Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3318: domination battle

Possessing the imprint of the eight ancestors, the strength of the Blood Killing Master instantly reached an unprecedented peak. Immediately, he came to the Doutian Master with a divine sword in his hand, and slashed out with a single sword.

I saw a dazzling sword light cut through the sky, and the divine sword that killed the ruler of blood instantly tore apart the shield formed by the energy of the ruler of Dou Tian, ​​and then pierced through an artifact-level battle armor that the ruler of Dou Tian was wearing. .

In front of this sword, all the protections of Dou Tianzhu were described as false, and could not provide any protection at all.

In the end, the Divine Sword of the Blood Killing Lord slashed directly on the body of the Doutian Lord, leaving a ferocious wound that almost ran through the entire body.

Dou Tianzhu was stunned in his heart. He is also the mark of the five ancestors. He can compete with the Blood Killing Lord. Although his realm of the Primordial Primordial First Layer is slightly inferior to the Blood Killing Lord, the gap is not too big.

However, now, the blood-killing master has three more marks, which suddenly caused a gap like a chasm in the battle between the two sides.

Dou Tianzhu's body instantly retreated, and the five ancestor marks exuded blazing rays of light, vaguely seeming to have formed some kind of connection with the supreme artifact in the sky, and began to draw the life force of the supreme artifact to restore the injury.

However, at this moment, the Lord of Blood Killing came again, and the divine sword in his hand burst into a monstrous light, stabbing towards the Lord of Doutian at a lightning speed.

Dou Tianzhu has not recovered from the previous injury, so facing this sword, he has long been unable to avoid it, he can only raise the divine sword in his hand and stab forward with all his strength.

The tips of the two divine swords touched each other in mid-air, and a shocking explosion sounded.

This blow made the divine sword in Lord Dou Tian's hand almost fly out of his palm, and the divine sword that killed the Lord in blood pierced through Lord Dou Tian's chest with its residual strength.

Moreover, when the Divine Sword passed through Dou Tian Zhu's body, the power contained in the Divine Sword instantly destroyed Dou Tian Zhu's internal organs, causing Dou Tian Zhu to vomit blood on the spot.

He couldn't even tell whether what he spit out was blood or a piece of blood-red internal organs.

Dou Tianzhu's face turned pale instantly, and his expression was full of fear.

In just a split second, he was hit so hard that even if he had five ancestor marks, he couldn't keep up with the recovery.

Once the speed of recovery can't keep up with the speed of injury, then he will only end up falling.

The blood-killing ruler with the imprint of the eight ancestors already has the qualification to kill the Doutian ruler.

The Lord of Blood Killing was obviously not ready to let the Lord Doutian go. He saw the killing intent rising in his eyes, and he continued to kill the Lord of Doutian with the divine sword in his hand, without leaving his hands at all.

There has never been any friendship between the three masters, and some are just interests. Even when the area of ​​peace was not divided, their three territories bordered, and bloodshed often occurred, even if the three of them were There are also frequent fights.

It's just that no one can do anything to anyone else, and because they are three-legged, they restrain each other, so there is no uncontrollable conflict.

As for the previous killing of the Demon Dragon Lord, it was only a brief alliance for common interests, which was equivalent to forming an alliance.

Now that the Dragon Lord is dead, their three-way alliance will naturally no longer exist, and they will return to the past again.

"Bi Luo, help me!" Dou Tianzhu's body quickly retreated, and there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes: "I know, you are all looking forward to the fall of the old man, because once the old man dies, the old man's Heavenly Realm belongs to both of you. But Bi Luo, One thing you have to think about is the strength of blood killing."

"You must have seen the strength of Blood Killing now. If you don't have this old man, you are not a match for Blood Killing." Doutian Master is obviously anxious. The weakest!

The master of Bi Luo didn't say a word, and the peerless face of the alluring country and city was also frosty and cold at the moment, showing a dignified look.

The next moment, she directly used god-level combat skills. Accompanied by a coercion of heaven and earth, a huge sword qi condensed and formed on top of her head, and then shot the blood-killing master with the power of smashing the void.

The god-level combat skill dominated by Bi Luo directly locks in the breath of the blood-killing dominion, making it unavoidable and inescapable, only hard connection.

The eyes of the Blood Killing Master finally became a little dignified. The Biluo Master is a powerhouse of the Primordial Realm Second Layer, not comparable to the Doutian Master. In the face of this god-level combat skill, even if he has eight ancestor marks, he does not dare to trust big.

I saw him shouting loudly, his temperament skyrocketed, and the divine sword in his hand also burst into a ray of light. Combined with the power of the eight ancestor marks, he cut it down with all his strength.


The body of the Blood Killing Lord quickly retreated in mid-air, and there were dense sword wounds on his body, covering almost every inch of his skin, completely turning into a flesh and blood, looking very miserable.

Soon, however, the injuries on his body were visible to the naked eye.

Under the marks of the eight ancestors, his injury recovery speed is also far faster than the master of Bi Luo who has mastered the marks of the five ancestors.

Immediately, the god-level combat skills dominated by Bi Luo were exhausted and scattered.

This scene suddenly made the master of Bi Luo frown. God-level combat skills are already the strongest attack she has mastered so far, but they can only cause some painless injuries to the master of blood killing.

After adding three more ancestor marks, the strength of the Blood Killing Master has increased so much that it has far exceeded her expectations.

"Hahaha, Bi Luo, your strength is only like that." The Blood Killing Master laughed, and the Divine Sword in his hand slashed a dazzling sword light in the air towards the Bi Luo Master, making the void that the Bi Luo Master hit back and forth again and again.

"Peace Domain, I want this seat. If the two of you are interested, you should immediately retreat, otherwise, don't blame this seat for being ruthless." The Lord of Blood Killing said coldly, and then he did not fight hard against the Lord Biluo and the Lord Doutian, but It was the Wuji Beginning Realm who turned around to hunt the Taitian Realm and Biyang Realm: "If you don't leave the Peaceful Realm, you will only die!"

Dou Tianzhu and Bi Luozhu naturally would not watch the Blood Killing Lord slaughter their own subordinates. The two immediately joined hands to hold the Blood Killing Lord and started a fierce confrontation in the sky.

It has to be said that the strength of the Blood Killing Lord is indeed very strong, especially after using the eight ancestor marks, he has changed his previous disadvantage. Even in the face of the joint efforts of the Biluo Lord and the Doutian Lord, he still has the upper hand.

The three masters moved rapidly in the sky. Wherever they passed, the energy between heaven and earth boiled, and the roar was deafening. The earth below was even more riddled with the aftermath of the spilled energy.

They passed over the cities, but without exception, wherever they passed, all the cities suffered a huge disaster. It was blasted by the overflowing energy turbulence, and then the entire city became a mess.

There are also many wood spirit clansmen with low cultivation base, who died tragically directly under the energy aftermath of the battle between the three masters.

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