Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 126: God-level enlightenment tea

Jian Chen instantly lost interest in the beast core of the mysterious yellow beast. Then, he and Shangguan Mu'er continued to go deep and soon entered the active area of ​​the Profound Yellow Beast.

This is already considered to be the deep area of ​​the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm, and the Xuanhuang Beasts that are active in this area almost all reach the Promise Beginning Stage level, and the God King Realm Xuanhuang Beast is almost extinct.

Jian Chen and Shangguan Mu'er flew at low altitude with the power of cultivation, although the speed was far less than one ten thousandth of Mo Tianyun's, but they were not slow.

Soon, they crossed thousands of miles, and finally stopped at the halfway point of a huge mountain.

I saw that on the top of the mountain, a vigorous and powerful ancient tree was rooting among the rocks, emitting a hazy sacred brilliance, and even more profound and mysterious aura permeating.

This ancient tree is surprisingly an ancient tea tree for enlightenment!

"Ancient tea tree of enlightenment of the third rank of God!" Jian Chen stared at the ancient tree on the top of the mountain, with a faint smile on his face.

The god-level quality enlightened ancient tea tree, its efficacy is enough to benefit the powerful in the beginning realm a lot.

Because this is a kind of divine object that can help people to enlighten the Tao, all such treasures of heaven and earth are unimaginable in value, far exceeding the same level.

The next moment, Jian Chen's body soared into the sky, turning into a white afterimage and coming to the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment in an instant.

Suddenly, among the broad branches and leaves of the ancient tea tree, a yellow python suddenly sprang out, and opened its mouth to bite down towards Jian Chen, and the sharp teeth shot out a heart-palpitating cold light.

Jian Chen did not evade, letting the sharp teeth of the python bite on his chest.

Hearing a crisp "cack-boom" sound, the python's teeth broke directly as if biting on a piece of indestructible steel.

Almost at the same time, Jian Chen shot, and there was the power of chaos between his palms, with a biting sound of breaking through the sky, like a powerful slap on the head of a python.


There was a dull muffled sound, and the python's head split instantly.

The strength of this python was probably around the third layer of the Promise Beginning Realm, and it was fatally hit by Jian Chen.

"Senior Mo Tianyun can kill the Great Beginning Realm with a single blow, but I can only kill the early stage of the Promise Beginning Realm." Looking at the body of the python, Jian Chen couldn't help thinking of Mo Tianyun's slaying. The terrifying combat power displayed by the Xuanhuang Beast in the Taishi Realm made him yearn for.

Shangguan Mu'er also turned into a purple afterimage and came to Jian Chen, and then walked directly to the vicinity of the enlightened ancient tea tree, ready to start collecting.

"Wait, Mu'er, this ancient Taoist tea needs to be preserved in a special way, otherwise the power of Tao Yun contained in it will continue to flow away, causing the power of the medicine to be greatly reduced." Jian Chen immediately stopped Shangguan Mu'er's actions. Then, I took some wood stained with the aura of black and yellow on the spot and made them into simple wooden boxes before I began to collect ancient teas for enlightenment.

There are very strict requirements for Wudao tea whether it is picked or preserved. A little carelessness will affect the quality of Wudao tea, resulting in a great reduction in potency.

However, Jian Chen had already mastered these experiences skillfully when he entered for the first time. Collecting them at this moment is naturally handy.

Soon, the leaves of a whole enlightened ancient tea tree were all picked off by Jian Chen and carefully preserved.

Suddenly, Jian Chen opened his palm, and saw that a fascinating flower that was only three inches tall gradually grew on the palm of his hand.

This fascinating flower seemed inconspicuous, but in it, there was a huge pressure permeating it.

This fascinating flower is exactly the fairy-eater demon flower cultivated by Jian Chen's painstaking efforts.

This time in the lower realm, he also brought over the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower!

