Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3332: stand up prestige

The fact that King Taihao was destroyed by the ruler of peace and imprisoned the primordial spirit immediately spread rapidly in the peace domain at the speed of violent storms, and then spread to the Biyang realm, the Taitian realm and the red blood realm, causing a sensation in the entire wood spirit realm. .

After all, he is a Heavenly King-level powerhouse, and he is the second most important person in the wood spirit world after the master. Each of them enjoys a very detached status and is aloof. Even if he is placed among the three masters, he will become a guest of honor.

However, a Heavenly King-level powerhouse who was so detached from other things has now ended up in such a terrible end. This moment makes all the powerhouses in the wood spirit world have a huge change in the views of the Lord of Peace Domain.

All in all, the matter of King Tahoe has made many strong people of the Wood Spirit Clan fear the ruler of peace.

"See, this is King Tahoe, who was imprisoned by the Lord of Peace, and then hung outside the Peace Palace."

"Alas, the dignified and powerful Heavenly King has ended up in such a tragic end, it's really deplorable."

"The temper of this Lord of Peace does not seem to be very good. Remember that when you meet the Lord of Peace later, you must be very polite, and you must not be rude."

Outside the Peace Shrine, there are from time to time the powerhouses of the Beginning Realm come in and out. These are the powerhouses in the Peace Domain who are separated from one place. They come to the Peace Shrine to report important matters, or give various tributes, all of them seem cautious.

They saw King Tahoe hanging outside the Peace Shrine at a glance, and they were chatting and discussing each other with complicated expressions.

The primordial spirits of the four King Tahoe condensed into four illusory figures. Although they were imprisoned and unable to move, their consciousness remained awake.

Now that they are hung outside the shrine and watched by everyone like a pendant, this huge sense of shame makes the faces of the four of them extremely bad.

"Master Master, Xiao Wang knows that he is wrong, and I hope Master Master will open up and let Xiao Wang go this time." The unbearable King Tahoe lowered his arrogant head and whispered to the Peace Palace. Didn't get any reply.

In desperation, King Tahoe used the mysterious method of Yuan and sent a message to the distant Taitian Realm: "Dou Tian, ​​Xiao Wang urges you to help one or two."

King Tahoe and Lord Dou Tian had some personal friendships, and once even asked Lord Dou Tian to owe him a favor, but now, he can only ask Lord Dou Tian for help.

King Tahoe's request for help was quickly responded, and Lord Dou Tian came to the Peace Palace in person and came to visit Jian Chen with a generous gift.

Inside the Peace Palace, Jian Chen and Lord Dou Tian sat opposite each other, and Bai Yurou, like a maid, poured tea for the two Lords in person.

"Dou Tian, ​​you came to me in person, but for the matter of King Tahoe?"

After a simple greeting, Jian Chen asked straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Dou Tianzhu showed a wry smile on his face and said, "Once the old man owed Taihao a small favor, but now that he has taken the initiative to ask the old man for help, the old man can't turn a blind eye. Fellow Daoist Jianchen, I don't know if this matter can help. The old man is a little thin, how about letting him go for a while. After all, he is a dignified king, and his identity is extraordinary, which is really detrimental to his majesty."

Jian Chen sighed softly and said, "Dou Tian, ​​you gave me a lot of life and soul flowers and holy beast inner pills that day. It stands to reason that some of your requests, within the scope of my ability, I will help one or two. ."

"But you must also understand that the matter of King Taihao is not an ordinary trivial matter. Zhong Ding is my current capable man. He Taihao knows that Zhong Ding is my man, but he still kills Zhong Ding. It's clearly hitting me in the face."

"If I just let Tae Hao go like this, then where do you put my face as the Lord of Peace?"

"How will the various forces in the peace domain view me, the so-called lord of the peace domain, in the future?"

Master Dou Tian could hear the determination in Jian Chen's tone. If he wanted to save King Tahoe, he was not enough as Dou Tian.

"It's the old man who is reckless. It's true that Tai Hao has done too much. Daoist Jian Chen can handle it. I won't ask any more questions." After a while, he said goodbye and left.

