Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3348: Primordial Spirit Restoration (1)

Next, Jian Chen and Master Bi Luo continued to move forward in the labyrinth.

Now he no longer thinks about the exit of the maze and other secrets, and he also forgets the master of blood killing. The only idea in his heart is to collect as many ancestor marks as possible, and enter early to restore his own energy. god.

This labyrinth is very large, seemingly endless, without boundaries, and there are countless forks and passages. Under the circumstance that the divine sense cannot be used, Jian Chen and the master of Bi Luo have completely lost their way.

But they didn't care about this, they kept on guard and moved forward in the labyrinth. After half a month, Jian Chen finally met the second ancestor mark.

The ancestor's mark floated quietly in the mid-air of the passage, and around it, there were four strong obsessions guarding it, relying on the ancestor's mark to survive.

With the previous experience, now Jian Chen is no longer going to fight these strong men obsessively head-on, but standing thousands of feet away, killing with profound sword energy.

In the end, Jian Chen stayed in front of this ancestor mark for two months, and finally harvested the second ancestor mark after entering the labyrinth.

The master of Bi Luo looked at the side with red eyes, and his heart was full of envy and jealousy.

Two ancestral marks, this is enough to make them dominion-level powerhouses go crazy, because it can improve them too much strength.

"If I get these two ancestor marks, even if I still lose to the Blood Killing Master, he can't kill me." The Bi Luo Master sighed inwardly.

The second ancestor imprint was immediately used by Jian Chen in the spiritual field, turning it into nutrients to urge life and soul flowers.

After that, it took him another two months to restore his Primordial Spirit.

In this way, it took him a total of four months to obtain the second Ancestral Mark.

In short, his profound sword qi recovered in about a month, and the more profound sword qi was consumed, the longer it would take.

Before he knew it, Jian Chen had been staying in this labyrinth for five years.

Five years later, in a passage in the labyrinth, a shrine with a middle-grade artifact was standing quietly on the ground.

In the temple, Jian Chen, Master Bi Luo and Master Dou Tian stood side by side. In front of the three of them was a huge spiritual field. Now the entire spiritual field was enveloped by a layer of rich life energy, and the thousand taels planted in it. Hundreds of life and soul flowers are already at the peak level of Saint-level middle-grade, and they are moving towards holy-grade high-grade.

Suddenly, a dazzling brilliance suddenly appeared in the spiritual field shrouded in a large area of ​​life energy.

Seeing this distinctive brilliance appearing in the spiritual field, Jian Chen couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face. In this spiritual field, the first high-grade Saint-level Life Soul Flower finally appeared.

The transformation of this life soul flower seems to have ignited a fuse. Then, the second, third, and fourth life soul flower began to transform, all of which became top-grade saints.

At first, it was transformed one by one, but behind it, it was collectively sublimated piece by piece.

Two hours later, the 1,200 Life Soul Flowers in this piece of spiritual field were all transformed into high-grade saints.

For this, Jian Chen consumed a total of five ancestor marks.

"Although the growth rate is amazing, the price is too great." Dou Tianzhu looked complicated. Although the mark of the ancestors was not his, his heart was dripping with blood.

Bi Luo's heart is also not calm. If these five ancestor marks are taken to the wood spirit world, they can cultivate five heavenly king-level powerhouses, and they will be wasted like this.

Even if you don't cultivate the king, if it is used on her, it can make her strength leap to a new level.

"Is it a big price? But in my opinion, it's all worth it." Jian Chen had a smile on his face, and he was in a happy mood: "Dou Tianzhu, I will trouble you to take care of these life and soul flowers, and I still need them. Go outside and continue to collect some marks of the ancestors, and I will use them when these life and soul flowers reach the quality of the best saint."

"Fellow Daoist Jianchen must be more careful." Dou Tianzhu clasped his fist and said, he also knew the dangers outside, and now that his strength has not recovered, he can only hide in this temple.

In a flash, Jian Chen and the master of Bi Luo appeared outside the temple.

Master Bi Luo was silent, with a gloomy look. During the past five years, she has been by Jian Chen's side. After witnessing Jian Chen's acquisition of the five ancestor marks, it would be a lie to say that she is not envious. From envy to jealousy.

She has been the master for tens of thousands of years, and only then did she slowly obtain the five ancestor marks. As a result, Jian Chen obtained the same number in just a few years, which made her psychological gap.

It's just a pity that there are more than one strong obsession around each ancestor mark, and with her strength, she can't get it alone.

"The treasures of heaven and earth that I use to restore the power of the primordial spirit are almost exhausted. Once these external forces are gone, the power of the primordial spirit will be restored, but it will be much slower." Jian Chen glanced at himself. The space ring, sighed lightly, and then his eyes turned to the master of the blue sky, and said: "Master of the blue sky, you should have a lot of such treasures and medicinal pills on your body, right?"

"There are indeed some." The Biluo Lord said lightly.

Jian Chen's eyes lit up slightly, and said, "It's so good, Master Bi Luo, why don't we make a deal? You provide me with the treasures of heaven and earth to restore the power of the primordial spirit, and I will give you the mark of Wuzhu's ancestor."

"Is this true?" Master Bi Luo's spirit was lifted, his eyes fixed on Jian Chen, and there was an undisguised surprise.

"Of course it's true. In this way, every time I get five ancestor marks, I will take out one for you. If I get ten ancestor marks, I will give you two, and if I get fifteen, I will give you three, how about that?" Chen smiled and stared at Bi Luo Master.

Bi Luo dominated the chest ups and downs violently, staring at Jian Chen with a vigilant look, and said, "This is a business that loses all your money for you, why do you do this?"

"There is no reason, I just want to help you." Jian Chen said with a free and easy look.

"Okay, deal!" Master Bi Luo readily agreed, the temptation of the ancestor's mark was too great, and she couldn't refuse.

A mysterious smile appeared on Jian Chen's face, and he said, "But this matter must be kept secret. I will only do this kind of business with you alone, and don't let Doutian Master know about it."

The master of Bi Luo took a breath, a pair of beautiful big eyes that lacked green light sparkling, stared deeply at Jian Chen, and remained silent.

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