Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3329: Just around the corner

"Is it surprising that I gave you what you need so simply?" Master Bi Luo rolled his eyes at Jian Chen and said lightly.

"Indeed, because before I came, I was actually ready to bargain." Jian Chen smiled.

"In normal times, these resources will naturally haggle with you, and even you can't get such a large amount so easily. But right now, we are all facing the threat from the blood-killing master."

"The threat of the blood-killing master has brought the three of us together, and we can be regarded as people on the same boat, and you are the key person who can contain the blood-killing master. In this case, we naturally do not want to busy."

"You are injured, whether it is me or Dou Tianzhu, I hope that your injury can be restored as soon as possible, so that if one day you face the **** killing alone, you will protect yourself a little bit more. Power." Bi Luo said with a serious look on his face.

"Could it be that in the eyes of Master Bi Luo, if I face Blood Killing alone, wouldn't I even have the power to protect myself?" Jian Chen said with a light smile.

Lord Biluo shook his head gently and said, "Jian Chen, we all know that if you are prepared, you are not afraid of killing the Lord of Blood, and you can even let the Lord of Blood cast a rat against you. However, you can hold it all the time. Is there such vigilance?"

Jian Chen smiled without saying a word. Except for himself, no one in the wood spirit world knew about his true strength. The worries in Bi Luo's heart were really nothing in his eyes.

The master of Biluo paused for a while: "The person who hates the blood-killing master the most is not me, nor Doutian, but you. This is not only because you made him lose face in front of everyone's eyes, but you also hindered his aggression. The biggest stumbling block for peace."

"Killing this person with blood is not only very ambitious, but it is also a slap in the face. Dou Tian and I are very worried about you. After all, it is easy to hide with open guns, and it is difficult to guard against dark arrows. No one can guarantee whether the blood killing will be with you. Come to Yin."

"Hey, in fact, if you use your trump card to directly kill the Blood Killing Master, then everything will be much simpler." The Bi Luo Master sighed softly, with a bit of helplessness between his brows. She couldn't force Jian Chen to use Xuan Jian Qi, but if Jian Chen accidentally died in the hands of the Blood Killing Master, then her and Dou Tian's stable days would come to an end.

At this time, a Beginning Realm powerhouse walked into the hall and handed a space ring respectfully to the master of Bi Luo.

Master Bi Luo took the space ring, and immediately eight jade boxes floated out one by one from the inside, floating in front of Jian Chen and automatically opened.

Immediately, a powerful wave of energy permeated out, and in each jade box, there was a holy beast inner core lying quietly, exuding a dazzling brilliance.

"Here are eight sacred beasts of the Nine Heavens level of the Promise Realm. They are already all my inventory here, you can take them all. As for the life and soul flower, I have already sent someone to collect it, at most one day, it exists. The life and soul flowers in the hands of all the big and small forces in our Biyang Realm will all be delivered to you." said the master of Biluo.

"Thank you!" Jian Chen clasped his fists, and then took out a large amount of resources, wanting to make an equivalent exchange with Master Bi Luo, but was rejected by Master Bi Luo.

Whether it is the Life Soul Flower or the Eight Holy Beast Inner Pills, the Master of Bi Luo is all given away for free.

At the same time, in the Scarlet Blood Realm of the three realms, the Lord of Blood Killing was sitting high on the throne of the Scarlet Blood Shrine, listening to the reports of his subordinates expressionlessly.

"What did you say? Jian Chen went to Biyang Realm and asked Biluo Master to collect Life Soul Flowers for him?" Blood Killing Master looked serious, his eyes were thoughtful, and he murmured: "I have heard that Jianchen is collecting a lot of flowers for a long time. Life and soul flowers, he not only collected all the life and soul flowers in the entire peace domain, but also obtained a batch of life and soul flowers from the Biyang realm and Taitian realm on the condition of holding back the Zhong Ding Tianwang."

"He needs so many Life Soul Flowers, it must be used for healing."

