Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3116: Goat into the Tiger's Mouth

"Hahahaha, Patriarch Bingyun, you ruined the old man’s primordial avatar back then, how arrogant and defiant you are. The deity of the old man is here today, and he came here to teach and teach, do you still have what you were now? Is it still as conceited as it was back then?" The voice of the ancestor Yuan Pharaoh came from the sky of Bingjizhou. Before breaking through, he was indeed afraid of Patriarch Bingyun.

But now, he has completely ignored Patriarch Bingyun.

Soon, the void spaceship of Tianzong had hovered over Xuezong's gate, and the entire Xuezong was shrouded in a huge shadow.

Below, Xue Zong had opened the guardian formation many days ago, and the powerful light emitted by the guardian formation enveloped the entire resident, unable to see any scenery inside.

"Little Lan, the Tianhe Divine Array is ready and can be activated at any time."

At the same time, in the depths of the Tianhe family, Lan Zu, Shi Zu, and Tian Zu were standing together, each one with solemn expressions, like facing an enemy.

The person who speaks is the ancestor of heaven!

The three of them stared at the direction of Xue Zong far away.

"The Tianzong went straight to the Xuezong. Once they destroy the Xuezong, our Tianhe family will be the next one. After all, their Tianzong has long been ill-intentioned with our Tianhe family. Now naturally they will not let this great opportunity go. Therefore, we must not let Tianzong destroy us and Xuezong one by one." Lan Zu said in a deep voice.

Shizu and Tianzu nodded with heavy expressions, and said: "Unfortunately, our Tianhe Divine Formation can only fully explode its due power in this sect. It seems that we are also only in the Tianhe family. , Gaia fought against the gang of Tianzong."

An expression of decisiveness appeared in Lan Zu's eyes: "Once Tianzong and Xuezong start to act, the three of us will immediately take the Ancestral Blood Pill and activate the Heavenly Crane Divine Formation..."

At the same time, the second-ranked top force in Bingji State, Hanfengmen, headed by the Chifeng ancestors, the three ancestors who sit in the Hanfengmen are also looking at the direction of Xuezong from a distance, paying close attention to every move there.

"The strength of Tianzong is too strong, and the lineup is extremely terrifying. Xuezong is completely over this time. Unless the Snow God returns, no one can save them..."

"It's not certain whether the Snow God has a chance to return. Counting on the Snow God? Isn't it ridiculous. However, if the Yu Master of Lezhou makes a move, then maybe something can be changed. The strength of the Yu Master is hidden. Very deeply, Patriarch Bingyun suffered a loss in her hands. She should be able to contend with the Patriarch Yuan Pharaoh..."

"The Yushangren of Lezhou? Haha, the Yushangren of Lezhou and Xue Zong have nothing to do with each other. She has no reason to offend the Yuan Pharaoh who has reached the late stage of the Taishi Realm for an irrelevant force. Ancestor. In short, Xuezong is not saved this time, and the Tianhe family is over..."

"Once the Snow Sect and the Tianhe Clan are gone in the Bingji State, who else is qualified to compete with my cold wind..."

The three ancestors of Hanfengmen all showed expectant smiles on their faces.

Among the top forces on the Bingji State, Xue Zong is so strong that no one can shake it because of the existence of Patriarch Bingyun.

As for the second cold wind gate, the third Tianhe family and the fourth Hefeng family, although there are differences in rankings, the difference in strength between them is not big.

"It's also time for our Cold Wind Gate to show up." At this moment, the ancestor of Qi Feng suddenly spoke, with a grim smile on his face.

"Feng Zu, do you mean, we are going to make a move?" The other two great ancestors looked startled, showing a look of surprise.

Chifeng ancestor nodded and said with a smile: "The demise of Xuezong is destined, even if we make a move, it will be the icing on the cake. But now Tianzong, perhaps it is the person who needs the icing on the cake, because it will make them icing on the cake. It is more justifiable, and it also silences other forces in the Bingji State."

