Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3321: Lord of Peace (3)

"Hey, Bi Luo, Dou Tian, ​​the two of you want to give up Hepingyu, have you asked me about this? As long as I don't agree, then the two of you alone can't control this matter." Shen Sheng said, he has been planning the peace domain for tens of thousands of years, and now that he has taken this step, he is determined to win and never loses.

Because he is the only one who knows how special this place is. And this secret, he also inadvertently deduced from a broken ancient book tens of thousands of years ago.

Jian Chen didn't speak. Facing the temptation of Heping Yu, his heart was still as calm as water, without the slightest wave. He is not someone who has never seen the world, let alone a small place like Hepingyu, which is bigger than sesame seeds. Even the entire Wood Spirit World cannot be on the table in his eyes.

"Now, Daoist Fellow Jianchen has stood at the same height as us, and should have a territory of his own. Blood killing, according to your meaning, is it because Daoist Jianchen should avoid the world and cultivate, because he should live What about a life like a free cloud and a wild crane?" The Master Bi Luo sneered.

Master Dou Tian laughed and said: "Actually, it can be the same. Daoist Jianchen used his trump card to kill the Blood Killing Master, then the Scarlet Blood Realm is the territory of Daoist Jianchen. The territory of the Scarlet Blood Realm can be far away. It's not comparable to the peace domain."

"Well, that's a good idea." Bi Luo Master agreed with both hands.

The blood-killing master's face was dark, and he gritted his teeth: "You guys are really good at calculus, even if Jian Chen wants to kill one person, then this person should be you Doutian, because you are the weakest, and it is the most effortless to kill. As for this seat, this seat now has eight patriarchal imprints to protect itself, and the trump card of fellow Daoist Jian Chen may not be able to kill this seat."


However, as soon as the Lord of Blood Killing finished speaking, Jian Chen, who had always been silent, suddenly spoke up, and saw an inexplicable smile on his face, staring at the Lord of Blood Killing, and his words were flat: "The Lord of Blood Killing is so confident that he can resist my trump card. , then let's give it a try, because I'm also very curious, can my trump card be able to instantly slay the primordial spirit of the blood-killing ruler like I did against the dragon master that day."

Because of the previous acquisition of the Demon Dragon's Inner Pill, Jian Chen also had a bad impression of the Blood Killing Master in his heart.

However, as soon as he said these words, the three masters on the opposite side were all suffocating, and their eyes were swept over.

The blood-killing master's face became as ugly as it was, and his heart climbed with vigilance: "Jianchen, this seat is just a joke, if you take it seriously, it will be extremely detrimental to you. After all, your trump card It's not easy to come by, once it is used on this seat, this seat will not necessarily fall, but there is no trump card to deter, do you think Bi Luo and Dou Tian will let you go?"

"After all, your appearance can already threaten the interests of Bi Luo and Dou Tian."

"Blood Killing is an alarmist, we are not as domineering as him, I think fellow Daoist Jian Chen also has a deep understanding of this." Dou Tianzhu said.

Unknowingly, the atmosphere here had changed, and the appearance of Jian Chen made the three masters who were still fighting to death instantly turn into a war of words.

"Three, if I don't be the Lord of Peace, will the three of you continue to fight?" Jian Chen said.

"Not bad!" The one who spoke was the master of Bi Luo, who was firm and decisive.

"If that's the case, then this peace domain, I want it!" Jian Chen said, with an unquestionable tone in his tone, not a tone of consultation or consultation at all, but a decisive and assertive tone.

Hearing this, Master Bi Luo and Master Dou Tian both felt relieved in their hearts, and their faces showed a smile of relief.

The Lord of Blood Killing sank in his heart and shouted: "Jian Chen, Peace Domain does not belong to you. If you want to be the Lord of Peace Domain, it is not that simple. This seat disagrees!"

"Don't you agree? Then, why don't we fight?" Jian Chen's face showed a bright smile, and as soon as he finished speaking, a shocking sword energy filled the air, rushing straight into the sky, and shattering the void.

I saw that on top of his head, a mysterious sword energy had emerged, emitting a blazing sword light that penetrated the world.

The Blood Killing Master suddenly felt chills all over his body, and a sense of fear quietly filled his heart, and his figure instantly retreated, appearing thousands of miles away.

"I want Peace Domain, the Lord of Blood Killing, do you agree or disagree?" Jian Chen stared at the Lord of Blood Killing with a smile on his head.

The Blood Killing Lord's face was gloomy as water, he looked deeply at the profound sword energy above Jian Chen's head, and then said nothing, the figure disappeared in an instant, and he left here directly.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist Jianchen, from now on, you will be the master of this peace domain." After the Blood Killing Master left, the Biluo Master and Doutian Master immediately came to Jianchen with smiles on their faces. congratulate.

"I don't value this peace domain. The main reason is that I don't want the three of you to continue fighting, because this will not only ruin the life of the peace domain, but also affect my recovery." Jian Chen said.

"Fellow Daoist Jianchen, are you injured?" Dou Tianzhu and Bi Luozhu's pupils shrank slightly.

"Because of cultivation reasons, it caused some hidden illnesses." Jian Chen replied indifferently.

"So that's the case." Dou Tian's master showed a sudden look, the two of them and Jian Chen simply adjusted a few words, and then said goodbye and left.

"Jian Chen, be careful of killing the master of blood. He has the eight ancestor marks, and his confidence is inflated. I am afraid he will not let you go." Before leaving, master Bi Luo turned his head and scolded Jian Chen carefully.

Jian Chen nodded to show his understanding. The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared and he had already left here.

The Master of Biluo and Master of Doutian were not in a hurry to return to their respective realms, they stayed at the border of the Peaceful Realm.

"Bi Luo, Jian Chen, what do you think of this person?" Dou Tianzhu asked.

Hearing this, Bi Luo dominated for a while, and said: "This person suddenly appeared, very mysterious, we don't know all about him. But for now, these are not important, the important thing is his appearance and success. The blood killing will be restrained, and the blood killing will be thrown into the mouse. Otherwise, the blood killing will invade the peace domain, and it will never be so good. "

"Well, that's right, his hole card is the only thing that can suppress the **** killing. However, the two of us can't take it lightly. We must guard against the **** killing in secret. We will use assassination to deal with Jian Chen. Once there is no Jianchen. , the next thing that Blood Killer has to deal with is the two of us." Dou Tianzhu said.

"Xuesha has great ambitions. He is the most dangerous person. If we can convince Jian Chen to let him kill Xuesha with his trump card, it would be great. It's just a pity that he probably won't do it, because this trump card is kept. , it can not only deter blood killing, but also deter you and me." Master Bi Luo sighed softly and said, "Spread the news that Jian Chen has become the Lord of Peace Domain. And this Peace Domain, it must be secretly Investigate it to see if there are any hidden secrets."

"There must be a secret that we don't know, otherwise, the blood killing would not have to pay such a big price in the matter of peace." Dou Tianzhu said with great certainty.

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