Dou Tianzhu returned without success, and the imprisoned King Tahoe immediately turned ashen, and the ruined intestines in his heart were green.

If he had known that the Lord of Peace Domain was not so easy to talk about, he would not have been such an early bird when he said anything.

"Junior Chu Tianxing, see Lord Master Zhu!"

"Junior Bai Yueye, see Lord Master!"

At this time, Chu Tianxing and Bai Yueye, led by a maid, appeared in front of Jian Chen, and both bowed and saluted respectfully.

Looking at the two in front of him, a gentle smile appeared on Jian Chen's face, and said, "You two don't need to be too polite, please sit down!"

"Thank you Lord Master for the gift!" Bai Yueye and Chu Tianxing saluted in unison, with a heartfelt respect.

The two of them sat down opposite Jian Chen with trepidation, and looked at the ruler of peace sitting opposite, their hearts were very uneasy.

Until now, they still clearly remembered that when they met Jian Chen for the first time in Destiny Valley, Jian Chen was still a weak and distressed person in their eyes, and he was almost buried in the mouth of the ancient forest beast.

However, now, the latter has been transformed, becoming the Lord of Peace, and also the fourth Lord!

Whenever they think of this incident, both feel like a dream in their hearts.

Jian Chen handed the freshly brewed tea to Chu Tianxing and Bai Yueye, and said, "This is Dao Enlightenment tea. I made it specially for the two of you, drink it while it's hot."

"It's been a few days since your last promotion, and the realm has been stabilized. Now, I will work hard to raise your strength to the level of the Promise Beginning Realm."

"Of course, all I can help you can only get here. The road after the Beginning Realm, everything has to be done by yourself."

After drinking the Dao Enlightenment Tea and consuming the Ziyun Xiantao, Chu Tianxing and Bai Yueye retreated and cultivated in the Palace of Peace. It was not a simple matter to go from the God King to the Beginning Realm, even if they were contaminated with a mysterious and yellow aura. With the help of Dao Dao Tea and Ziyun Xiantao, they can't let them step into the Beginning Realm in an instant, and they still need some time to cultivate.

Everything in Hepingyu's development is on the right track. Jian Chen controls Hepingyu. After formulating new rules, he will receive a lot of various taxes every day, and the wealth accumulated in his hands is growing at an alarming rate every day. .

But without exception, he handed over all the resources to Xia Jianming to arrange. Xia Jianming did not disappoint Jian Chen either. He contacted the Nine Great Emperor Cities, and with a large amount of resources poured in, he soon opened up a piece of spiritual fields in different territories of the Nine Great Emperor Cities, and then began to cultivate the soul of life in large quantities. flower.

If a life and soul flower grows in a normal time, the time required is naturally extremely long, often in units of 10,000 years, even hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years.

Jian Chen obviously couldn't wait for the Lifesoul Flower to mature slowly. Therefore, under his Ding subordinates, all the Lifesoul Flowers were spawned by special methods to accelerate their growth.

In this way, the price required is naturally huge. In this short period of time, the materials they put into the lifesoul flower on average have exceeded the value of the lifesoul flower itself by dozens of times.

And this price is still growing rapidly every day.

However, Jian Chen couldn't control this. He didn't take these resources from the Wood Spirit Realm in his eyes. As long as he could quickly harvest a batch of Life Soul Flowers, he would not hesitate to take advantage of all the resources of the entire Peace Domain.

"Although it takes some time to cultivate the soul of life, it can save me a large number of high-level talents that are contaminated with mysterious yellow aura. The most important thing I don't lack right now is time."

"After all, these resources in the wood spirit world can only be regarded as medium and low-level resources. And the treasures of heaven and earth that are stained with mysterious yellow aura in my primordial spirit space are extremely precious, and one less plant is used. Precious natural materials and earth treasures can only exert their greatest effect when they are used at critical moments.”

Jian Chen secretly said in his heart that the Yuanshen had recovered to the sixth floor, and naturally he could take out more things from the Yuanshen space, but there was no external crisis now, and he was a little reluctant to use those high-level gods with a mysterious and yellow aura. material.

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