Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3081: Patriarch

"Okay, I believe in Senior, I will take Young Master to go with Senior!" After a short period of hesitation, Guardian Xue finally chose to leave the Tianyuan family.

Because of his original intention when he first came to the Tianyuan family, one was to seek a safe place, and the other was to take a fancy to the background of the Tianyuan family. Therefore, over the years, he has been doing his best for the Tianyuan Family. The ultimate goal is to obtain enough merits through his own efforts, and then exchange for some cherished resources to treat the injuries of the young master.

Now that there is a better way to treat the young master, he will naturally make another choice for the young master.

After all, he is still not a member of the Tianyuan family, there can only be a cooperative relationship between him and the Tianyuan family. He joined the Tianyuan family, worked for the Tianyuan family, and received feedback on various resources from the Tianyuan family.

Not just him, all the Beginning Realm protectors recruited by the Tianyuan family are like this. If these Beginning Realm protectors were to leave, the Yuan family would also not stop that day.

"Senior wait a moment, please allow the younger generation to say farewell to the Jian Chen Patriarch." Protector Xue said, for the Heavenly Demon Lord, he still trusts very much in his heart. After all, the shadow of the tree of man's name, with the height of the heavenly devil's holy master, would deceive him into a Promiseless Beginning.

"No, I will tell Jian Chen personally. Besides, it is not that you will not meet each other in the future." Mo Tianyun said, doing things vigorously and without any sloppyness. When the voice just fell, he took the Snow Protector and The little golden tortoise left the Tianyuan family and told Jian Chen about it by means of sound transmission.

In the middle of Yunzhou, on the summit of Tongtian Peak, his body has been lost, and only the peak master of Tongtian Peak, who is alive in the state of the soul, is sitting on a cliff at this moment, quietly looking at the endless sea of ​​clouds in front of him.

Compared with the previous year, his body of the soul is obviously weaker. There is a chain of laws involved, and the curse law that is far above his own realm has hurt his soul, and then it is like a tarsus. Like maggots, they are eroding his soul at all times.

Although he tried various methods over the years, and received the help of several other great ancestors of the Taishi Realm on Yunzhou, he still couldn't completely eradicate the curse law in his soul.

Because the level of the law involved in this curse law is too high, at least it is also left by a strong person who has reached the fourth heaven and above in the Taishi realm.

Looking at the holy realm, those who can comprehend the law of the curse to such a realm are countable, not only are few and pitiful, and even if such a strong one is found, they may not necessarily be moved.

"Oh!" At this moment, the Peak Master of Tongtian Peak, who was sitting on the edge of the cliff, let out a sigh, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart, because he knew that his time was running out.

However, he did not give birth to any fear or unwilling thoughts, some just a kind of peace, seeming to have looked down on life and death, fearless.

"After many years, I must be above Yunzhou. I am afraid that no one will remember that there is Tongtian Peak." The owner of the Tongtian Peak sighed softly: "The tide is ebb and flow, life and death cycle, there is no immortal force in this world. Tian’s dynasty was known as the eternal dynasty, and it flourished for a while in Yunzhou, but it didn’t end in an instant. And this little Tongtian peak, the old man, is now at the end of the road."

"That's not necessarily"

As soon as the main voice of Tongtian Peak fell, a peaceful voice suddenly came. Following the voice, I saw Mo Tianyun in white clothes appear quietly in front of the main peak of Tongtian Peak, and the black clothes around him. The woman stood floating in the air, standing on the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Although Mo Tianyun didn't have the slightest devilish energy on his body at this moment, the peak master of Tongtian Peak still looked shocked. He immediately stood up as his pupils contracted, and bowed to Mo Tianyun to salute: "The old man worships the God Lord!" Between the Peak Master of Tongtian Peak and Mo Tianyun, the two can't tell who is big and who is small, but everything in the holy world is respected by strength, and the master is first.

Mo Tianyun looked at the peak master of Tongtian Peak, with a plain expression: "You saved Houston back then, and you were kind to Ningshuang, so I owe you a favor. I'm here to help you today, but it's the cause and effect of that year. ."

"Tianyun, is it that he is the peak master of Tongtian Peak that the disciple said?" said the black-clothed woman standing next to Mo Tianyun.

"That's right! It's him." Mo Tianyun nodded, and when he treated the women around him, he could not help showing a soft color, unable to be so indifferent to outsiders.

"I don't know who this Daoist friend is?" The peak master of Tongtian Peak looked at the black-clothed woman, with a look of surprise in his eyes. Because he could see at a glance that this black-clothed woman was the same as him, the same soulless body.

The only difference is that the primordial spirit of this black-clothed woman is too solid, so solid that it is impossible to tell whether it is a physical body or a primordial spirit.

Her soul seemed to be no different from the physical body.

"Ningshuang, you can treat her as the leader of the Heavenly Demon Saint Sect." Mo Tianyun said.

The Master of Tongtian Peak was shocked. The Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect is also quite famous in the Holy Realm, because it has branches in many places in the Holy Realm, and every branch has caused a big killing.

But as everyone knows, the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect does not have a leader, and its spiritual pillar is the Supreme Elder, and the powers of the holy realm are crowned by the title of the Heavenly Demon Sage Lord.

Below, the elder of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect is responsible for coordinating everything and managing all major and minor affairs with the assistance of many elders.

Finally, there are a large number of vice-masters, who are located on various continents and many branches of various big stars.

The Peak Master of Tongtian Peak couldn't help but seriously looked at the black-clothed woman, because today, it was the first time he knew of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect, it turned out that there was a leader!

In Yunzhou, Tianyuan family, Jian Chen took the crystal coffin to find Mingdong directly, and told Mingdong the troubles and dangers Fairy Haoyue was encountering now, without any concealment.

To save Fairy Haoyue, the best way is to ask Huanzhen Taizun to take action, and Mingdong is the ninth disciple of Huanzhen Taizun. Therefore, it is only appropriate to ask Mingdong to come forward on this matter.

Although he had a lot of credit for returning the Huanzhen Pagoda at the beginning, he still had a lot of credit in the Bishengtian Palace, but after all, those credits at the beginning can only be regarded as promised by His Highness. Grasping the certain credit for staying in the Bishengtian Palace at the beginning, is it still worthwhile?

However, for the sake of safety, he decided to let Mingdong come forward to resolve the matter.

Ming Dong is naturally no stranger to Fairy Haoyue, so when she learned of the danger that Fairy Haoyue is currently in, she agreed without hesitation, patted her chest and promised: "Jian Chen, don't worry, this I will definitely ask Master to take action."

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