Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3153: Middle Grade Excalibur

Suddenly, the temperature in this basin was rising rapidly, and an extremely powerful flame enveloped the Rain Master. From the outside, she had completely lost the figure of the Rain Master. She seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​fire. The blazing brilliance bloomed in the basin.

In this place, because there is no formation to guard, when the rain is on the craftsman, it naturally created an extremely shocking scene. I saw countless peaks around the basin, starting under the terrifying heat. With the collapse of the seat, all the rocks began to melt, turning into a burst of flaming magma.

The basin is constantly sinking, and no material can remain intact under such a terrifying flame, all of which are dissolved and become part of the magma.

In an instant, this yin-yang mountain range completely turned into a land of lava, and a large number of mountains disappeared, forming an extremely magnificent ocean of magma.

Jian Chen had already retreated to the farthest point with Shangguan Mu'er. The power of the flame that erupted when Master Yu was refining the weapon was so amazing that it had exceeded the limit that Shangguan Mu'er could bear.

Not to mention it is Shangguan'er, even with Jian Chen's current strength, if the distance is too close, he still can't bear it.

And in that monstrous flame, all kinds of refining materials began to dissolve one after another, and Master Yu's hands were sealed and changed, and various mysterious handprints were continuously condensed. Each handprint implicitly contains the truth of heaven and earth. The trajectory of the avenue seems to have the supreme power to communicate with the avenue of heaven and earth.

With Yu Master's ability, he already had the ability to easily refine high-grade artifacts, and now to refine a lower-tier middle-grade artifact, it is naturally easy and effortless.

Therefore, the sword body of the middle grade artifact and other ranks soon appeared embryonic form.

"Jian Chen, donate a drop of your essence and blood, and a wisp of soul!" Suddenly, Master Yu's voice came out.

Jian Chen didn't hesitate, and immediately sent out a strand of Chaos Essence and a strand of Primordial Spirit's power.

The rain master drew his finger, and the drop of chaotic blood and a strand of primordial spirit sent by Jian Chen were immediately separated into two, respectively, into the two sword embryos, and then the monstrous flames drowned the two sword embryos in an instant. , For a deeper refinement.

Jian Chen, Shangguan Mu'er, and Mo Tianyun waited quietly in the distance. Refining any artifact can never be completed day and night. If it is refined by a powerful Hunyuan Beginning Realm, one It is a common occurrence for a middle-grade artifact to spend thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

But with the power of Master Yu in the art of refining, although it does not take such a long time, it will never be completed in a day or two.

Seven days later, Master Yu’s refining weapon seemed to have come to an end. Amidst the overwhelming flames, the two divine swords were faintly visible up and down in the flames, the cold light was everywhere, and there was a biting sword intent. .

However, the colors of these two swords are not purple and cyan, but one black and one white, which look like a pair of black and white swords.

This is because the refining materials are known. When refining the double sword, a large number of materials with yin and yang attributes are used. Therefore, the sword body is 10%, naturally, according to the different properties of the material, there will be corresponding color changes.

Suddenly, the black and white swords floating in the flames heard a crisp sound of swords. Both swords trembled slightly in the flames, as if they were spiritual.

"Sword Spirit, return home quickly!" Master Yu yelled, and suddenly, the sky of fire disappeared, and the black and white double swords with yin and yang attributes were suddenly clearly exposed to everyone's sight.

The black and white double swords are exactly the same in appearance. The sword is four feet long and about **** wide.

On the hilt of the sword, there is a simple pattern entwined, and it is as muddy as the sky, which seems to be able to form a certain echo with the heaven and the earth, with the charm of the heaven and earth avenue.

Suddenly, the two sword lights dragged a long flame and flashed away, and the purple sword spirit entered the black and white swords for the first time.

Suddenly, the black and white swords burst into the sky, and the color on the sword **** also rendered a faint purple-green color.

At the same time, Master Yu pinched the tactics with both hands, and immediately endless runes appeared, with the power of the great road, surrounded by layers of double swords, and continuously integrated into it.

With the penetration of these runes, the brilliance of the black and white swords bloomed more and more dazzling, more dazzling and charming, and there was a surge of sword aura that swept across the sky and the earth.

As for the black and white double swords, their colors are gradually changing towards purple and blue, eventually becoming a purple and one blue sword.

When all the runes were integrated into the sword body, Master Yu's refining tool finally stopped, and the purple and blue swords were suspended in front of her, blooming with dazzling brilliance, which made people afraid to look directly.

Its rank is already a middle-grade artifact!

And Master Yu seemed to have done a trivial thing, and he didn’t look at it more. With his fingers, the purple and blue swords turned into two long rainbows, curling up the sky full of sword energy and breaking through the void, and appeared in an instant. In front of Jian Chen, the speed was so fast that Jian Chen, who had mastered the law of the fourth layer of the Hunyuan realm, was shocked in his heart.

At this moment, he actually had an illusion in his mind, it seemed that even if he used the law of space, his speed was not so engraved with purple and blue swords.

A sword spirit with a sword body is no longer the same as a sword spirit without a sword body.

The purple and blue swords floated quietly in front of Jian Chen, the halo flowed, the colors were brilliant, exuding a breathtaking and powerful coercion, and the invisible strands of sword aura that filled the body were even more sensational. Cold.

Looking at the purple and green double swords floating in front of him, Jian Chen was excited at the same time, but also gave birth to a strange illusion. He felt that the purple and green double swords in front of him were not a middle-grade artifact, but a top-grade artifact. Artifact.

Because his essence and blood and soul were incorporated into the Ziqing double swords, he and the double swords established an inseparable connection.

Therefore, he could clearly feel the power of the Ziqing Double Swords, that surging power, and that mighty pressure almost completely surpassed all the middle-grade artifacts he had seen.

Although the Ziqing Double Swords are middle-grade artifacts, they are comparable to top-grade artifacts.

"Fortunately, my body of chaos has broken through to the sixteenth floor. Otherwise, I am afraid I will not have enough power to control the purple and blue swords." Jian Chen secretly said in his heart, if it is an ordinary middle-grade artifact, it only needs Wujishi. The cultivation base of the late stage can barely be used.

However, the Ziqing Swords must at least be at the cultivation level of the Primal Beginning Realm!

"In the world of Xuanhuang, you can use these two swords at will, but once you return to the holy world, this sword must never be exposed, understand?" Master Yu's voice came out. When she said this, she His tone has also become harsher than ever.

"Master, please rest assured, the younger generation naturally understands the powerful relationship." Jian Chen immediately clasped his fists, and he knew exactly what the consequences would be if the Ziqing double swords were exposed. ?

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