Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3073: Spiritual Summon

Listening to Gongsunzhi's undisguised humiliation and sarcasm, Huangfu Guiyi of the Zhongtian family and Xu Zhiping of the Xu family's two ancestors suddenly turned dark, and they involuntarily squeezed their fists.

"Wuhun Mountain is not fixed in one place. It wanders in the vast void of the Holy Realm all the time. To find it is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. We can lock Wuhun Mountain in decades. It’s a blessing to see the traces of him.” Xu Zhiping said coldly.

"Okay, now that I found it, then the Lord of the Palace won't say much." Gongsun Zhi stood up, scanned the many high-levels of the Guangming Temple below with a condescending gaze, and said loudly: "Since Wuhun Mountain Having found it, the temple master officially announced that this time, it must be the end of Wuhun Mountain. The martial arts bloodline that has opposed our Guangming Temple for countless years will be completely ended in the hands of this temple master."

"All temple elders, all deputy hall masters, this time, our Guangming Temple wants an army to suppress the realm, and bring despair to the spirit of the martial arts. Now the master of the hall announces that everyone in the field will go out with the master of the hall." As soon as it fell, the Sword of God Slaughter that was originally suspended behind Gongsunzhi suddenly appeared in his hand. Gongsunzhi held the Sword of God Slaughter in his hand, and the tip of the sword pointed to the sky. The terrifying energy that the strong will change for its color suddenly diffused from the Sword of God Slaughter, stirring up the world.

As the head of the nine guardian holy swords, the Sword of God Slaughter, its strength has already reached a situation that everyone in the field can't imagine.

"Subordinates are willing to fight Wuhun Mountain with the lord of the palace"

"Hall Master Shenwu, Palace Master Shenwu"

"The martial soul that has been opposed to our Guangming Temple for many years is finally going to be extinct. Under the leadership of the Lord, our Guangming Temple is about to usher in a brand new glory."

"Support the Lord, destroy the Martial Spirit line"

"This time, I must let the spirit of Wuhun have nowhere to escape."

As soon as Gongsunzhi's voice fell, the many temple elders gathered below shouted loudly, and their expressions were extremely excited and excited.

The Martial Spirit line has been hostile to the Temple of Light for many years. This is the hatred that has been passed down from generation to generation before the endless long years. It can be said that it was born an enemy.

And in recent years, many people in the Temple of Brightness have also died by the hand of Wuhun. Among these fallen people are the disciples, relatives, friends and even elders of these temple elders.

Therefore, in the entire Guangming Temple, almost no one does not hate the Martial Soul line.

The enmity between the two parties is so deep that it cannot be resolved at all.

Xuan Zhan looked around, seeing the hatred in the eyes of these temple elders clearly, and his mood became very complicated.

He had already learned from the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower that the Wuhun line was the secret of the royal family, but now, watching the hatred attitude of so many people in the Temple of Light towards the Wuhun line made Xuan Zhan understand in his heart, Wuhun. One line is the secret of the royal family, and he must keep it secret.

If not, the entire Temple of Light would fall apart.

Because the hatred has deepened into the bones, these temple elders, and even some deputy hall masters, will never accept it, let alone admit that the Wuhun line is a superior royal family.

The disclosure of this news is harmful to the Temple of Light.

"Xuan Zhan, Xuan Ming, Han Xin, Dong Lin Yanxue, Bai Yu, do you have any objections to the five of you going with the Lord of the Palace this time?" Finally, Gongsun Zhi glanced from the five guardians, his eyes sharp, threatening and oppressive. .

"There is no objection, let the Lord of the Palace decide everything!" Xuan Zhan immediately echoed, and at the same time spread the voice of Yanxue, Bai Yu and Han Xin to the east, stabilizing the emotions of the three.

Gongsun Zhi laughed loudly, his eyebrows were flying, he waved his hand, proudly said: "In this case, the temple master now announces that the Temple of Light is officially out."

However, before the word "zheng" for the expedition was spoken, Gongsunzhi's words came to an abrupt end, because at this time, the call of the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower was passed into his mind through the Sword of Slaying God in his hand.

Gongsunzhi's expression was startled, this was the first time that the Holy Light Tower Spirit had contacted him on its own initiative, which obviously caught him off guard.

But immediately he seemed to think of something, his face flashed with joy, and said: "Wait a moment, the Holy Light Pagoda Spirit has something to discuss with the main hall owner, and the main hall owner will come as soon as he goes."

"There is also Xuan Zhan, you five also went to the Holy Light Tower together, Master Qi Ling also summoned you five at the same time"

Soon, headed by Gongsunzhi, the six guardians of the Temple of Light gathered in the Holy Light Tower. As soon as they stepped into the Holy Light Tower, an overwhelmingly powerful force of terror suddenly descended. The power of the light tower has taken the six of them away from the original place.

Gongsunzhi, Xuan Zhan, Xuan Ming, Bai Yu, Han Xin and Donglin Yanxue appeared in an unknown area in the Holy Light Tower at the same time. Almost as soon as they arrived here, they saw one wearing white. A middle-aged man with a long robe and gentle and elegant temperament was standing in front of them with his hands down, looking at them with a plain expression.

Without much introduction, the six guardians already knew the identity of the middle-aged man.

And seeing the state of the Holy Light Pagoda Spirit at this moment, Gongsun Zhi is undoubtedly the one who is most excited among the six. The Holy Light Pagoda Spirit appeared here intact, and this moment made him realize that the Holy Light Pagoda Spirit The spirit has truly regained its strength.

If it is said that in the Temple of Light, who is most eager to restore the spirit of the Holy Light Tower as soon as possible, it must be Gongsun Zhi. Because he has the blood of Taizun in his body, and this thread of blood also makes the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower become his greatest support in the Temple of Light.

Xuan Zhan, Xuan Ming, Dong Lin Yanxue, Han Xin and Bai Yu were obviously aware of this problem. Among them, Xuan Zhan's eyes flickered and his eyes became deeper. As for Xuanming, Yanxue to the east, Han Xin and Bai Yu, are all worried.

The four of them understood that if the Holy Light Tower Spirit was willing, it would be possible to take back the Guardian Holy Sword at any time, depriving them of all the glory and status they had now.

"Gongsunzhi, are you about to fight the Martial Spirit line?" At this moment, the voice of the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower came out, and it looked straight at Gongsunzhi.

Whenever mentioning this, Gongsun Zhi was very energetic, and said with joy: "Yes, I have summoned all the powerhouses in the Temple of Light. This time I set out, it is bound to wipe out the Martial Spirit line. Especially the Martial Spirit line. Jian Chen, the eighth heir of the Kingdom, is even more sinful. He not only concealed his identity and sneaked into our Temple of Light, but also took away the Supreme Path of Inheritance of the Temple of Light!"

"In this expedition, the Lord of the Hall not only wants to recapture the Great Dao Sacred Jue, but also wants Jian Chen to die."

"The Lord of the Hall swears that he will definitely make Jian Chen endure the most painful torture in the world, so that he can't survive and die."

When talking about Jian Chen, Gongsunzhi gritted his teeth, his eyes had a murderous intent that could not be concealed. The hatred for Jian Chen in his heart is so strong that it has far surpassed the other seven people in the Martial Spirit line.

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