Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3341: Doutian was robbed

"However, what I'm more curious about is where does this spatial passage lead? What else is hidden inside?"

"Are the three extra marks of the ancestors of the blood-killing master also related to this space channel?"

Jian Chen was full of curiosity.

Next, he began to look for the random space channel in the entire peace domain.

The wood spirit world has returned to tranquility again.

The people in the Scarlet Blood Realm, who had always been worried that they would suffer revenge, finally let go of their uneasy heart after discovering that Dou Tian and Bi Luo had not taken any action.

At the same time, Master Dou Tian and Master Bi Luo are now investing almost all the resources in their hands regardless of cost and loss, and are using all their abilities to cultivate the life and soul flower for Jian Chen at the fastest speed.

As the old masters, the resources and wealth they have accumulated in their hands are far beyond what Peace Domain can match.

Therefore, under the cultivation of Bi Luo and Dou Tian with all their strength, the life-soul flower they planted has grown much faster than He Pingyu.

Of course, under normal circumstances, no one will adopt this cultivation method, because they grind some special god-level natural materials and earth treasures, or grind them into powder, or take their juice, which is used to water and induce low-grade people. The soul flower.

This consumption is really too high. According to this consumption rate, if one plant of Life Soul Flower is cultivated to the **** level, it will consume at least one hundred plants of **** level heaven and earth treasures.

"The growth rate of these life and soul flowers is still too slow."

At this moment, in a middle-grade divine artifact temple, Dou Tianzhu looked at the thousands of life and soul flowers planted in this spiritual field, and he was still dissatisfied.

"This is only the first batch of Life Soul Flowers. This batch of Life Soul Flowers has grown completely. Even if Jian Chen's injuries cannot be recovered, at least it can enhance his strength and make it easier for him to deal with the Blood Killing Master. Some."

"So, the first batch of life and soul flowers must be cultivated in the shortest possible time." Thinking of this, Dou Tianzhu felt a ruthless heart, and immediately took out a dozen jade boxes from the space ring.

The jade box is full of god-level middle-grade heaven and earth treasures, and even god-level high-grade.

Looking at these god-level treasures in the jade box, Dou Tianzhu showed a pain in the flesh, but his eyes soon became firm: "No matter, let's get through this disaster first, if you don't even have a life. Now, what's the point of these external things, no matter how precious they are."

"Come on, use these heavenly materials and earthly treasures as nutrients to give birth to these life and soul flowers." Dou Tianzhu waved his hand, and a dozen jade boxes flew out immediately.

In the spiritual field where Lifesoul Flowers are cultivated, many Wood Spirit clansmen are busy and take good care of each Lifesoul Flower.

When the jade box dominated by Dou Tian flew out, a wood spirit clan member from the late stage of the God King Realm immediately flew up in the spiritual field, and carefully took these jade boxes in his hands.

However, when he saw the treasures of heaven and earth in the jade box, he suddenly looked shocked and asked cautiously, "Master Master, will this price be too high?"

"Just do it, you don't need to worry about other things." Lord Dou Tian snorted coldly, feeling a little irritable.

Wood Spirit World, somewhere in the Endless Sea, at this moment, the Blood Killer Lord is hiding in the deep seabed hundreds of thousands of feet deep, restraining all the fluctuations of aura and energy, and burying himself in the thick mud with extreme caution.

The eight ancestor marks are hidden in his body, nourishing the wounds in his body.

However, in order to hide himself from being discovered, the Blood Killing Master deliberately slowed down his healing speed, and the effect of the Ancestral Mark only dared to exert less than one-third of it.

But even so, his injury recovery is very fast.

"Jianchen, Biluo, Doutian, the three of you wait for me. When this seat recovers, you must pay a heavy price." In the thick mud, the blood-killing dominance was trembling all over, and there was a hidden danger in his heart. With monstrous murderous intent.

He is the dignified ruler, the supreme being in the wood spirit world, but at this moment he is so embarrassed. In order to avoid the pursuit, he has to bury himself in the mud deep in the sea.

This kind of taste makes the blood-killing ruler who has always been in a high position and ruled the world unbearable.

