Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3176: Open up


As soon as Mo Tianyun and Master Yu left the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm, they left this inferior interface and returned directly to the Holy Realm.

And Jian Chen returned to Changyang Mansion in Luoer City with Shangguan Mu'er.

After returning to Changyang Mansion, Jian Chen immediately gathered all the important figures together, and then began to sort out all the gains in the Xuanhuang Xiaotian Realm, and took out some of them, or gave it to some elders in Changyang Mansion, or Gift to some old friends of the year.

The Tianyuan Continent is only a low-level world. In this world, the source realm is a well-deserved supreme figure, and the **** realm is almost impossible to appear.

Therefore, these heavenly materials and earth treasures taken out from the Jianchen Space Ring are naturally not too high in rank, and most of them are mainly composed of Ziyun Peach and Ancient Enlightenment Tea Tree.

The medicinal power of Ziyun Xiantao is very mild, which is very suitable for low-level warriors. Even if a god-level quality Ziyun Xiantao is taken out, it will not burst into death.

And the ancient tea tree of enlightenment is a kind of divine object that helps people to break through the realm, and it also has no side effects.

Therefore, Jian Chen can safely and boldly take out these two god-level heavenly materials and earth treasures for everyone to enjoy.

As for some other god-level heavenly materials and earth treasures with more sturdy medicinal powers, to those who are not at the holy realm or source realm, they are no different from poison.

Naturally, Jian Chen couldn't stay in the lower realm for this kind of heaven, material and earth treasure.

"Hahaha, there are also Ziyun fairy peaches, there are still so many, this is a good thing, even if it is just one, it can improve our strength so much..."

"This time, Ziyun Xiantao's rank seems to be much stronger than before..."

"And this enlightened tea tree, take a look, every leaf is shining, it's not a common product at first sight..."

"And this sword, it's far surpassing our world's emperor artifact, because it should be a holy artifact from the holy world..."

"There is also the exercise method in this jade slip, this is simply...this is simply a peerless magic..."

"And this combat skill, this...this...this is too bad for the sky, it's powerful, it has completely exceeded my imagination..."


In Changyang Mansion, in the wide conference hall, Jian Chen's relatives and friends and many mansion elders gathered together, all staring at Jian Chen's items with shining eyes.

This time, the resources that Jian Chen took out were not just the harvest of the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm, the resources in the Xuanhuang Little Heaven Realm only accounted for a small part of it, and more of them were all kinds of resources he brought down from the Holy Realm.

There are elixirs, there are treasures of heaven and earth, there are cultivation techniques, and there are various combat skills, and there are even many holy artifacts.

Over the years, Jian Chen has been fighting all the way in the Holy Realm, fighting all the way, and the harvest has been extremely rich. Although later as his strength improved, many things had lost their worth in his eyes, but if they were placed in an inferior space like Tianyuan Continent, it would be a rare treasure in the world.

But even so, Jian Chen did not dare to take out all the resources that he regarded as rubbish, such as some top-grade sacred pill, and top-grade sacred pill, which was really useless in his eyes.

But if it were given to these holy realms and source realms of Tianyuan Continent, they would burst and die if they were afraid that one would burst them.

There are also high-grade holy artifacts and the best holy artifacts. With his current strength, he can smash a large piece with his bare hands, which is as fragile as tofu.

But if it were placed in the Tianyuan Continent, with their strongest strength but not the original source realm, it would also be difficult to mobilize.

Many materials that Jian Chen had brought down from the Holy Realm were thrown on the ground like garbage.

Looking at the dazzling array of "Diluted Treasures", everyone gathered in the hall was shocked and speechless.

"These, these are all sacred artifacts, and there are also middle-grade sacred artifacts, great...great-grandchildren, shouldn't have a **** king's cave mansion in the holy realm." At this moment, Yang Lie was looking at it with a long sword in his hand. The shock in his heart made him even stammer in his speech.

And this long sword in his hand is a middle-grade holy artifact!

Hearing this, Jian Chen laughed and said: "Grandpa Grandpa said it is right. I really picked up a **** king's cave house, and this **** king is not a general generation, and he almost was listed on the **** throne back then, becoming a peerless one. The **** king. It’s just a pity that he died later..."

"The King of Peerless Gods... this is a big man..." Yang Lie, Guihai a knife, Feng Xiaotian's eyes suddenly showed admiration, and said: "We explored a small world back then. , As a result, several powerful experts from the Divine King realm fought fiercely. That scene was the real destruction of the heavens and the earth, forcibly breaking that small world to pieces, how powerful is it. But in front of the peerless Divine King, that I'm afraid these few can only be regarded as chicken dogs."

Feng Xiaotian nodded solemnly, and said with a serious face: "The Peerless Kings are indeed very powerful. It is said that some particularly powerful Kings of Peerless Kings already possess combat power comparable to those of the Beginning Realm. Their strength is not ours at all. Understandable."

"Unexpectedly, I could find the cave house of a peerless god, Jian Chen, I don't know where your luck is..." Guihai Dao looked at Jian Chen with envy.

Jian Chen smiled without saying a word. In front of these three scary elders with high seniority, he seriously regarded himself as a junior.

After dealing with the resource problem, Jian Chen left Tianyuan Continent with You Yue. To be precise, he left this world, traveled through the void with its powerful spatial laws, and finally came to a dark and lonely void.

"Jian Chen, what are you doing here with me?" Feeling the endless darkness, You Yue clearly showed discomfort, and her expression was dazed.

"Yue'er, your current practice is not suitable for you. If you continue to practice, there will be major problems sooner or later in the future. Therefore, for your husband, you can only cut off part of your cultivation base and open up a new practice for you." Jian Jian Chen Void sat cross-legged, and his expression became surprisingly solemn: "This process is beyond the strength that Tianyuan Continent can withstand. Therefore, it cannot be carried out in Tianyuan Continent. It can only bring you into this void."

When she heard that there was a problem with her cultivation technique, You Yue's eyes were obviously surprised and incredible, but she quickly calmed down, without asking the reason, softly said: "Jian Chen, I listen to you, you let me I will do what I do."

A short sentence reveals a deep trust, without any doubts or doubts.

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