Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3122: The dust settles

The three ancestors of the Three Great Beginning Stages of the Cold Wind Sect, all their appearance and spirit are destroyed!

The three Bing Ling that absorbed all their memories floated quietly in front of the Snow God.

Behind the Snow God, the Frozen Throne was condensed in the void. She sat on the Frozen Throne, and stretched out a snow-white Qianqian Jade finger to lightly point on one of the ice.

Suddenly, all the memories contained in the ice flowed toward the Snow God like a tide. She filtered out all the messy memories, and was not interested in the experiences and secrets of the three ancestors of the Cold Wind Gate over the years. Searching for all information related to Yan Zun.

It seems that she wants to exhaust all means to find the trace of Yan Zun.

Soon, the memories of the three ancestors of the Cold Wind Sect were all read by Xue Shen. Although she had fully grasped the various agreements reached between the three ancestors of the Cold Wind Sect and Yan Zun, it was a pity that she did not get it. Any bit of information about the whereabouts of Yan Zun.

The three ancestors of the Cold Wind Gate are right, they really don't know the trace of Yan Zun!


Three ice icicles containing huge memories suddenly exploded, and all the memories of the three ancestors of the Cold Wind Gate were turned into countless fragments and dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

Xue Shen's eyes were extremely cold, as if there was a monstrous anger hidden in the bottom of her heart, and no trace of Yan Zun was found, which made her very angry.

The next moment, her figure disappeared instantly, and when she reappeared, she had returned to Xuezong’s discussion hall, staring below with cold eyes that did not contain the slightest emotional color. That half of her body had turned into an ice sculpture, and she was kneeling on the ground. The unmoving Patriarch Bingyun.

"Bingyun, it is a capital crime for you to intervene in the main hall without authorization. But for your good intentions, the main hall can spare you one. But the death penalty is avoidable, and the living sin cannot escape. The main hall punishes you to kneel for thousands of years. To pay for your sins." The Snow God said coldly.

"Bing Yun, thank you, thank you, Your Highness, for not killing," Ancestor Bingyun said with a trembling voice.

The Snow God pointed a little, and immediately a group of cold ice laws enveloped Patriarch Bingyun. Under the envelope of the cold ice laws, Patriarch Bingyun instantly turned into a lifelike ice sculpture.

She maintained a kneeling posture, completely frozen there, as if imprisoned.

Witnessing the end of Grandmaster Bingyun, and up and down the Xue Sect, all the Beginning Realm powerhouses fell into silence, and there was a deep sorrow and sorrow in their eyes.

But for this result, they were not surprised, because this was the Snow God they knew, with a weird personality, cold and ruthless.

Behind the Snow Throne, Shui Yunlan also looked at Patriarch Bingyun with a complex expression, with a hint of intolerance in his eyes.

However, she didn't dare to intercede, because she understood her identity, to put it better, they were the guards of the Snow God.

If it's ugly, it's actually a handmaid.

Handmaid, how dare you say much in front of the master.

A crack suddenly opened in the void of the discussion hall, and two women who were bound all over, flew out of the void under the traction of a force.

These two women are the ancestor Bing Yan of Xue Zong and Wu Han, one of the four guards of the Ice Temple.

"His Royal Highness from the Palace" However, when he saw the Snow God sitting on the Snow Throne, Wu Han's face was instantly pale as paper with fright, his delicate body was directly limp to the ground, and his lips trembled.

Patriarch Bing Yan seemed extremely calm, because since being imprisoned by Patriarch Bingyun, she had been prepared to face the situation today.

It's just that this day was much earlier than she expected.


In the void, there was a cold snort from the Snow God, and the whole discussion hall seemed to have fallen into Frozen Purgatory.

In the next moment, the figures of the Snow God, Shui Yunlan, Bingyan Patriarch, and Wuhan all disappeared, all being taken away by the Snow God.

The huge pressure that enveloped the entire Snow Sect disappeared without a trace, and even the flying snow in the Snow Sect was gradually weakening, slowly recovering towards normal conditions.

In the discussion hall, all the Xuezong Beginning Realm powerhouses gathered here were relieved. This subtle change made them all understand that the Snow God had really left this time.

"Master Bingyun is gone!"

Suddenly, an exclamation came, and everyone discovered that Patriarch Bingyun, who had been frozen in here, had also lost track.

Just as the many Beginning Realms looked at each other, there was a sudden loud noise outside.

I saw that those Beginning Realm powerhouses who were also frozen on the Boundless Star also disappeared, leaving only many **** realm warriors frozen here.

All the Beginning Realm powerhouses on the vast star were taken away by the Snow God!

The Tianhe family is located on Feixue Peak, one of the three ancestral peaks in the forbidden area. Lan Zu, Shi Zu, and Tian Zu are gathering together, and there is a trace of anxiety that cannot be concealed in their expressions.

"There hasn't been any movement from Xuezong's side until now. I really don't know what they are doing so that we have wasted three ancestral blood pills." Tianzu looked furious, even though he was not acting according to plan. I felt extremely dissatisfied with the method, but I couldn't help but worry about it. Once the Xuezong was destroyed, it would never be possible to stop the Tianzong with the power of the Tianhe family alone.

