Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3138: Drunken Dragon Pill (1)

At this moment, the dragon turtle suddenly opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and when it opened and closed, it had already swallowed the corpse of the mysterious yellow beast thrown by Shangguan Mu'er with a thunderous force.

But this is obviously not the end. Just when the corpse of the mysterious yellow beast was swallowed, the dragon tortoise's huge eyeballs instantly locked onto the official scene.

At the moment when the dragon tortoise watched, Shangguan Mu'er felt breathless, and an invisible pressure had enveloped her. This pressure was so strong that it was like a mighty mountain that was pressing on her to death. On the back, it made her body difficult to move.

After all, this is the terrible pressure from the powers of the Triple Heavens in the Taishi Realm, and the strength of the above-mentioned officials in the Wuji Beginning Realm is naturally extremely weak in the face of this pressure.

Shangguan Mu'er looked solemn, but she didn't feel the slightest panic in her heart, because she had anticipated this situation and situation.

There was almost no delay, as soon as Dragon Turtle appeared, Shangguan Mu'er had already performed secret techniques in secret.

At the same time, the dragon tortoise also launched an attack. Its huge body, which turned into a small island, did not move, but its neck was stretched indefinitely in an instant, opening its mouth, at an indescribable speed. Bit down towards the official screen.

And in its huge mouth, there is a terrifying suction that seems to be able to swallow the sky and the earth, pulling on the body of Shangguan Mu'er, and approaching the dragon turtle's blood gate uncontrollably.

Although they are both in the Beginning Realm, the power gap between the two is like a chasm. In the face of this amazing dragon turtle, Shangguan Mu'er has no ability to resist at all.

In just an instant, the dragon turtle's blood basin and mouth had come to the front of Shangguan'er.

However, just as Shangguan Mu'er's body was about to be sucked in, a dazzling light suddenly bloomed on her body. She got rid of all the shackles in an instant, and the whole body turned into a shining meteor and disappeared in an instant.

The speed she showed at this moment is really unparalleled, and it seems that there is no force that can stop it for hundreds of millions of miles.

The dragon tortoise's speed is already astonishing, but compared with the speed that Shangguan Mu'er can explode when using the secret method, it can be described as slow as a snail, and there is no level between the two.

Dragon Tortoise took a breath, it was obviously startled, and it seemed that he couldn't understand why the food that reached his mouth suddenly disappeared. However, it obviously wouldn't think too much about this problem because of its low intelligence. After shaking its head, it retracted back, curled up a wave of waves and disappeared on the lake.

The Xuanhuang Lingye in this lake also seems to have the effect of isolating the breath. When the dragon tortoise disappears in the lake again, its breath also disappears, and it can't be felt at all.

Perhaps, only the same Profound Yellow Beast can discover the dragon tortoise hidden here with a natural sense of smell and perception.

Jian Chen was not eager to leave, he waited for a while on the spot, and after the lake surface was completely calm, he cautiously retreated to the distance.

After a certain distance from the lake, he used his haste and chased him in the direction of Shangguan Mu'er at the fastest speed.

He was already in a cold sweat, and he was secretly thankful. This time, if Shangguan Muer hadn't taken the initiative to lead the dragon turtle out of the task, if he really had to go to the battle himself, he would really be bitten by the dragon turtle. Swallow it and fall into an unforgettable place.

Because the dragon turtle's speed is too fast, he has no way to avoid the dragon turtle's attack under the premise that he can't use the rules.

Even if it is a combination of two swords, it will not work, because there is no time to brew!

"Mu'er, hold on, you must have nothing to do." Jian Chen was anxious, he leaped over the peaks and across the plains, and flew towards the position of Shangguan Mu'er, desperately anxious.

After all, Shangguan Mu'er didn't have the body of chaos. She had just performed the secret technique and was in a very weak period.

Once such a situation encountered a mysterious yellow beast, it would be dangerous.

Although Shangguan Mu'er had a middle-grade God-level Bian Tilian on his body, the recovery of Bian Tilian's injury could not be completed in an instant, it also took a time process.

"Quick, quick, quick!" Jian Chen has never been as anxious as he is now. He leaps all the way, even if he meets some extremely rare treasures on the way, he can't care about picking them.

After a period of rushing at full speed, Jian Chen finally approached the location of Shangguan Mu'er, and this area was already the inner periphery of the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm. The Xuanhuang beasts that moved in this area were mostly humans and gods. Realm and Celestial Realm.

Jian Chen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He knew that the above official tactics, even if they were in an extremely weak state, would not even be unable to deal with the Xuanhuangsou of the Human God Realm and the Heaven God Realm.

He flew at high speed in the air, and from afar, a familiar purple figure finally appeared in his sight.

After seeing the figure with his own eyes, Jian Chen's heart that had been held in his throat finally let go.

Soon, he came to Shangguan Mu'er, and near here, there were already a dozen mysterious yellow beast corpses lying in the realm of humans and gods, all of which were obviously beheaded by Shangguan Mu'er.

At this moment, Shangguan Mu'er had already swallowed Bian Tilian, and was sitting cross-legged on the ground silently healing her wounds. She obviously also noticed Jian Chen's approach, her long eyelashes quivered slightly, but she seemed to recognize Jian Chen's identity. He didn't open it either, but was more relieved to be immersed in the healing and recovery.

Jian Chen was sitting cross-legged opposite Shangguan Mu'er. He stared at Shangguan Mu'er's pale face without a trace of blood. He only felt a tingling sensation in his heart, full of self-blame and guilt.

Because Shangguan Mu'er had fallen here because of him, if he hadn't had an obsession with Xuanhuang Lingye, then Shangguan Mu'er would not be suspected of being involved, and would take the initiative to draw the dragon tortoise out for him. It ended up like this in the end.

Jian Chen sat cross-legged opposite the Shangguan screen quietly, staring at her intently.

A few days later, Shangguan Mu'er's injuries recovered. The first sentence she opened her eyes was to ask about the strength of the dragon turtle.

"The strength of that dragon tortoise is probably at the level of the Triple Heaven in the Taishi Realm. It's not that I can't kill it when I use the combination of two swords. It's just the biggest trouble, that is, there is no time to display it." Jian Chen said.

Shangguan Mu'er's brows were also frowned, the strength of the Taishi Realm Triple Heaven was indeed invincible to them, and they had no way to hold the dragon tortoise for a moment.

Because that dragon tortoise was almost a second kill against them, there was still room for resistance.

"I have to find a way to hold the dragon tortoise for five breaths. My two swords are combined, and it takes five breaths to brew." Jian Chen frowned in thought, thinking hard.

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