Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3148: Black and white unicorn

This made Jian Chen understand that in the yin and yang land ahead, there must be an extremely terrifying black beast guarding him.

It is precisely because of their shock that no mysterious yellow beast dared to step into this plain.

"Master, we sensed the power of the yin and the yang!" Above Jian Chen's head, the figures of Ziying and Qingsuo turned out, staring at the Yin-Yang mountain range in front of them with excitement.

"It's such a pure power of the yin, such a pure power of yin, it's really rare." Qingsuo murmured, salivating, and a pair of smart eyes were hot.

Jian Chen was keenly aware of the changes in the purple sword spirit, his expression was slightly startled, and said: "Ziying, Qingsuo, is this land of yin and yang a great help to you?"

"Master, once the power of the yin and the yang that exist in the land of yin and yang are absorbed by us, then the power of me and Qingsuo must be able to recover a large amount in a very short time" Ziying said, tone There is unconcealable excitement between.

Even though he and Ziying's powers have been recovering momentarily during these years, but the speed is too slow.

But once the power of yin and yang is absorbed here, the effect is quite different.

Soon, Ziying's mood gradually calmed down. He frowned and said in a heavy tone: "The yin and yang land ahead is guarded by a very powerful mysterious yellow beast. We can't fight it."

"I'll go and take a look first!"

Jian Chen asked Shangguan Mu'er to wait in place, and then condensed all his breath, passed over the deadly plain like a restricted area of ​​life, and approached the Yin Yang Mountains silently.

His body almost flew close to the mountains, and the closer he got, the more cautious he became.

Because he deeply understands a truth, once he is exposed to such a powerful Xuanhuang Beast, it is absolutely inevitable to die.

Even if his body of chaos has stepped into the sixteenth layer, it is of no avail.

Because just relying on the exhaled aura, the mysterious yellow beast guarding this place is much stronger than the dragon tortoise.

The strength of the dragon turtle is at least the early stage of the Taishi realm, while the mysterious yellow beast guarding the Yin-Yang mountain range is at least the middle stage of the Taishi realm!

Facing the mid-term powerhouse in the Taishi realm, Jian Chen couldn't even escape in this Xuanhuang Xiaotian realm.

Jian Chen vigilantly crossed several peaks all the way, and finally came to the core area of ​​the land of yin and yang.

This is already the junction of this Yin-Yang mountain range!

What appeared in front of him was a low-lying basin completely surrounded by the Yin-Yang Mountains. The whole basin looked like a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi picture, intertwined with black and white colors, each with a fish eye.

This fisheye is like two huge deep wells, with strong yin power and yang power spurting out from it.

Beside the black and white fisheyes, there was a mysterious yellow beast lying on its stomach, and the color of its body was also very different from the other black and yellow beasts.

Almost all the mysterious yellow beasts that grow in the mysterious yellow small heaven are mainly yellow, which matches the color of this world.

But the two mysterious yellow beasts in front of them were black and white, which seemed out of place.

At this moment, each of them lay down near the fish's eye and snorted loudly. Most of the power of Yin and Yang that gush out from the eyes of the fish are absorbed by them, only very few. Very few parts leaked out.

Jian Chen looked at the two Profound Yellow Beasts in front, and he found that the two Profound Yellow Beasts were exactly the same, and they looked very much like unicorns.

In this basin surrounded by mountains, there is nothing else except the two yin and yang fisheyes that gush out the power of the yin and the power of the yang.

Jian Chen cautiously lurked on the top of a mountain in the distance. His body was almost integrated with the mountain, and he did not dare to take a mouthful of the atmosphere.

Because of the pressure from the two black and white unicorns in front of him, his heart trembled and his back was chilled.

He began to rejoice secretly, but fortunately, these mysterious yellow beasts had no wisdom and no primordial spirit. Otherwise, if he was replaced by any Supreme Beginning Realm powerhouse with the same strength, he would have been discovered long ago.

Jian Chen carefully observed the basin, and then quietly retreated.

Soon after, he moved away from the Yin Yang Mountains and reunited with Shangguan Mu'er.

"Not one, but two. The strength of the two mysterious yellow beasts is very strong, and there is no possibility of any enemy." Jian Chen said solemnly. After all, the black and white unicorn is not a dragon tortoise. The dragon tortoise has some dragon characteristics. , He can refine the Drunken Dragon Pill to target.

But in the face of species such as black and white unicorns, Jian Chen is really helpless.

"If you want to get the power of the most yin and the most yang, there is only one way right now, and that is to find Senior Mo Tianyun and Master Yu." Jian Chen sighed slightly, and Ziying and Qingsuo followed him. For such a long time, he rarely found anything that could bring them immense benefits.

Now that he finally encountered an opportunity to restore the strength of the sword spirit, he naturally didn't want to miss it.

Because once such an opportunity is missed, it will be difficult to encounter in the future.

"Mu'er, let's go, we will continue to search for the Dragon God Supreme Fruit. When we meet Senior Mo Tianyun and Master Yu, I will cheekily ask them to help."

Jian Chen could only temporarily leave the land of Yin and Yang behind, leading Shangguan Mu'er to continue activities in the depths of the inner world, while searching for the Dragon God Supreme Fruit, while collecting all kinds of heaven and earth treasures.

However, the god-level heaven, material and earth treasures that grow in the inner world are not as many as the mundane things outside, so they are scraped. Although the harvest is quite abundant, the collected god-level heaven, material and earth treasures are in quantity. After all, it can't be compared with the low-level things in the outside world.

Jian Chen still felt very satisfied, thinking that the harvest was huge. Because the higher the ranks of heaven, material and earth treasures, the more amazing their value, and at the same time, the more rare and precious.

In a blink of an eye, several months have passed since Jian Chen discovered the land of Yin and Yang.

At this time, in a continuous mountain range, there was a monstrous roar, and a powerful aftermath of energy shook the mountains and forests, shattering one mountain after another.

Jian Chen was covered in blood, fighting fiercely with a mysterious yellow beast that looked like a stranger.

And this mysterious yellow beast with a poor and strange form, its strength has reached the Ninth Heaven of the Hunyuan Beginning Realm!

Jian Chen was completely downwind, no, it shouldn't be a downwind, but there was almost no force to fight back.

Qiongqi's strength is too strong, far from what Jian Chen can contend with. I saw the two sides fighting, Qiongqi body was intact, while Jian Chen completely turned into a blood man. The body suffered an unimaginable severe damage, not only was all the internal organs destroyed, but even the bones of the body were broken in many places.

He is holding on with the body of chaos, entangled Qiongqi firmly!

On the other side, Shangguan Mu'er was also anxious. She picked up the nine top-grade divine fruits growing on a big tree as quickly as possible, and then rushed into the distance without looking back.

"Jian Chen, withdraw!"

"Mu'er, you go first, go to the junction of Yin and Yang, I can hold it for a while!" Jian Chen screamed, trying his best to entangle this Qiongqi.

After all, this Qiongqi is the Ninth Heaven of Hunyuan Beginning Realm, and the speed is very fast. He must delay for a while, otherwise, it will soon catch up with the official scene.

However, at this moment, a monstrous might suddenly came, and a huge palm composed entirely of energy came down from the sky with a terrifying might that made Jian Chen fearful. Qiongqi shot in the ground.


With a violent roar, the whole earth was trembling violently, and a huge deep pit appeared in front of Jian Chen. The only Qiong Qi that made Jian Chen do his best and paid a huge price to hold back, was instantly photographed into a ball. Mashed meat.

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