"The Fairy Devouring Demon Flower, then you can move freely. With your current strength, as long as you don't go too deep, there is basically no danger." Jian Chen said to the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower.

Although the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower cannot transform into a human form, it can only appear in the form of a demon plant, but at present, it obviously has a not weak spiritual intelligence, and already has its own wisdom.

The Fairy Devouring Demon Flower, which had shrunk to a height of only three inches, gently rubbed Jian Chen's palm, revealing the color of intimacy and attachment, revealing an emotional wave of reluctance.

Jian Chen smiled on his face and said: "You have grown up now, and you will eventually face the day when you face all the dangers and challenges on your own. Go ahead and adapt to the trials and hardships that you need to face in your practice. ."

"Besides, this Xuanhuang Little Heaven is a place of good fortune for you."

In the end, Jian Chen dropped the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower and continued to rush to the next area with Shangguan Mu'er.

On the way out, he wrote down several locations. These locations are where extremely precious natural materials and earth treasures grow. Among them, there are Enlightenment tea trees growing in three areas, Ziyun fairy peaches growing in two areas, and a few more. There are other kinds of natural treasures growing in the area.

Although it was a long glance from high in the sky, Jian Chen still judged the ranks of these heavenly materials and earth treasures, all of which had reached the god-level quality.

Although his current position was already in the depths of the inner realm of the Little Heaven Realm, it was in the range of the movement of the Profound Yellow Beast in the Beginning Realm. But in the deep area, not every kind of heaven, material and earth treasures can reach the god-level quality, and most of them are not at the god-level.

After all, those heaven, material and earth treasures are not god-level when they are born. Every god-level quality heaven, material and earth treasure has undergone step-by-step growth and transformation.

Soon, Jian Chen and Shangguan Mu'er came to the second destination, and what appeared in front of them was an enlightened ancient tea tree that reached the fourth rank of God.

"We can collect more of the ancient tea trees for enlightenment. As long as there are enough ancient tea trees for enlightenment, you can also break through to the Hunyuan Beginning Realm in the shortest time."

"Although I have not tasted the enlightenment tea tree of god-level quality, I also know that the effect of enlightenment tea tree of god-level quality is far stronger than that of good fortune jade. One reason why enlightenment tea is inferior to that of good fortune jade is enlightenment. The duration of tea is too short, and the second reason is that there are restrictions on the grade."

"Low-quality enlightenment tea is only useful for low-level warriors. Only the enlightenment tea of ​​god-level quality can be useful for the strong in the beginning realm. On the other hand, the **** jade of good fortune has no restrictions in this respect."

"The **** jade of good fortune has the same magical effect for low-level martial artists or for the powerful Beginner realm with strong cultivation. Moreover, using the **** jade of good fortune to enlighten the avenue does not have a time limit like the tea tree of enlightenment. Feel for as long as you want to feel."

When Jian Chen heard the sound, the others rushed past like an arrow from the string, beheading the Beginning Realm Profound Yellow Beast that was entrenched here with the momentum of thunder.

Soon, all the leaves of the second enlightened ancient tea tree fell into Jian Chen's hands.

Next, Jian Chen kept running, and continued to rush to the third and fourth place. Soon, among the positions he remembered in his mind, a total of three ancient tea trees and two Ziyunxian peach trees fell into his hands.

In addition to Ziyun Xiantao and Wudao ancient tea, he also harvested some other varieties of natural treasures. Although they are also of god-level quality, their value is obviously inferior to Ziyun Xiantao and Wudao ancient tea. A lot.

But fortunately, the profound yellow beasts that were stationed beside these heavenly materials and earth treasures were not too strong, almost all at the level of the Promise Beginning Stage, so it was not difficult for Jian Chen to kill them.

But the heavenly materials and earth treasures that can be occupied by the Profound Yellow Beast of the Promise Beginning Realm are naturally not much higher than the other ranks.

The fifth grade of God Level is already the highest quality Jian Chen has ever seen.

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