Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3070: Artifact regeneration

The consciousness of the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower was completely shattered, but the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower did not dissipate because of this. I saw its fragments of the spirit body that had become fragmented, and it was in a cloud of smoke. Remains here.

  These are not only the body of the Holy Light Tower Spirit, but also the divided consciousness of the Holy Light Tower Spirit, which is mixed with many pieces of information and branding.

   "Oh, really, why are you doing this?" Gu Dao was too respectful and lightly sighed, showing sadness in his eyes, very unbearable.

"Since it doesn't want to say it, then change to another instrument spirit." Zhen Taizun spoke, and then slowly raised his palm, lightly wiped the void in front of him, and suddenly appeared on his palm. The power of the law of creation exudes a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere.

  The spirit body that became fragmented by the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower, wrapped in this law of creation, made its fundamentally irreversible injury, unexpectedly slowly repaired.

  This kind of feeling is like a person who has obviously died, who is starting to resurrect, and is about to wake up again.

   also seemed to be a certain powerful man who had been beaten up, and went against the common sense of heaven, and the primordial spirit that should have dissipated unexpectedly reunited.

  As for the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower, this is what happened at this moment. At this moment, what happened to the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower can be called a miracle.

  Huanzhen Taizunzheng has realized the ultimate law of creation, reversing life and death, resurrecting the spirit of the holy light tower, and resurrecting it.

  Of course, it is absolutely impossible to do such a heaven-defying move based on the law of creation alone, not to mention that it involves a supreme artifact such as the Holy Light Tower.

Really Taizun obviously used something that remained in the void after the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower was disintegrated, or something that existed in the Spirit Body of the Holy Light Tower, and then applied a little means, Thus formed a scene that brought the spirit of the Holy Light Tower back to life.

   Suddenly, under the intervention of the law of creation, the broken spirit body of the holy light tower spirit began to regroup, and some of the marks or imprints that had been broken were slowly repaired under the nourishment of the law of creation. Even some imprints that have been annihilated or dissipated are recreated from nothing by the law of creation.

And these are either annihilated or dissipated in the mark, with some broken and fragmentary memories. These memories can only be compared with the life of the holy light tower spirit in the long years. It can only be a drop in the ocean, and it seems that way. The insignificance and fragility of, will be submerged in the long river of time at any time.

No, because it should be said that this short and small memory fragment has been obliterated, and now it is only really too respected to create the law, according to the various traces and information left by it when it existed in this world, it was recreated come out.

"Hey, I didn’t expect that this holy light tower spirit had swallowed another spirit body. This is clearly someone who wants to re-cultivate the holy light tower spirit, so as to take the holy light tower as his own. The method is not bad." Gu Dao Taizun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw all the secrets at a glance, and said: "It's just a pity, after all, it was self-defeating. Instead of replacing the original spirit of the Holy Light Tower, he let it rebirth. ."

"Really, do you want that external tool spirit to truly replace the Holy Light Tower? If it is other low-level artifacts, it is natural to do this with your ability, but the Holy Light Tower is a one after all. A top artifact."

   "You have expended such a lot of effort, and it is not worth the loss." Gu Dao Taizun sighed aside, feeling very puzzled.

It’s true that Taizun didn’t speak, and was paying attention to the law of creation. Gu Dao Taizun was right. The one in front of him is also a supreme artifact. If you want to promote the annihilated alien spirit to replace the Holy Light Tower, the difficulty can be Think about it.

If it weren’t for the external artifact spirit in the Holy Light Tower that had already met some of the prerequisites, making it and the Holy Light Tower basically fused together, even if the Taizun had the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, he would definitely not have the ability to casually. Replace the spirit of a supreme artifact.

  Because the level of the supreme artifact is too high, it is almost the same as Taizun.

  Under the efforts of Huanzhen Taizun, gradually, a holy light tower spirit that was different from what they had seen before, under the aggregation of many spiritual body fragments and various imprints, began to slowly form.

   also at this time, behind Huanzhen Taizun, suddenly an illusory portal opened wide, and a small world appeared inside the portal.

  Somewhere in this small world, a little beast emitting a colorful light is floating in the air, seeming to be completely immersed in cultivation. And around this little beast, there is a group of atomized avenue origin, exuding an extremely prosperous avenue atmosphere, which seems to symbolize the supreme rule between heaven and earth.

  But at this moment, the origin of these avenues gathered around the colorful little beasts suddenly became like a flood of extinct mention, surging out from this small world, and merged with the newly born spirits of the Holy Light Tower.

With the help of the Dao Yuanyuan, this group of extremely weak spirits is growing at an incredible speed. It belongs to the various marks and a series of incomplete memories left by the true spirits of the Holy Light Tower. Up among them.

  In normal times, if this newly born spirit has absorbed this huge memory that is far beyond the limit of its own tolerance, it is very likely that it will repeat the same mistakes and lose itself.

But now there is Huanzhen Taizun sitting in town, and under Huanzhen Taizun's personal shots, this newly born weak weapon spirit has no more worries and hiddenness when fusing the brand and memory fragments of the Holy Light Tower. The hidden dangers and all the dangers will be really obliterated invisible.

  The ancient Dao Taizun standing aside looked at the origin of this group of avenues, suddenly showing a contemplative color, and muttered: "The aura of the origin of this avenue is a bit familiar. It seems to be the heaven and earth supreme ancient Sirius of the last era!"

   "Although the old man and the ancient Sirius are not characters in the same period, there are some relics of the ancient Sirius that have been passed down to this day. Therefore, the old man is so familiar with its breath."

  Looking at the origin of this group of avenues, Taizun Ancient Dao has complicated eyes and waves in his heart.

   Soon, the origin of the avenue disappeared, and the law of creation gradually faded. A brand-new holy light tower spirit appeared in the eyes of Gudao and Huanzhen.

  Although this weapon spirit has just been born, it appears to be stronger than the one that was previously obliterated by Huanzhen Taizun.

  This is not only because it is reborn because it is too respectful, but the most important thing is that the Dao Origin he absorbed this time has far exceeded the amount he absorbed last time.

"Xiaosheng pays homage to the two seniors, and more of the grace of the seniors to rebuild." As soon as the spirit of the holy light tower recovered, it immediately transformed into the face of a middle-aged man, gentle and elegant, but at this moment, his face was facing the two with respect. Da Zhizun bends down and salutes.

  Compared with the previous holy light tower spirit, now this spirit is obviously more interesting.

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