Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3124: Bian Tilian

"Hey, there is actually a double lotus here!" Mo Tianyun's eyes suddenly lit up, and his body immediately plummeted, landing with Jian Chen in a valley.

In the very center of the valley, a lotus flower is surrounded by a faint black and yellow air, emitting a dazzling and radiant light, and there are strong energy fluctuations.

This is not only a double lotus contaminated with black and yellow air, but also a fully mature high-grade god-level heaven and earth treasure.

If this Bingdilian was brought to the Holy Realm, it would be enough to cause a group of Taishi Realm powerhouses to fight for it.

Because the double lotus is a healing magical medicine that is very powerful, it can restore all the injuries of any warrior, including not only the physical body, origin, essence, energy, and spirit. Even if the soul is injured, the double lotus can also help. And to restore, it really possesses the god-defying magical effect of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the mountains in the valley shook, and a terrifying aura that reached the Supreme Beginning Stage rose to the sky, and the whole valley was filled in an instant, and the black and yellow aura in the sky fluctuated violently.

How could such a precious double lotus not be occupied by a powerful Xuanhuang Beast? I saw a long worm with a hundred feet, like a centipede, emerged from the ground, and a pair of muddy eyes locked Jian Chen and Mo Tianyun in an instant.

Jian Chen's heart suddenly stunned, and he was locked by a profound yellow beast in the Supreme Beginning Realm, and he immediately felt a huge oppressive force.

"Taishi Realm One Heaven!" He instantly judged the strength of this mysterious yellow beast!

Without Mo Tianyun by his side, he would only have to flee hurriedly when facing this mysterious yellow beast.

The Taishi realm level, even the weakest Taishi, was far beyond his ability to contend.

What's more, in this Xuanhuang Xiaotian realm, neither his spatial laws nor the laws of swordsmanship can be used, and his strength has been suppressed too much.

Most importantly, he is still seriously injured.

Previously, when he drove the bridge of life and death in Shengzhou, the origin of the wastage did not recover, and later he used two swords to combine.

His condition at the moment is extremely weak.

"This double lotus, because it should make you fully recover." Mo Tianyun ignored the mysterious yellow beast that had drilled out of the ground. He stared at the double lotus in front of him, and said in a flat tone.

The next moment, his whole person suddenly disappeared, and he appeared in front of the Taishi Realm Profound Yellow Beast in an instant, just as a punch.

Mo Tianyun's punch did not contain any legal power, but only a pure cultivation power, as well as that powerful physical power.

As the Holy Feather Tiger Emperor, one of the four great royal clans of the Demon Realm, Mo Tianyun's physical power is also extremely powerful.

Suddenly, the monstrous power of cultivation erupted, and the entire head of this Taishi Realm Profound Yellow Beast that had just emerged from it was instantly shattered.

Not only the head, but even its entire body, under the impact of Mo Tianyun's terrifying cultivation power, it completely burst open, leaving no corpse to die.

With just one punch, a profound yellow beast equivalent to the first heaven of the Supreme Beginning Realm was completely beheaded, which made Jian Chen once again personally feel the power of Mo Tianyun.

"Slaying Taishi with one blow, I don't know when I will be able to have such a powerful strength." This makes Jian Chen envied, such a terrifying strength, even if you look at the entire holy world, how many people can make him jealous?

The most important thing is that Mo Tianyun's punch did not use the force of the law.

If there is the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth, the power of this punch will be even more unimaginable!

"Jian Chen, swallow this Biandilian, it should be able to fully recover you." At this time, Mo Tianyun had already picked off Biandilian and came to Jian Chen.

Biandilian was surrounded by a faint black and yellow aura, exuding a dazzling light floating in front of Jian Chen quietly.

Looking at the double stalk lotus in front of him, Jian Chen's heart is not at peace, and the probability of stalking lotus appearing in the world is very small. What's more, the double stalk lotus in front of him is not only contaminated with the aura of black yellow, but also has grown to a high-grade god-level sky. The level of material and treasure.

Its value can be imagined!

If it were not for Mo Tianyun by his side, he would definitely not be able to get this Bing Tilian.

Jian Chen didn't pretend, and swallowed Bing Tilian in one bite, then sat cross-legged on the ground and began to recover from his injuries.

In an instant, the enveloping light on his body soared to the sky, and the majestic medicinal power of Tilian enveloped him, and the injuries in Jian Chen's body were quickly recovering.

Mo Tianyun did not leave, but stood still in the valley with his hands on his back. His body was as tall as a mountain, invisible, it seemed that he had a tendency to suppress the mountains and rivers.

In the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm, there are also many Xuanhuang Beasts coveting stalks. Because this place was previously occupied by a stronger Xuanhuang Beast, the nearby Xuanhuang Beast did not dare to move.

Right now, the breath of the Taishi Realm Xuanhuang Beast guarding this place disappeared, and the Xuanhuang Beast entrenched nearby was about to move.

Soon, there was a dull running sound from outside the valley, and the whole earth was shaking violently, and a huge mysterious yellow beast was approaching here.

And the number is more than one.

Not only the ground, but even the distant horizon has a large shadow, and many birds are approaching here.

This place was already in the depths of the inner realm. Any Profound Yellow Beast that could separatize the land within this range was naturally weak. Therefore, among the profound yellow beasts that came from all directions, the weakest ones all reached the late stage of the Hunyuan Realm.

There is even a mysterious yellow beast at the level of the Supreme Beginning Realm.

It's just that this profound yellow beast at the Supreme Beginning Realm level was obviously weaker than the one Mo Tianyun had killed before.

All the Profound Yellow Beasts seemed to be attracted by Jian Chen's body that belonged to Biandilian, and rushed towards Jian Chen from all directions.

They don't have intelligence, can't think, all behaviors are based on instinct, so naturally they don't know how powerful Mo Tianyun is.

Mo Tianyun made a move. He waved his fist and struck out in the air. Every punch was shocking, the world changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, and the mysterious yellow aura that permeated the sky and the earth was fluctuating violently.

There was a shower of blood between the world and the earth, and all the mysterious yellow beasts were mercilessly beheaded, and they ended up in pieces.

Mo Tianyun's strength is too strong, even if he doesn't rely on the law, he can kill these mysterious yellow beasts effortlessly.

He didn't even need to move, just standing beside Jian Chen and taking a shot in the air, he could kill all the enemies who came.

In an instant, the world fell silent, and all the roars of the mysterious yellow beasts disappeared cleanly.

Jian Chen was still sitting cross-legged in place to heal his wounds. Around him, there was a layer of energy barriers arranged with Mo Tianyun's cultivation power to protect him from outside interference.

Mo Tianyun stood with his hand in his hand, protecting Jian Chen's law without leaving, and it seemed that he would not leave until Jian Chen's injury was fully recovered.

At this moment, he waved his hand and the figure of Shangguan Mu'er appeared suddenly.

"The mysterious yellow beasts around here have all been killed by me. You can collect some of the heavenly materials and treasures that grow there." Mo Tianyun said to Shangguan Mu'er.

"Thank you, Senior!" Shangguan Muer leaned slightly to Mo Tianyun, a pair of beautiful eyes stayed on Jian Chen for a moment, and Beifang lightly said: "Senior Mo Tianyun, I don't know how Jian Chen is doing."

"You don't need to worry about this. Jian Chen will wake up soon. The moment he wakes up, it will be when his injury heals." Mo Tianyun said.

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