"Furthermore, this Bing Jizhou belongs to our territory after all. Tianzong is an outsider, and the environment here is not suitable for them. Once they achieve their goals, they will eventually retreat. We are selling Tianzong’s face at this time. It's convenient to talk later."

"Of course, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that if Grandmaster Bingyun is not dead, then I will never be able to sit firmly in the first position. Although the three of us still have the path given by Yan Zun , But that road is very dangerous and very slim. And we can’t put all our chips on that road. If there are other roads to go, it’s not impossible to try.”

The ancestor Chi Feng said slowly, with a sinister light in his eyes, and said: "So, our Cold Wind Gate, to be the last force to crush the ancestor Bingyun, time does not wait for me, and the opportunity cannot be missed, so we must take action. ."

Hearing that, the other two ancestors of the Cold Wind Sect all brightened their eyes, and said with a smile: "It is still Feng Zu's vision. It happens that Xue Zong's Bing Yan Ancestor tried to murder Shui Yunlan. Although the matter has passed, we have not tasted it. We can’t reuse it and let it become a banner of justice in our hands..."

The three ancestors of the Cold Wind Sect immediately took some of the Hunyuan Realm Supreme Elder in the Zong Sect in front of Xue Zong.

"Grandmaster Bingyun, how come you still haven't seen your figure, it's hard to be the tortoise with the shrunken head, hiding in the snow sect's guardian formation and dare not come out..."

"Master Bingyun, think about how majestic and prestigious you were at the beginning, how can you suddenly become so timid like a mouse..."

Tianzong’s void spacecraft brought a shadow to the sky above Xuezong’s guardian array, and the provocative and ironic voice belonging to Yuan Pharaoh’s ancestor continued to be heard, resounding between the heavens and the earth, and it even shook the Bingji State. All the big and small forces on the world.

There are countless powerful gods lingering in the sky above Xue Zong. All the strong in Bingji State are paying close attention to every move here, but when they find that they face the provocation and irony of the Yuan Pharaoh’s ancestors, the dignified Bingji State When a large number of Xue Zong did not respond at all, even when there was no response at all, this couldn't help making everyone feel lamented.

In their eyes, Xue Zong's silence was obviously afraid, showing weakness in this way.

"Hahahahaha, Patriarch Bingyun, do you think that if you are a tortoise, the old man will let you go? You are too naive." Yuan Pharaoh laughed, his gaze became more fierce and fierce. He became gloomy and said with murderous intent: "The old man you humiliated the old man back then, today the old man will repay you hundreds of times, even if you hide in the Xuezong showing weakness, the old man will never let you go."

"Friends of Yuan Fa, conquer Xue Zong, our Cold Wind Sect will help you." At this moment, a strong team of Han Feng Sect appeared, and the figure of Chi Feng ancestor appeared high in the sky, saying loudly: "Snow Sect The perverse behavior had already betrayed the Ice Temple. Back then, he almost murdered the Shuiyunlan of the Ice Temple. Although in the end all the responsibility was shifted to Grandmaster Bing Yan, in fact, the real person behind the scenes was Grandmaster Bingyun. "

"Master Bingyun, our Cold Wind Gate is loyal to the great Ice Temple. Since you have betrayed the Ice Temple, then our Cold Wind Gate will never let you go."

The ancestor of Chi Feng said strictly.

"Good! Good! Good! Fellow Qifeng Daoist, we Tianzong, will never forget your help from the Cold Wind Sect." Yuan Pharaoh immediately clasped his fist to the Qifeng ancestor and spoke politely.

With the help of the Cold Wind Sect, their Tianzong became more upright and confident, and more justified.

"Damn it, why did the Cold Wind Gate emerge at this time, and instead of standing on the side of Xue Zong to resist foreign enemies, they are also going to deal with Xue Zong. Why is this Chifeng ancestor so confused." Tianhe family, The expressions of Shizu and Tianzu changed. One Tianzong was enough to give them a headache. If you add a cold wind gate, there is no chance of winning.

