Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3114: Snow God returns

Hearing this, the woman's eyes narrowed slightly, and she was surprised: "Senior Brother, what do you mean... Snow God will return soon?"

The young man known as the Three Senior Brothers nodded and said: "From the perspective of the fluctuating laws of the Great Bingji State, it is indeed affected by the Snow God, because the small heaven and earth where the Snow God hides is hidden. Near Bingji State."

"If I expected it to be true, the memory of the Snow God should be fully awakened. Once the memory is awakened, the laws of the heavens and the magical powers she has understood in her previous life will also be mastered by her again."

"However, the powerful magical powers need the strength of the body's cultivation level to support. The laws of the Ninth Heaven level of the Taishi Realm that the Snow God masters also need to have a strong enough Primordial Spirit to be able to use it."

Senior Brother Three slowly raised his head and looked at the vast snow falling from the sky, his eyes deepened, and he said, "What I care most about is how much strength the Snow God can recover in the end."

"Although the major forces on the Bingji State have gathered a batch of resources, these resources are far from enough for a supreme power of the Nine Heavens in the Supreme Beginning Realm. As for the maid of the Ice Temple, with her strength , And how many resources can be obtained? Senior Brother, Junior Sister thinks that it is impossible for the Snow God to recover to the peak period in such a short period of time." The woman said.

Senior Brother Three shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily true. After all, no one knows whether there is anything left by the Ice God in the small world where the Snow God is hiding. After all, the Ice God himself created that small world. It seems that it was mostly prepared for the Snow God."

"However, although I don't think the Snow God can recover to the peak in such a short period of time, we have to be careful..."


Time is passing quietly. All the top powers in the Ice Polar State are closely watching the position of the void spacecraft of Tianzong. For a time, all the top forces standing on the Ice Polar State have their eyes one after another. Focusing on Xue Zong's body, they all stood by with a mentality of watching a good show.

The snow in the ice state is also getting bigger and bigger, and there are many snowflakes larger than usual, and the whole sky is filled with crystal clear light, and the whole sky is packed.

However, few people pay attention to this obviously unusual snow, because the minds of all the top forces have been deeply attracted by the upcoming battle between Tianzong and Xuezong.

As for the subtle changes in the rules of Bingji State, no one can detect it except for the young man known as the Third Senior Brother.

Because the fluctuations and changes in the rules are really too subtle and subtle, unless the perception of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth reaches a very deep and deep level, otherwise, there will be no disadvantages at all.

Xuezong and the Tianhe family, these days are also preparing for battle, facing the threat of Tianzong, these two top forces standing on the top of the ice state have not chosen to retreat, they are all determined to fight to the death. And courage.

The blue ancestor of the Tianhe family was also making every effort to refine the ancestral blood pill during this time. The land of divine blood she obtained from Jian Chen was turning into a blood red pill.

Ancestral Blood Pill is a strategic material of the Tianhe Family, because it is a special pill that can enhance their combat power.

The only flaw is that this kind of pill is only useful for the blood of the Tianhe family.

"Not only did the Tianzong focus on Xuezong, but even the Tianhe family is also in danger. Alas, facing the power of almost the entire vast star, even if the Xuezong and the Tianhe family are united, they still cannot change the final outcome. ......"

In the Ice Pole State, many forces had seen the choice of the Tianhe family, and they shook their heads and sighed. In their eyes, they seemed to have seen the moment when the Tianhe family and Xuezong came to an end.

Almost everyone believes that both the Xuezong and the Tianhe family are about to follow in the footsteps of the Hefeng family.

Tianzong's void spacecraft is getting closer and closer to the Ice Pole State.

Because that void spacecraft has received the strength of the Yuan Pharaoh ancestor, and its flight speed is even faster than that of some Taishi realm powerhouses. Therefore, it naturally does not take too long to cross from Tianzong to Ice Pole State.

At this moment, in a void outside the Bingji State, the space here suddenly distorted, and the next moment, two figures appeared here silently.

Judging from the body shape, both of them are women.

