Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3365: Awakener Spirit (1)

As soon as they heard the word sacrifice, the expressions of several wood spirit powerhouses changed.

"Sacrifice? But once sacrificed, can we survive?"

"Maybe we don't necessarily need to sacrifice all, only a part of the sacrifice is enough."

"Impossible, with our strength, let alone a small sacrifice, I am afraid that we will sacrifice all our lives. For the spirit of the ancestors, it is only a little bit, and it is not enough to put in the teeth."

"Since a generation of ancestors said that the spirit of the ancestors will wake up in our generation, then we can definitely do it, and then think about whether there is any other way"

Several wood spirit powerhouses expressed their opinions and made various conjectures, but in the end, apart from offering sacrifices, none of them came up with a better way.

At this moment, Dou Tianzhu suddenly looked at Jian Chen, clasped his fists and asked, "Friend Jianchen, do you have any good suggestions?"

Hearing this, Jian Chen suddenly fell into contemplation, he was silent for a moment, and then shook his head gently.

Seeing this, Dou Tian's eyes showed disappointment, and then he looked at Bi Luo, who was still breaking through, and said to the other people: "Why don't we all wait for a while, and make a decision after Bi Luo breaks through. ."

The seven new rulers subconsciously swept their gazes towards the master of Bi Luo, and nodded in agreement.

Next, several people began to wait patiently here, waiting for the moment when the master of Bi Luo completed his breakthrough and woke up.

Jian Chen was constantly looking at this world, focusing on the small wooden house on the hillside, and even wanted to get closer to the hillside.

But when he just moved to the position of the ancestor of the generation, he was blocked by an invisible force, and it was no longer difficult to move forward.

This force is vast and enormous, irresistible. This is the power that comes from the Source of Life of the Supreme Artifact.

The front that he can reach is the distance of a generation of ancestors, and it is impossible to get close to the cabin.

"I'll go take a look nearby." Leaving these words, Jian Chen's figure suddenly disappeared.

The eight masters of the Wood Spirit Tribe stayed where they were, frowning and thinking hard, studying the legacy of a generation of ancestors, trying to find a way to wake up the spirit of the ancestors.

They also have no choice, because the spirit of the ancestors does not wake up, so they can't leave here.

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed, and the master of the blue sky finally broke through successfully, officially becoming a powerhouse of the Primordial Beginning Realm Triple Heaven.

"Where's Jian Chen? Why isn't he here?" As soon as she opened her eyes, she immediately inquired about Jian Chen's whereabouts, with a bit of displeasure in her expression.

"Fellow Daoist Jianchen went to investigate elsewhere, because he should be back soon." Master Dou Tian came to Master Bi Luo, with a kind smile on his face, congratulating Master Bi Luo for his successful breakthrough.

The other seven masters also gathered around and offered their sincere blessings.

However, the mind of the master of Bi Luo was not here at all. She had a calm face and looked very unhappy.

"Master Bi Luo, all of us are still waiting for you to think of a way to see how we can wake up the spirit of the ancestors." The speaker was an old man, who used to be the chief executive of Biyang Shrine , is also a capable general of Biluo's master, named Shuihen.

Of course, after becoming masters, they have all gone out independently and are no longer bound by their previous identities.

"You ask me, then I ask who to go? The news I know about this place is not the same as you." The master of Bi Luo said angrily.

"This, you are the strongest among us." Mo Yilai was scolded, and Shui Hen felt a little innocent and muttered in a low voice.

Seeing this scene, the other wood spirit powerhouses were a little embarrassed to speak. They all saw it, and the master of the blue sky seemed to be a little angry.

At this time, the figure flashed, and Jian Chen's figure appeared here. He looked at the master of the blue sky, and smiled lightly: "Congratulations, your strength has improved to a higher level."

"Where have you gone?" Biluo Zhuan looked at Jian Chen with a frown with his hands behind his back.

"Wandered around."

"Have you found anything?"

Jian Chen shook his head and said, "No, this world is not as big as I imagined. It is very small and very ordinary. The only special place is near this hillside."

"Then do you know how we can wake up the spirit of the ancestors?" Master Bi Luo stared at Jian Chen.

"I don't know, you have to figure out how to do this yourself," Jian Chen said casually.

Next, Master Bi Luo and other nine wood spirit clan experts began to discuss together how to awaken the spirit of the ancestors.

However, after several days of discussion and various attempts, there was no effect in the end.

Forced into desperation, the nine of them only thought of the last solution, which was sacrifice.

"Many methods have been tried, but none of them have any effect. Now the road before us is only sacrifice. Like a dozen generations of predecessors, we sacrificed our own lives," said the Heavenly King Wu Chaos.

"Yes, we can only sacrifice ourselves, but we don't want to sacrifice all, we can sacrifice slowly, little by little, maybe when we are halfway through the sacrifice, the spirit of the ancestors will wake up ”

"After the efforts of generations of ancestors, there is only a slight distance from the awakening of the spirit of the ancestors, so let's make up for this slight distance."

"We have to believe in a generation of ancestors. Since a generation of ancestors said that our generation can awaken the spirit of the ancestors, then it will definitely be able to"

"Okay, let's start offering sacrifices, but slow down."

After a heated debate, they finally decided to try offering sacrifices.

As soon as they thought of it, the nine wood spirit powerhouses immediately took action. They lined up behind the ancestors of the previous generation, and then they all faced the small wooden house on the hillside and kept their kneeling postures. With a pious demeanor, they performed secret methods and began to make sacrifices. itself.

Immediately, their primordial spirits, cultivation bases, and all the energy in their bodies flowed at a speed visible to the naked eye. All the energy was integrated into this world and absorbed by this world.

And their condition immediately became weak, and the fire of life gradually dimmed.

None of them are ready to make a complete sacrifice, so the speed of the sacrifice is extremely slow, and there is always a little thought in their hearts, hoping that the spirit of the ancestors will only need a little bit to wake up.

Time, one minute and one second passed, the longer it dragged on, the more lives they sacrificed. In just a few hours, the lives of nine of them sacrificed reached 20%.

When more than ten hours passed, the lives of the nine of them were only half left. However, let alone the spirit of the ancestors, there was no sign of awakening, and this world did not even change at all.

Not a trace!

And they are getting weaker.

At this time, the wills of the nine people were shaken.

"Spirit of Ancestral Artifacts, wake up quickly, if you don't wake up, we will all die!" Deadwood Heavenly King wailed, hoping for a miracle to happen.

"Everyone insists on persevering, maybe it's a little bit, it's a little bit, and if you persist, you will succeed."

"We have to believe that a generation of ancestors has great powers, and what she said will definitely not be false."

Several wood spirit clan experts encouraged each other.

Before long, they had sacrificed as much as 70% of their lives.

To this extent, they have completely hurt their roots, and all of their bodies have become a lot dry.

The spirit of the ancestors still shows no sign of awakening.

Seven layers of life were sacrificed, but there was no splash, which made more and more people feel desperate. The ancestor's legacy did not come true, and the spirit of the ancestors was still sleeping.

During this period, Jian Chen was also paying close attention to the changes in this world, looking at the nine wood spirit powerhouses whose life aura was bleak, he sighed inwardly: "It seems that the nine of them are really incompetent. Awakening the spirit of the ancestors, let alone sacrificing half of their lives, even if they sacrificed everything, it is only a drop in the bucket for the spirits of the ancestors."

"Now, I can only try this."

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