Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3360: the law of life

With excitement, Jian Chen slowly floated into the stone gate.

Dou Tianzhu was still in the process of breaking through, but he did not wait for Dou Tianzhu to complete his breakthrough. Instead, he left a space barrier beside Dou Tianzhu to form protection, and then entered the stone gate alone.

Behind Jian Chen, seven new breakthrough Primordial Primordial powerhouses, and the master of Bi Luo also followed closely.

In the blink of an eye, outside Shimen, only Dou Tianzhu was left.

After crossing the stone gate, the few people seemed to have passed through the space, and the sight in front of them suddenly brightened.

I saw that this is a world of birds and flowers, lush vegetation grows on the ground, spiritual birds are flying in the sky, and the whole world is full of vitality, full of life and vitality.

It's just that whether it's a spiritual bird flying in the sky or a poisonous beast lurking in the ocean-like green plants, they are all extremely weak and ordinary creatures.

They hunted separately, devoured the weak to feed their stomachs, and reproduced in their own different ways.

In this place, I don't know how many lives will disappear every day, and how many lives are born every day.

They live and die, go back and forth, and continue...

It seems that this whole new world is interpreting the profound meaning of life in the simplest way.

Jian Chen hovered in place with his eyes closed. With his powerful perception, he could clearly feel the changes around him even without using his divine sense. However, when he observed these jungle laws in such a special environment, his inner Suddenly there was a throbbing.

"These are the profound meanings of life!" Jian Chen's heart was shaken, and he felt that the death of every life here, and even the birth of every life, was full of a supreme meaning.

This is an order, a law, a road of heaven and earth.

If you look at the same picture in the outside world, you will only feel that it is unremarkable, without the slightest uniqueness.

But if you were to observe it in this world, it would be very different, and it would be easy to comprehend the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Suddenly, Jian Chen's heart became incomparably peaceful. He maintained a posture of sitting cross-legged and suspended in mid-air with his eyes closed. His whole mind was integrated with this world, and he couldn't help but immerse himself in the understanding of the laws of life. middle.

At this moment, he had a new understanding of life in a trance, and with the deepening of this understanding, he gradually overturned his previous view of life.

Just when Jian Chen was immersed in the perception of the law of life, a faint green halo began to appear outside his body. He seemed to have touched the avenue of life, which resonated with the law. A subtle law of life appeared, like a bridge connecting the heaven and the earth, connecting Jian Chen with the avenue of life.

When he realized the law of life, his body of chaos was also undergoing some subtle changes, and there were waves of energetic energy appearing in his body, making every cell in his body full of vitality.

Of course, this life energy is extremely weak. Compared with the body of chaos, it is simply the difference between an ant and a giant elephant.

However, with these life energies, the recovery ability of the body of chaos seems to have improved a little bit.

It took three full days before Jian Chen slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, the law he had learned added another kind.

The law of life!

Of course, he is only a preliminary understanding of the law of life, the current realm is still very low, which is equivalent to entering and leaving the realm of the gods.

"The law of life is of great help in healing." The moment he opened his eyes, Jian Chen immediately noticed the change in himself, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The recovery speed of his body of chaos is very fast. If the law of life is added, it will be even more powerful.

"However, my understanding of the law of life is still very low at present. At the current level of the law of life, it will not bring too obvious effect to my body of chaos. But over time, my law of life will be upgraded to the same as the body of chaos. When it reaches the height of , that is the moment when it shines." Jian Chen secretly said in his heart, and then his eyes swept to the few people around him.

When he looked at it, the seven new breakthrough powerhouses and the master of Bi Luo also opened their eyes one after another, all of them were bright and radiant, and they were obviously enlightened.

"Hahaha, I've finally caught up with you guys, I'm not too late." Dou Tianzhu's voice came, his aura had not yet completely subsided, and he just broke through, so he didn't have time to stabilize in order to catch up with the crowd.

Next, everyone continued to move forward, but they were greatly disappointed along the way, because in this world, all plants and creatures are ordinary things, the most common life, not even a single treasure.

Soon, they came to the center of the world, and they were far apart, and they found a wooden house standing quietly on a hillside covered with green grass.

The wooden house is very small, square, only ten feet in diameter.

Under the hillside, there are figures facing the wooden house, maintaining a posture of kneeling, like petrification, motionless.

Every figure exudes a huge aura that is as vast as the sea, and there are hundreds of them in number.

And the more forward, the more terrifying the momentum, the invisible oppressive force is so amazing, even Jian Chen is shocked.

"They...they...they are all our ancestors..."

Looking at the familiar figures at the back, the bodies of Master Bi Luo and Master Dou Tian couldn't help trembling, and the expressions on their faces changed rapidly.

"Old ancestor, it turns out to be the ancestor of our Yongxi family, ancestor, our younger generation has been looking for you for countless thousands of years. I didn't expect... I didn't expect your old man to be here..." Seven In the domination, an ancestor of a top power suddenly looked excited. He stepped forward and came behind a figure.

However, as soon as he touched it, the figure turned into a piece of gray flying and dispersed with the wind.

This scene suddenly made everyone in the field stunned.

"Don't touch them, they have already fallen, their bodies are weathered, and they will disperse when you touch them." Jian Chen said in a deep voice, his face serious.

He could see at a glance that these people were at least in the Primordial Beginning Realm.

After the cultivation base reaches such a state, even a drop of blood can last for millions or even tens of millions of years.

However, at the moment, the entire body is directly weathered, which is really rare.

The strong man of the Yongxi family was stunned. He looked at his ancestor who had turned into flying ashes with a sad expression.

At this moment, Lord Biluo and Lord Doutian came together behind several figures. The two of them looked at these old bodies kneeling on the ground with complex expressions, and they didn't dare to touch them, and they didn't even dare to get too close. .

"All of them are the ancestors of our Wood Spirit Race. They were the most powerful people who ruled the Wood Spirit World in the past. Later, they disappeared for unknown reasons. I just didn't expect that they are all here." Master Bi Luo said in a low voice. complex.

She glanced at the figures in front of her, and found that the ancestors of the Wood Spirit Race they recognized were only kneeling in the last row.

In front of them, there are more strong people, the further forward, the stronger the strength.

The most important thing is that these people are all wood spirits.

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