Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3146: Unstoppable

And in this violent impact, the python's huge body flew high, and instantly disappeared into the dim cloud of high altitude, and a blood-like liquid sprayed out from its mouth.

And on the protruding rock entrenched in front of the python, there was a figure standing steadily.

This person is Jian Chen!

Jian Chen stood with his hands in his hands, looked up at the sky, stared at the place where the python disappeared, shook his head secretly, and muttered to himself; "For me, the opponent of the Second Layer of the Hunyuan First Realm is indeed a little vulnerable. ."

With a slight vertical leap, Jian Chen had already arrived in front of the fiery red fruit, plucked the fruit and left.

It wasn't until after he left that the clouds rolled in the sky, and a huge black shadow fell from the sky and slammed to the ground. The whole land that the huge body hit shuddered a few times.

This is the python that occupies here, but at the moment it looks in a very bad state. It can't stand on the ground for a long time, and looks dying.

In the distance, in a dense forest, Jian Chen had already merged with Shangguan Mu'er.

The previous scene of Jian Chen and the python confrontation, Shangguan Shuer also saw her, her big breathtaking eyes blinked, and she was shocked: "Your current strength seems to have increased a lot."

Hearing this, Jian Chen nodded: "After this verification, it is basically certain that only the mysterious yellow beasts in the first stage of the Hunyuan realm are qualified to be my opponents. The mysterious yellow beasts below the third stage of the Hunyuan realm are almost all injured. Not me."

After a pause, Jian Chen continued: "I was really in a hurry last time, so Xuanhuang Lingye hasn't collected enough. We have to go to that lake again."

Next, Jian Chen led Shangguan Mu'er towards the lake where the dragon tortoises were entrenched. After the breakthrough in strength, he moved more easily in the deep areas of the inner boundary, even though he was still not enough to be in the Primal Boundary Realm. At the level, it is called king and respect, but at least it doesn't need to be chased by a group of mysterious yellow beasts in the four-layer and five-layer realm of the Hunyuan realm as before.

Therefore, on the way back to the lake this time, Jian Chen didn't cover up like he used to, looking forward and backward, but moved forward in a straight line.

Soon after, a great war broke out in the dense forest again, and Jian Chen had already fought fiercely with a giant bear whose strength reached the fourth layer of the Primal Beginning Stage.

I saw the power of chaos in Jian Chen's body, erupting terrible physical power, he smashed out with his fist, punch after punch, powerful and powerful, and the terrifying air explosion sounded one after another. This huge bear of the Fourth Heavenly Hunyuan Realm head-to-head, launched the most fierce duel.

The clothes on Jian Chen's body had been damaged, and blood stains appeared on his body. Every time the giant bear attacked, Jian Chen's body could be wounded.

But Jian Chen didn't evade. His attack also caused serious injuries to the giant bear. He was fighting a war of attrition with the giant bear at the cost of injury for injury.

Under Jian Chen's deliberate actions, the battlefield of one person and one beast was gradually moving away.

After Jian Chen led the giant bear to a distance, Shangguan Mu'er appeared in a hurry and came to the heavenly treasure guarded by the giant bear.

This is an ancient tea tree of enlightenment, God-level sixth-rank, almost one of the best.

Standing next to the ancient tea tree, Shangguan Muer began to pick tea leaves.


In the distance, the giant bear that was fighting Jian Chen into a ball seemed to have also noticed that the treasure it was protecting had been violated. It raised up to the sky and let out an angry roar, abandoned Jian Chen without hesitation, and began to move desperately towards it. The location of the ancient tea tree enlightened and rushed.

Jian Chen sneered at the corner of his mouth, and the power of chaos in his body burst out, and all the power belonging to the sixteenth layer broke out. In an instant, the space was shattered.

The fist broke through the air and rubbed against the vitality between the sky and the earth, producing a sonic boom like thunder, and even more with an unimaginable force, it ruthlessly hit the giant bear's head.

There was only a muffled sound, and the whole ground trembled a few times. The giant bear’s three-meter-diameter head was hit deeply by Jian Chen with a punch, and the whole head fell into it. A huge body is exposed.

The giant bear suffered a lot of pain and let out a scream, his huge body was struggling fiercely, blasting out a powerful force.

boom! boom! boom!

Jian Chen's attack didn't stop, he raised his fist, his physical strength exploded, and he punched out five or six punches in one breath with a terrifying force, and there were dull clashes from heaven and earth.

A one-meter-long crack appeared on the giant bear's head immediately. Its skull was cracked and its brain was violently concussed.

At this time, it had already pulled out its head, roaring in its mouth, and a huge bear paw slapped Jian Chen with a mighty force.

Jian Chen let out a muffled hum, his steps backed back on the ground, blood surging in his body, his complexion flushed.

But soon, he forced a mouthful of blood in his body and continued to shoot, dragging down the giant bear.

"Jian Chen, withdraw!"

At this time, Shangguan Mu'er's sweet drink came from a distance. She had collected all the ancient tea for enlightenment, and the figure was flying quickly towards the distance, and a few flashes disappeared.

Looking at the bald ancient tea tree of Enlightenment, Jian Chen, who was fighting the giant bear inextricably, couldn't help laughing. He did not retreat immediately, but continued to drag the giant bear and waited for the official account. After leaving a certain distance, he suddenly withdrew and retreated, the power of chaos in his body gushed, and he left quickly.

The giant bear roared in his mouth, and immediately chased him towards the position of Shangguan Mu'er, but the heavy body just ran two steps, and it hit a huge rock with one head, and the body was spinning in place, seeming to be a little different. Clear direction.

During the fierce battle with Jian Chen, its head was the most attacked place, its skull was cracked open, its eyes were staring at Venus, and it was completely stunned.

At this time, Jian Chen and Shangguan Mu'er had already moved away from here, and through this battle, Jian Chen had a more accurate positioning of his own strength.

"The mysterious yellow beast of the fourth layer of the Hunyuan realm, I can deal with it, but it is difficult to kill it. And the profound yellow beast of the fourth layer also has the ability to hurt me. As for killing me, it is almost impossible."

"According this way, even if I encounter a mysterious yellow beast in the fifth layer of the Primordial Realm, I still have the strength to deal with it by relying on the power of Chaos and the ability to recover."

"If it is the sixth heaven, I should be able to resist a moment too"

Jian Chen roughly figured out his own strength.

Of course, this is only the strength he can display in the Xuanhuang Xiaotian realm. If he reaches the Holy Realm, with all the cards except the purple and blue swords exhausted, he is confident that he can easily kill Hun Yuanshi. Powerful in the late stage.

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