Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3171: Destroy the ancient family (3)

Upon hearing this, the faces of the old and Lei Shiguang changed drastically. In the next moment, all three of them waved their hands. Amidst the fluctuations of the horrible energy, they used magical powers, bringing more than half of the Thunder God family to disappear in an instant. .

All three of them felt the fierce killing intent from Fang Jing, and knew in their hearts that the enmity between the Thunder God family and the woman in front of them would not be resolved with the fall of the Thunder Lord.

Therefore, the three of them made a decisive decision and immediately led a part of the tribe to escape to the Supreme Temple in the depths of the Thor family.

In the face of Fang Jing, a super power who can fight the four great sages, even if the old man has the power to frighten the heroes, he can't think of resistance at all.

At this moment, the only thought that existed in their minds was to flee to the Supreme Temple, with the strong defensive power of the Supreme Temple to resist foreign invasions.

All of this happened so quickly that some of the ancestors of the Thor family hadn’t reacted, but in an instant, the three of them, the old man and the time of Thunder, brought half of the strongest members of the Thor family. The person instantly moved to the depths of the Thor family.


However, just as they were about to enter the Supreme Temple, a monstrous muffled sound came out. In front of the Supreme Temple, an energy barrier appeared silently, indestructible and indestructible, which affected the old man and the thunder time. People brought many members of the Thunder God family into this energy barrier one after another, and the strong impact caused many small and weak people to spray blood on the spot.

"Hahahaha, two eighth heavens and one seventh heaven, just because the three of you also want to escape in front of this princess, it would be too small to look down upon this princess." Fang Jing's sneer came from behind, her figure Also quietly appeared in the depths of the Thor family, suspended in the air in front of this supreme temple.

"The supreme temple?" Looking at the supreme temple in front of him, which can be regarded as the greatest heritage of an ancient family, Fang Jing's mouth showed a faint sarcasm: "Do you think that you have hidden in the supreme temple, this princess? Why can't you do it?"

"This supreme temple is indeed very strong, and it can indeed stop this princess, but with your strength, how can you exert the true power of the supreme temple? Even though it is more expensive, this princess has a world of pens, but the person who died in the end is still It's you."

"It's just this princess, I don't want to waste too much time..." While talking, Fang Jing's Tianxia pen lightly stroked the void, and the next moment, the group of Thors who were blocked by the energy barrier outside the Supreme Temple Among the powerhouses of the family, a large group of people disappeared out of thin air, as if they were broken down, turning into waves of surging vitality and energy particles to return to the world.

Looking at this incredible scene in front of him, even though he was calm about the old man, he couldn't help showing a look of horror.

There were a large group of people, and among them there were many Hunyuan First Realm Supreme Elders, but the understatement disappeared.

This kind of ability, this kind of method, even if they have lived for countless tens of thousands of years, it is unseen and unheard of.

The world pen in Fang Jing's hand kept waving, bursting out a mysterious and powerful force, and then saw the tribesmen who were moved here by the three people of the left and right old and Lei Shiguang by magical powers. It was a film. Disappearing in pieces.

Without exception, all the people who disappeared turned into surging vitality and energy particles dissipated between the heaven and the earth, and there was a feeling of feeding back the heaven and the earth.

Around the old man, the members of the Thor family are rapidly declining at an incredible speed. The pen is like a brush, quickly erasing one piece after another of the strong out of thin air.

This kind of sight is shocking and frightening.

The left and right Su Lao's eyes are about to split, and the cultivation base reaches their level, how can you not see that all the tribesmen who have been erased, no matter what level of strength they are in, all have fallen without exception.

However, even if they were cultivated to reach the Eighth Layer of the Supreme Beginning Stage, they were unable to stop them.

Because the incomparable mystery of the mysterious power in Tianxia Pen is so powerful that it is irresistible, even the powerhouse of the Eighth Heaven in the Taishi Realm is deeply powerless in front of this power.

"Ancestors for help!"

Suddenly, the left and right elders yelled, and as the seals in their hands were displayed, the aura of the two of them quickly wilted.

Suddenly, a terrifying force that existed in the underworld, as if waking up from a deep sleep, suddenly came with a sense of weight and wolf.

All of a sudden, there was a violent wind in the Thor family, and the terrifying coercion filled every void. A huge and vague face appeared silently above the Thor family.

This is the strength left by the supreme Supreme of the Thor family, and it is the last trump card of the Thor family's continuation of the incense.

Unlike the supreme artifact, this trump card is based on the bloodline of the Thor family. Regardless of the strength, as long as you have the pure bloodline of the Thor family, you can awaken the power of the ancestors through the corresponding secret method and slay all the enemies that come.

This is the power of the supreme, the power of the heavens. In the face of this power, even the Ninth Heavenly Strongest in the Taishi Realm is in danger of falling.

It is precisely because of these hole cards that the ancient families in the holy world, even if they are in decline, few forces dare to provoke them.

