aura of black and yellow, under the cover of the aura of black and yellow, you can completely ignore these rules."

  The voice of the purple sword spirit came out.

   "Let the **** pill be contaminated with the aura of black and yellow?" Jian Chen frowned. He still didn't know so much about the aura of the black and yellow as the purple sword spirit: "Then how can I make the pill be contaminated with the aura of black and yellow."

"There is a kind of spiritual fluid in the Xuanhuang Little Heaven. This spiritual fluid is contaminated with the aura of Xuanhuang. The owner only needs to add this spiritual fluid when refining alchemy. But this spiritual fluid is extremely precious and is usually used by some strong people. The use when refining the high-grade **** pill, even if it is used on the middle-grade **** pill, is a waste, let alone the low-grade **** pill."

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