For him, this is absolutely a great shame that cannot be washed away.

Next, the Blood Killing Lord has been hiding in the deep sea to heal his wounds quietly. During this period, he was always tense, paying attention to the external situation, and the Heavenly Evading God Armor was also ready to go, ready to escape at any time.

This time, because the source was injured, and the spirit was burned later, it took a long time for the blood to kill the master to heal, and it took a full three years.

Three years later, with the help of various god-level medicinal pills and the imprint of the eight ancestors, the Blood Killing Master finally returned to its peak state, and all injuries were healed.

The next moment, he instantly rushed out of the seabed and appeared above the endless sea, staring at the distant land direction, filled with murderous intent.

"Jian Chen has the law of space to help, even if this seat has the Escape God Armor to hide, he has not been able to assassinate him. Now that he is prepared, the same method is even more difficult to be effective. The most troublesome thing is that once you kill him Jian Chen is unsuccessful, and it would be a hassle for this seat to let the three of them meet.”

"So this time, we can't directly attack Jian Chen. If you want to kill Jian Chen, you must deal with Bi Luo and Dou Tian. Once Bi Luo and Dou Tian are not here to help, Jian Chen will be alone." , he thought of the last defeat again in his mind, and secretly said in his heart: "Jian Chen, I already know your methods, and I will never make the same mistake again."

"Wood Spirit World, in the future, this seat will have the final say"

The figure of the Blood Killing Lord disappeared silently.

"In three years, these 1,200 Life Soul Flowers have all grown to the quality of low-grade saints. If they continue to develop at this rate, they will all be transformed into middle-rank saints in ten years at most. "In Taitian Realm, in a middle-grade divine artifact shrine, Dou Tianzhu looked at the gratifying life-soul flower in front of him, and couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

But immediately he seemed to think of something, and his eyebrows were full of sorrow: "Once these Life Soul Flowers have reached the middle-rank saint level, it is not that easy to upgrade to the high-rank saint level again."

"To fully recover from Jian Chen's injury, I don't know how many life and soul flowers it will take." Dou Tianzhu shook his head gently, turned around and walked out of the middle-grade temple, and then waved his hand, and the middle-grade temple immediately shrunk. , fell into his palm and disappeared.

The next moment, he instantly appeared in the Taitian Shrine, sitting on the throne of the master, staring at the empty and magnificent palace in front of him for a while.

However, at this moment, a mutation protruded, and a long sword emerged from the void, and instantly slashed down with a terrifying energy that made Dou Tian's master stunned.

The speed of the long sword is too fast, and Dou Tianzhu doesn't have the space law like Jian Chen, so facing this sudden attack, it is too late to react.

"The Lord of Blood Killing!" Lord Dou Tian was shocked. These days he had been on guard against the Lord of Blood Killing who would assassinate him, but he didn't expect that when this day really came, it would still be difficult for him to escape.


The long sword slashed directly on Dou Tianzhu's head. Although Dou Tianzhu was wearing a middle-grade divine armor, due to the disparity in strength between the two sides, even though he was protected by a middle-grade divine armor, he was still in the blood-killing domain. In front of the middle-grade artifact long sword, it did not play a big role.

The divine sword in the hands of the Blood Killing Lord directly pierced through the divine armor of the Lord Dou Tian, ​​and the sharp sword tip instantly sank into the head of the Lord Dou Tian.

In the face of the long-established assassination of the Blood Killing Lord, the strength of the Doutian Lord, who was already weak, was instantly hit by this catastrophe, and he almost had no ability to resist.

It is too easy for a powerhouse from the third layer of the Primordial Realm to assassinate the first layer.

However, just when Dou Tianzhu's primordial spirit was about to be destroyed, his five ancestor marks suddenly radiated bright rays of light, blocking the divine sword that had pierced into his head.

It's just that the attack of the blood-killing master is not an attack of the primordial spirit after all, so the protective effect of the ancestor's mark is extremely limited, and it only buys less than a breath of time for the master of the sky.

Master Dou Tian took advantage of this gap, and his primordial spirit immediately left his body, resolutely abandoned his own body, and fled outside in a panic.

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