Lan Zu's pupils also shrank, his gaze became extremely frightening, and he said solemnly: "It seems that Cold Wind Sect has gone to Yan Zun's side just like the Hefeng Family. Today's catastrophe, our Tianhe Family and Xue Sect I'm afraid it's inevitable. Immediately arrange some outstanding disciples from the clan to evacuate the Bingji State..."

Xue Zong, all the disciples below the Beginning Realm looked panicked, and they were extremely worried. However, all the elders who had attained their cultivation base to the Beginning Realm gathered in the discussion hall at this moment and did not dare to take a mouthful. They were all nervous and nervous.

It's just that their nervous and perturbed mood is not because of the arrival of Tianzong. In fact, at this moment, all the powerhouses of the Beginning Realm gathered here have completely forgotten the Tianzong who was suppressed by the army, it seems that in the eyes of all of them, the Tianzong no longer has any threat.

What really suppressed them from daring to take a mouthful was the extremely natural snow-white figure sitting on the Ice Throne.

The ancestor Yuan Pharaoh would not have imagined that, in his eyes, Patriarch Bingyun, who had become a "tortoise with a shrunken head", was now kneeling on the ground respectfully, and the lower part of his body had already turned into an ice sculpture.

The Snow God had cold eyes, sitting on the Ice Throne with expressionless face, and did not take any action.

The magnificent conference hall became silent for a while, and needles dropped, but the atmosphere inside seemed extremely depressed and dull.

"Master Bingyun, since you don’t want to show up, the old man had to forcefully break this layer of tortoise shell of your Snow Sect. Back then, you returned with a word of Snow God, trying to scare me with the name of Snow God. Now that my Heavenly Sect has been overwhelmed by an army, dare to ask where is the Snow God in your mouth?"

"Hahaha, let alone whether the Snow God can return, even if the Snow God really returns, she can’t save you today. In today’s holy world, no one knows that the Snow God is already unable to protect herself. Can she survive Yan Zun? It's not necessarily surviving if you say..." Yuan Pharaoh's ancestor laughed up to the sky, and after stepping into the seventh heaven, he became more unscrupulous than before.

Seventh Heaven, indeed has such confidence and confidence!

I saw his figure flying out of the void spacecraft, and a terrifying coercion that belonged to the Seventh Heaven in the Supreme Beginning Realm spread over the sky, and a terrible energy storm suddenly blew up between the sky and the earth.

The ancestor Yuan Pharaoh just waved his hand casually, and immediately a huge handprint emerged from the heavens and the earth, pressing down towards the Xuezong guard array below with a might of destroying the heavens and the earth.

This is the terrible attack of the Seventh Heaven in the Supreme Beginning Realm. The horror of power can not be described by destroying the heavens and the earth. When the handprint falls, the terrifying energy contained in it and the intertwined laws of the great road , Directly shattered layers of space.


With a loud noise, the huge handprints of the ancestor Yuan Pharaoh pressed on Xue Zong’s guarding formation. The terrible power seemed to tremble the entire Ice Pole State, and Xue Zong’s solid guarding formation was suddenly torn out. crack.

"Hahaha, Xuezong’s guarding formation is nothing more than this, and it still can’t stop the old man’s hand in the palm of his hand. Everyone, let the old man enter the Xuezong, go up and down the Xuezong, no chickens and dogs!" Laughing, full of spirits, at this time, he was full of wildness, invincible demeanor, and then led everyone on the vast star into the hinterland of Xuezong.

"Go, let's go in too!" The Chifeng ancestor of the Cold Wind Gate shouted in a low voice, and the other two Taishi Realm ancestors and many Taishang elders who also led the Cold Wind Gate rushed into the snow along this crack. Zong.

In an instant, everyone had disappeared outside of Xue Zong's sect residence, and all of them had entered the Xue Zong's interior.

However, at this moment, Xue Zong's sect guarding formation, the crack that was hit by the palm of Yuan Pharaoh's ancestor, healed in an instant.

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