The eyes of the blood-killing master suddenly became sharp, and he immediately shouted: "come here, quickly gather all the life and soul flowers in the red blood world to this seat, no forces or individuals are allowed to hide it privately, Anyone who violates them will be killed without mercy.”


Jian Chen stayed in Biyang Realm for a day. One day later, all the life and soul flowers in the entire Biyang Realm had been concentrated in the hands of Bi Luo Master, and then handed over to Jian Chen by Bi Luo Master.

Looking at the nearly 1,000 life and soul flowers of different grades in the space ring, Jian Chen showed a happy smile on his face. After expressing his sincere thanks, he left with Xia Jianming and Bai Yurou.

Soon, the Cha Cha of Peace Lord left Biyang Realm surrounded by a group of guards, and then entered Taitian Realm again.

The Doutian ruler of the Taitian Realm has been waiting for a long time. When the chariot of the Peace Master arrived at the Taitian Shrine, he was also welcomed in by the Taitian Realm with the highest interests.

"Hahahaha, fellow Daoist Jianchen, welcome, you can come to this old man's Taitian Shrine, but let this old man flourish here." Dou Tianzhu's attitude was even more enthusiastic than Biluo's, and he welcomed Jianchen very politely. .

"Master Dou Tian, ​​let's be honest, this visit is because I want to trouble you with something." Jian Chen didn't beat around the bush. After a brief greeting, he went straight to the point.

"But for the Life Soul Flower and the Holy Beast Inner Pill?" Doutian Master seemed to have long known Jian Chen's intention.


"Hahaha, I have prepared it for you a long time ago." Dou Tianzhu laughed and immediately handed out a space ring, saying: "Old man, in this Taitian world, all the life and soul flowers that can be collected, regardless of their rank, have already been collected. It's all here."

"In addition, there are six sacred beast inner pills at the level of the Nine Heavens of the Promise Realm."

"These six inner alchemy, but this old man has all the inventory here. If it is not enough, there are quite a lot of inner alchemy in this place. There are definitely a lot of holy beasts in the inner core." Dou Tianzhu said with a smile.

"Enough is enough." A bright smile appeared on Jian Chen's face. He got eight of the inner pills of the holy beast in the Nine Heavens of the Promise Realm. Four.

The injury on his body has recovered 90% under the inner alchemy dominated by the demon dragon, and now it is more than enough with the addition of fourteen inner alchemy from the Nine Heavens of Promise Realm.

There are three places on his body to be injured, namely the primordial spirit, the flesh, and the power of the curse of the Daoyi sage.

Now, the injury on his body is finally going to recover as before.

Even the wound of the primordial spirit has the dawn of recovery.

"Take all these resources, and treat it as a gift from the old man for you to become the Lord of Peace Domain. If you don't buy or sell, don't mention it." Dou Tianzhu is also very heroic, whether it is the life soul flower or the holy beast. Dan, all for free.

He and Bi Luo Master thought the same, and hoped that Jian Chen's injuries could be recovered as soon as possible, because Jian Chen's existence is extremely crucial to contain the blood killing now.

Not long after, Jian Chen left the Taitian Realm. This trip between the two realms brought together a huge amount of Life Soul Flowers in his hands.

"Master, are you going to return to the Peace Palace next?" Xia Jianming asked cautiously in front of the chariot.

Jian Chen sat cross-legged in the chariot and fell into contemplation. Hundreds of guards from the God King Realm guarded the surroundings expressionlessly, showing a chilling air.

"Go to the Scarlet Blood Realm!" After a long silence, Jian Chen's voice came from inside the car.

"Master, you have a deep conflict with the Lord of Blood Killing. The trip to the Scarlet Blood Realm probably won't go so smoothly." Xia Jianming said in a low voice.

"I know." Jian Chen's flat voice came from inside the car.

The next moment, the chariot rose into the sky and went straight to the Scarlet Blood Realm.

PS: Originally, the update was made today, but it was delayed again today, so the update was postponed for one day, I hope you forgive me!

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