"Are you supreme Dao Nian?" Fang Jing also raised her head and stared into the void, and instead of her expression, she had a sneer at the corner of her mouth: "This force is very powerful, and if it is an ordinary Nineth Heaven, it can indeed be easily suppressed. If it is encountered. Powerful people at the level of the eight holy monarchs in the holy realm, they only need to hold the supreme divine tool to survive safely."

"As for this princess? Humph, in front of Tianxia Pen, unless it is the supreme person, all means are in vain." Fang Jing snorted, her momentum rose instantly, and the Tianxia Pen she held in her hand also bloomed. Dazzling light.

As the magical brush flies, there is an infinite order interweaving between the heaven and the earth, and the Three Thousand Avenue is rewritten. A new rule seems to be formed in an instant, intertwined into an invisible net covering the heaven and the earth.

The next moment, I saw the power of Dao Nian left by the Supreme ancestor of the Thunder God family, suddenly like a frustrated ball, and the coercion was rapidly weakening.

Soon, the power of Dao Nian disappeared out of thin air.

Su Lao's face instantly turned pale, and there was a wave of despair in his eyes. Until this moment, they did not understand why the Thunder Sage warned them how far and how far they would go once they encountered that pen when they fell.

Because this pen is too powerful and terrible, just a pen is enough to make any of them feel desperate.

Because from this pen, they seem to feel an omnipotent stalwart power.

"Don't think about running away, this world has been sealed by this princess with the power of the world's pen, and all the secrets have been covered up, even if the Holy Realm Supreme cannot be aware of the situation here. The Thor family, obediently die... "

The supreme Taoist mind guarding the Thunder God family has collapsed, and the extremely sturdy supreme artifact cannot enter. For a time, the Thor family, one of the ancient families, had lost all its hole cards and methods.

Even if there are two great Taishi Realm Eighth Heavens powerhouses around Su Lao and a Thunder Time who has attained the seventh heavenly cultivation base, there is still no power to turn the tide in front of a Nineth Heavenly Powerhouse.

Not to mention that this nine heavenly strongest person still holds a terrifying artifact that can be called against the sky.

This huge disparity in strength made the Thunder God family still have no resistance at all in Fang Jing's hands even when the strong were exhausted.

Next, the power of Tianxia Pen wreaked havoc within the Thor family, and Fang Jing was relentlessly slaying all the members of the Thor family.

No, maybe this is not because it should be called killing, but it is erased, and the power of the world's pen is erased from this world. The cultivation base they have cultivated for many years is re-transformed into the original vitality and energy particles. Feed back the world.

From beginning to end, there was no drop of blood splattered.

After a while, the huge Thor family became empty, without a single figure, and the whole world appeared deadly silent.

And in the mountains and rivers below, there are space rings and many artifacts of varying grades falling everywhere.

Among these artifacts, there are not only low-grade, medium-grade, and even high-grade artifacts.

These are all belongings of the strongmen of the Thunder God family. Although they have been erased, all the space rings and artifacts on their bodies have been preserved.

Fang Jing held the palm of her hand in the void, and immediately, all the spatial rings and artifacts of various orders scattered everywhere, immediately gathered from all directions, and finally all floated in front of Fang Jing.

Fang Jing held the world pen in her hand, and immediately there was a mysterious power spilling out, lightly brushing from these spatial rings and artifacts.

Suddenly, all the auras and traces on all spatial rings and divine tools disappeared invisible, even if some of the items in them had some causal connections in the dark, and this causality was completely cut off.

Under the power of Tianxia Pen, all spatial rings and artifacts seemed to be completely disconnected from the Holy Realm. In this way, even if there are some supernatural powers who use some mediums to use the magic of great magical powers to go back to the source, there is no trace of it.

In the end, Fang Jing came to the Supreme Shrine placed deep in the Thor family.

"Are you supreme artifact? This will be our Fang Jing's first trophy. The main hall of our Great Tomorrow Palace can be changed again..."

When Fang Jing left the Thor family, the supreme artifact of the Thor family also disappeared without a trace.

Not only the supreme artifact, but even the heavenly materials and the treasures planted in the Thor family disappeared together with the land.

All the wealth and heritage of the entire Thor family have been looted.

The Thor family was completely reduced to a no-man's land.

However, their guardian formation is still intact. The huge gap previously punched by Tianxia pen has automatically healed. The formation is constantly absorbing the energy from the outside world, and it is endless and never exhausted. From the outside, whoever I can't see the slightest flaw.


In another vast expanse of the Holy Realm, a huge purple cloud quietly existed, and when the clouds were tumbling, bursts of terrifying killing intent filled.

And in this group of purple clouds, there is a beautiful world hidden, mountains and rivers, flying cranes, Qionglou Yuyu, it looks like a fairyland on earth.

This place is one of the eight ancient families in the Holy Realm, the Ziwei family!

PS: I originally finished writing the two more and released them together, but when the second chapter was halfway through, my fingers were numb and I couldn't write. So I had to update the chapter and a half together. Today’s update is here first. , Brothers don't wait at night.

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