Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3316: Domination returns

"Forget it, don't care who he is, fortunately, the Lord of the Dragon is dead. Without the Lord of the Dragon, the Endless Sea will no longer be a threat to us." Lord Dou Tian didn't think much about it, he came to In front of the corpse of the Demon Dragon Lord, he personally divided the huge body of the Demon Dragon Lord and said, "But without the inner alchemy, the distribution plan we made before will have to be readjusted."

Next, after some negotiation, the three masters finally redistributed the flesh and blood of the dragon masters reasonably.

This time in the sea area, the flesh body dominated by the dragon is second, and their main purpose is to get rid of this huge hidden danger.

Therefore, in the distribution of benefits, there has not been much disagreement.

"Since the goal has been achieved, then it is time for us to return." At this time, the master of the blue sky suddenly said, although around the island, there are still a large number of subordinates who are fighting fiercely with the sacred beasts of the infinite level, but this level of battle. , obviously can't attract her, and don't bother to intervene.

Dou Tianzhu also nodded in agreement, ready to return to Taitian Realm, the next finishing work can be handed over to the people below, without their own efforts.

"Don't worry!" The Lord of Blood Killing stopped the Lord of Doutian and the Lord of Biluo, his eyes flashing with inexplicable brilliance, and he pondered: "Although the Lord of the Demon Dragon is dead, in the endless sea, there are still many Promise Beginning Realms. The holy beasts of the Nine Heavens level are only one step away from the Primordial Realm. Although this step seems to be out of reach, many holy beasts are not allowed to step in for the rest of their lives, but what if they really break through? "

"Therefore, I think it's better for the three of us to patrol the endless seas and kill all the holy beasts whose strength has reached the ninth level of the infinite beginning, even the eighth level and the seventh level, completely eliminating all hidden dangers. ."

Hearing this, Dou Tianzhu and Bi Luozhu looked hesitant, obviously a little hesitant.

Seeing that the two were hesitant, the Blood Killing Lord continued to speak: "For those holy beasts that have reached the critical point, if we continue to let them go, it is impossible to say that one day in the future, there will be a second Demon Dragon Lord in this sea area. , even the third demon dragon dominates, once that time arrives, then our three major realms will not have a good life."

"It makes sense. Since that's the case, let's do a big cleaning of this sea area. The three of us will take action personally, and we can also avoid fish that slip through the net." Bi Luo said.

Seeing that the masters of Biluo nodded, and the masters of Doutian were only obedient, they had already reached an agreement in the three major realms to advance and retreat together.

Successfully persuaded the master of Biluo and the master of Doutian, the blood-killing master couldn't help showing a meaningful smile, and thought to himself: "If you want to search the entire endless sea, it will take at least a month's time, a month later, peace domain It is estimated that the matter has already ended, and the boat is done, it will not be so easy for Dou Tian and Bi Luo to take them back."

"This seat has bought at least one more month for you, King Zhong Ding, I hope you don't let this seat down."

In Peace Domain, Jian Chen returned to Sword Emperor City. As soon as he entered the manor, he immediately retreated without disturbing anyone.

In the secret room, Jian Chen sat cross-legged, holding the inner pill dominated by the demon dragon in his hand, and his eyes showed excitement and anticipation, mixed with a hint of anxiety.

"I hope I won't be disappointed with an inner core at the Primordial Origin level." Jian Chen secretly said in his heart that what he was most worried about was the help this inner core would bring to his injury. It was not as huge as he imagined. .

The inner alchemy dominated by the dragon is the size of an adult's fist, and the energy contained in it is huge and violent, enough to easily destroy the entire Sword Emperor City.

Jian Chen's thoughts moved, and the next moment, he saw that the magic dragon inner core in his hand immediately began to shrink in circles. It's not that the inner alchemy has really become smaller, but that he has changed the spatial structure, making the inner alchemy look smaller, but in fact its size has not changed, similar to the sumi mustard seed.

In just a few breaths, the inner alchemy dominated by the magic dragon changed from the size of a fist to the size of a finger, and then was swallowed by Jian Chen and eaten raw.

As soon as the Demon Dragon's Inner Pill entered his stomach, a violent aftermath of energy raged out, ramming into Jian Chen's body with bursts of violent power, the madly bright Jian Chen's body.

If it were other Primordial Primordial powerhouses, they would have been thrown to death at this moment, and the body could not bear this violent force at all, but for Jian Chen's Chaos Body, the pressure was not too great.

The internal organs in his body, as well as all the flesh and blood inside, were quickly destroyed by this arrogant energy, but the super repairing power of his body of chaos made his injuries completely keep up with the speed of recovery.

After all, in his physical body, only those wounds injured by the law of the wood spirit world cannot be recovered, because every wound has the power of law remaining.

However, all the injuries caused by the Demon Dragon Domination of Inner Alchemy can completely recover by themselves.

Jian Chen didn't care about the injuries in his body, all his attention was focused on the earliest wounds, and he was apprehensive with anticipation.

That is, at this time, in the inner core dominated by the dragon, a trace of unique energy spilled out. This energy is very special, with a trace of the rules of the wood spirit world, and there is also a trace that is unique to the dragon master. breath of life.

However, when this unique energy spilled out, the power of the Law of the Wood Spirit Tribe that remained in Jian Chen's wound, making Jian Chen helpless, immediately began to slowly dissolve.

Although this dissolves very slowly, it does disappear.

Jian Chen was immediately surprised by this discovery. These wounds were caused by the attack of the laws of this world when he first entered the Wood Spirit Realm, and he could not heal.

Now, this has been accompanied by his injury for a long time, and finally there is a day of recovery.

The power of law remaining in his wound dissolves very slowly, so Jian Chen retreated this time for a full two months.

Two months later, the inner alchemy dominated by the magic dragon had all disappeared, and he swallowed one of the dominating inner alchemy. The injury has recovered a lot.

However, his injury has not fully recovered, but has recovered 90%!

"One master inner alchemy is not enough. It seems that I still need to find some inner alchemy. And these inner alchemy, the grade should not be too low, at least the level of the Nine Heavens of the Promise Realm." Two months later, Jian Chen Leaving the closed room, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

The injury on the body has recovered nine layers, and he is already satisfied.

When Jian Chen left the customs, the three masters who fought on the Magic Island in the sea also returned to their respective territories with a large number of powerful players.

At this moment, in the Scarlet Blood Realm, in the Scarlet Blood Divine Palace, the Blood Killer in a blood robe was sitting on the throne with a gloomy face. Below, there were dozens of people standing in line. Late stage!

"Who is going to tell me what's going on? Why hasn't a simple matter as peaceful as this been dealt with yet?" The Blood Killing Lord's face was gloomy, and his voice contained a suppressed anger.

"Returning to the master, it is the Zhong Ding Tianwang who has disappeared. From Zhanqi to the present, Zhong Ding Tianwang has never shown up. Without the help of Zhong Ding Tianwang, we can't fight against the Biyang Realm and Doutian Realm alone. "Below, an old man from the Nine Heavens of Promise Realm said.

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