Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3282: shot again

Bai Yurou's body froze in midair, her eyes fixed on the old man who appeared in front of her, with a sadness that could not be concealed.

Bai Changji, who was lying in ambush here to kill them, was a member of Yanzu's line in Baidi's family. Now he managed to break through the siege, but Yanzu personally blocked his way.

At this moment, Bai Yurou understood one thing. The real initiator behind the ambush and interception here was actually one of the three ancestors of the Baidi family, Yanzu!

The White Emperor family has three ancestors, and the strongest among them is naturally the White Emperor!

Under the White Emperor, there are ancestors and ancestors!

"Yanzu, why, why is it you, why did you do this?" Bai Yurou seemed to have suffered a huge blow, her face was full of sadness and disbelief, and she let out a piercing roar: "I once I have always respected you, you have always been a highly respected elder in my heart, but why did you do such a thing."

"Everyone is a member of the same family. One is prosperous, and one is lost. What is the benefit to you if you do this?"

"If there is no family under the leadership of Emperor Bai, is that still the family of Emperor Bai?"

"You don't want to let Emperor Bai's injury recover, but have you ever thought that without Emperor Bai, can you really carry this banner with just you and your ancestor?"

Bai Yurou was heartbroken and screamed incessantly.

Ancestor Yan, the second-level cultivation of the Promise Beginning Realm, in front of such a strong person, she has no chance of escaping at all.

Yan Zu's expression did not change at all, and he was always indifferent, but he looked at Bai Yurou with a hint of regret, and sighed softly, "Yurou, why are you not from our lineage, otherwise? If so, with your talent, you may become a Heavenly King-level powerhouse in the future."

"Our Baidi family, once there is a Heavenly King-level powerhouse, what kind of glory will that be." When talking about the Heavenly King-level powerhouse, Yan Zu's eyebrows were full of yearning.

"Oh, it's just a pity, you are not from our line after all. And with your talent, how dare we give you time to grow up." With a sigh, Yan Zu looked at Bai Yurou with regret in his eyes. .

"You? It seems that the ancestor is really on your side. No wonder, no wonder you and the ancestor always find various excuses and excuses when it comes to taking the origin of the land wing king's life. It turns out that you didn't want to. Let Grandpa Zu's injury recover." Bai Yurou's heart was ashes as she was in despair.

"You're right, we really don't want him to recover, because the White Emperor's family has changed blood. As for the glory of the family, you can rest assured that it will not fall." During the speech, Yan Zu's hand appeared. A wooden scepter, this is a low-quality artifact.

"Yurou, since you know everything you need to know, then you can go on the road with peace of mind. You are the most outstanding daughter of heaven that our Baidi family has born over the years. After you die, your name will still be changed. Hanging high above the ancestral hall, the descendants of the family will still know that in the history of the family, there once appeared a genius with amazing talent." As soon as the voice fell, the scepter in Yanzu's hand directly moved towards Bai Yurou. At one point, as the divine weapon's pressure bloomed, a green light loomed over Bai Yurou immediately.

This is a powerhouse from the second level of the Promise Realm, with a powerful attack from a low-grade divine weapon, Bai Yurou could not resist even in her heyday, not to mention that she is already exhausted.

However, at this moment, the void suddenly became silent, as if time froze, everything was still, and the blow from Yanzu was frozen in midair.

Not only the attack he made, but even his entire being was imprisoned there by an invisible binding force at this moment, and he couldn't even move a finger.

This binding force is really too strong, even with his strength of the second layer of the Promise Beginning Realm, he still can't shake it even if he tries his best.

Yan Zu was stunned. At this moment, he could no longer maintain the calmness and composure he had before, and his pupils instantly shrank to the size of a pinhole, full of panic.

With his insight and eyesight, he instantly saw that there was a supreme powerhouse imprisoning this void with the laws of space.

Not only on Yanzu's side, but in the other direction, Chu Tianxing and others, who were fighting to the death with dozens of black-robed **** kings such as Bai Changji, were also surprised to find that all their enemies seemed to be in the middle at this moment. As if he was cursed, he kept a fixed posture and froze in place, unable to move.

In an instant, dozens of black-clothed **** kings, including Yan Zu, were all imprisoned!

"You only have 20 breaths. During these 20 breaths, they can't make a move. It's your choice whether to fight or flee."

At this moment, an ethereal voice came from among the mountains.

Hearing this familiar voice, Chu Tianxing, Elder Qing and others, who had experienced it once before, were suddenly shocked, and their faces showed excitement.

"It's the senior, I didn't expect the senior to save us again"

"Many thanks to the seniors for helping out. Our Baidi family cannot repay the life-saving grace of the seniors."

"Kill, kill them all for me, don't waste any time, everyone shot, kill me all these shameless things"

"Twenty breaths can't escape at all, the only way to survive is to kill this group of people, kill"

Only fifteen of the **** kings led by Bai Yurou had been killed. At this moment, they all let out a roar, and all of them unreservedly swayed their remaining power and began to kill these black-clothed men with all their might. God King.

The black-clothed **** king was bound by the laws of space, not only unable to move, but also unable to resist, each one of them was like a living target, completely undefended, and was beheaded by the god-kings under Bai Yurou effortlessly.

There are even many clansmen in the main **** realm who shot out with hatred, and the long swords in their hands stabbed mercilessly.

The result is that some black-robed **** kings were so easily pierced by some main gods, and they ended up being destroyed.

On the other side, Bai Yurou, who was originally completely destroyed, now has renewed hope in her eyes. She came to Yan Zu with her long sword in hand. The old man, his eyes suddenly became extremely complicated.

The long sword in her hand was also raised several times, but put down several times. She wanted to kill Yan Zu, but she couldn't, and she was in a fierce struggle.

Soon, ten breaths passed, and in the group of black-robed people, all except Bai Changji were beheaded.

As for Bai Changji, he was seriously injured by Elder Qing and captured alive. A dozen or so blood-soaked **** kings came to Bai Yurou.

When they saw Yan Zu, they were naturally taken aback, but soon recovered.

"Miss, we don't have much time. If we don't have that senior's help, then all of us will die at the hands of Yanzu." Chu Tianxing saw Bai Yurou's hesitation and couldn't help but remind him.

Although they killed all the black-robed **** kings, the threat from the ancestors was obviously above those **** kings.

"It's been fifteen breaths, miss." Seeing the time getting closer, even Elder Qing couldn't help but feel anxious.

They didn't have the guts to kill one of the three ancestors of the White Emperor's family, so they could only leave the decision to Bai Yurou.

Bai Yurou also clearly understood that Yan Zu didn't die, so the group of them couldn't leave alive today. There were two tears of pain in her eyes, and she let out a long, heart-piercing howl, and the long sword in her hand pierced suddenly, instantly piercing Yan Zu's eyebrows.

Poor Ancestor Yan, with a dignified and dignified second-level cultivation of the Promise Beginning Realm, was beaten by Bai Yurou without any resistance.

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