"I wonder if you have noticed the horror aura that burst out suddenly in the void outside the sky. That is the strongest person of the Eighth Heaven in the Taishi Realm. Such a strong person suddenly appeared outside our Ice Polar State. I always feel about this. It's not as simple as it seems, it may be related to Xue Zong." Shi Zu said in deep thought.

"What's so strange about this? I think that when the Great Highness of Bishengtian Palace was chasing down Yan Zun and Kaitian ancestors, he still passed near Bingjizhou. And not long ago, we also sensed the Wangu Building. The host's surging weather, these peerless experts occasionally pass through the Bingji State, it is too normal, don't think of everything about the Snow Sect." Tianzu said disapprovingly.

Lan Zu didn't speak, his bright eyes gleamed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden blizzard on Feixue Peak. Accompanied by a suffocating coercion, a throne of ice appeared out of nowhere above Feixue Peak.

In front of this Frozen Throne, all the protective formations of the Tianhe family were in vain, and they could not have the slightest blocking effect.

On the Ice Throne, the Snow God sits on it, like a divine mansion high above, looking down on the sentient beings in the world, looking at everything like ants.

When Lan Zu, Shi Zu and Tian Zu saw the Frozen Throne, their expressions were shocked, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

"See His Royal Highness Snow God, welcome His Highness to return!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the three ancestors of the Tianhe family immediately bowed down and bowed, respectfully, but their hearts were extremely excited.

The return of the Snow God made the three of them realize that the Bingji State, which has been chaotic for many years, finally ushered in a day of stability.

Bingji State has the Snow God sitting in town, and external forces, who would dare to offend?

Xue Shen was expressionless, he didn't even look at Tian Zu and Shi Zu, and completely ignored the two great ancestors of the Great Beginning Realm of the Tianhe Family. Her eyes were very cold, falling straight on Lan Zu, cold. Ran said: "You are brave enough to dare to interfere in the affairs of this temple."

"The junior is convicted, and the junior accepts all the punishments from His Highness." Lan Zu did not quibble or argue with reason, because she understood that if these were used on the two gods of ice and snow, not only would it not have the slightest effect, but it would even cause it. To counteract.

"If this is the case, then accept the punishment of the 10,000-year seal of the main hall." The Snow God said coldly, and immediately there was a cold air enveloping Lan Ancestor. When I saw Lan Ancestor's feet, ice crystals appeared in an instant, spreading rapidly toward the entire body. .

Her body began to start with her feet, and gradually became frozen.

Seeing this scene, Tianzu and Shizu standing aside suddenly felt anxious. Both of them wanted to explain something, but they opened their mouths, and finally did not dare to say anything.

As the veteran powerhouses in the Bingji State, they know too well the temperament of the two gods of ice and snow. They understand that if they speak at this time, they will probably end up in the same fate as Lan Zu.

Realizing that her body was being frozen continuously, Lan Zu's heart suddenly sank. Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something and immediately said: "His Royal Highness, Jian Chen has a lot of friendship with our Tianhe family. He was leaving back then. I once said a word during the Ice Pole State."

"He said that no matter what the second sister has become, she will always be his second sister and one of his closest people."

When the name Jian Chen appeared in Xue Shen's ears, it was as if a thunder blasted in her mind, shaking her will and her thoughts falling into chaos.

Even her delicate body sitting on the Snow Throne was a little stiff, and her eyes without emotions gave birth to some waves at this moment.

But this state only lasted for a breath of time, and Xue Shen suppressed all negative emotions and regained her indifference, and the ice crystals spreading on Lan Ancestor's body also suddenly accelerated.

In an instant, Lan Zu's facial expression was frozen, and she was completely frozen while maintaining a fixed posture.

"Oh!" At the moment before she was completely frozen, a light sigh echoed in her heart.

The Tianhe family is not over. Afterwards, the Snow God appeared in various places in the Bingji State, descending among the many top powers on the Bingji State, and some of the top ancestors of the top powers ended up with the fate of Lan Zu. Was completely frozen there.

There are also some top powers that have gone to extinction. The whole family, no matter good or evil, men, women, old or young, have all turned into ice sculptures.

And the ice sculptures they transformed were different from Lan Ancestor and Bingyun Ancestor. Lan Ancestor and Bingyun Ancestor had only their bodies sealed by ice, and the primordial spirit was still intact and able to think normally.

As for those forces that turned into ice sculptures, not only were their bodies sealed, but even the soul was also sealed by ice.

The Cold Wind Gate is one of the forces that transformed the entire family into ice sculptures.

The Moon Temple was also not spared!

Before, in order to catch Yan Zun, the Snow God had been hiding himself so as not to stun the snake and let Yan Zun escape in advance.

Now, since Yan Zun's trace could not be found, the Snow God naturally did not need to continue to hide.

Therefore, what she did in Bingji State was undoubtedly announcing her return in public.

For a while, the Bingji State boiled, no one paid attention to the forces that were overthrown by the Snow God, and no one paid attention to the human-shaped ice sculptures standing in various places in the Bingji State, because in the Bingji State, there is nothing more returning than the Snow God. All are even more important.

Everyone is cheering loudly for the official return of the Snow God

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