One of the women was wearing white clothes with a frosty face, showing an extreme coldness and ruthlessness, and a terrible cold air radiated from her body, which made people afraid to approach.

If Jian Chen were here, he would definitely recognize this woman at a glance, it was his second sister, Changyang Mingyue!

However, Changyang Mingyue at this moment is no longer the same person she used to be. Now she has not only changed her aura, but even the look in her eyes and expression looks so strange. Compared with Changyang Mingyue, it is simply It's like two people.

Because she is no longer Changyang Mingyue, but the Snow God!

As for the other woman wearing a battle armor, she is naturally watery blue.

The appearance of the two of them was completely silent and did not cause anyone to notice. Even though it was hidden in the manor in the Snow Country, the third senior brother who had been waiting for Yan Zun to appear, also did not notice the existence of Snow God.

The Snow God stood silently in the void, her icy gaze that seemed to contain endless frost and cold stared at the ice state in front, gradually revealing the color of deduction, and was understanding everything that had happened in the ice state in recent years.

Soon, the light of deduction in her eyes disappeared, and then she turned her head and stared into the depths of the vast void.

Her gaze seemed to penetrate hundreds of millions of miles of the starry sky, and she could directly see through the deepest part of the void of the universe, and finally locked on a void spaceship that was galloping toward the ice state. Suddenly, there was a chill of killing intent in her eyes. Exudes.

At the same time, in a magnificent hall of Xue Zong, all the powerful Beginning Realm in Xue Zong are here, and each one has an extremely solemn expression.

"Ancestor, in only half a day at most, Tianzong's void spacecraft will officially come to our Ice Pole State." Below, an elder of the Primordial Primordial Realm Supreme Master said in a deep voice.

"I got it." The Grandmaster Bingyun who was sitting above spoke lightly, although his expression was solemn, but he was not in the slightest fear.

These days, in order to meet the next bitter battle, Xue Zong and his staff have made all preparations, and everyone has a determination in their hearts to go to death and co-exist and die with Xue Zong.

However, at this moment, a terrible cold air suddenly hit, and a layer of crystal clear ice crystals condensed on the body of the many Beginning Realm powerhouses gathered in the hall.

Moreover, this cold air easily broke through all of their defenses and directly penetrated into their bodies. Not only was it so cold that all of them were chattering, but even the blood in their bodies had solidified, even the cultivation base and the soul To be frozen.

At this moment, whether it was the Promise Beginning State or the Hunyuan Beginning State, they felt an indescribable boundless cold. This chill was terrifying, even if they tried their best, they could not resolve even a single bit.

Not to mention them, even the two ancestors of Xuanji and ancestor Hanhe, who sat above the main hall and cultivated to reach the highest level of the Taishi realm, had the same fate.

Of all the strong people in the entire Xue Sect, only Patriarch Bingyun was able to resist a little.

This sudden change suddenly caused all the strong people in the Xue Zong to change their colors, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

who are they? Either the Promise Beginning Realm or the Hunyuan Beginning Realm, there are even strong people in the Supreme Beginning Realm. As a result, just a cold air from nowhere almost frozen them into ice sculptures. The terrible cold air is beyond all of them. Human cognition.

Grandmaster Bing Yun was also shocked in her heart, but immediately, she seemed to realize something, and her whole person suddenly became extremely excited, and her body couldn't stop shaking.

"Bingyun, you know you are guilty!"

At this moment, an extremely indifferent word suddenly came from the discussion hall.

I saw two white shadows floating silently above everyone's heads.

None of the senior members of Xue Zong, including Patriarch Bingyun, even noticed what happened to the two beautiful shadows in the sky.

It seems that they have always been there.

Grandmaster Bingyun burst into tears for an instant. She no longer dared to sit on the throne in a high posture. She immediately walked down, kneeling on her knees, and pressing her forehead deeply against the cold ground, her voice trembling loudly with excitement. Called: "The slave servant Bingyun sees His Royal Highness, and welcomes His Highness to return!"

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