Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3367: Artifact Suppression


Jian Chen opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly turned morbidly pale.

In his body, the internal organs were already covered with cracks, and there were even some fragments of internal organs, spurting out of the mouth along the blood.

As for all the bones on his body, almost one-third of the area has been broken or even shattered.

He is now in the interior of the Supreme Divine Artifact. This world is completely controlled by the Supreme Divine Artifact. The huge strength gap between the two makes him as weak as an ant even if he has recovered to the 16th layer of the Chaos Body.

All his current strength is only in the Primordial Beginning Realm.

However, in the Supreme Divine Artifact, with its rank, even the Supreme Beginning Realm can be easily suppressed, and Jian Chen is naturally powerless to resist.

Of course, these injuries seem to be serious, but to the powerful physique of the Chaos Body, they are actually nothing, and they don't even affect his combat power.

The real deadly place is the power of the curse that he has been suppressing in his legs.

In order to resist the suppression of the Supreme Divine Artifact Spirit, he has done his best and used all his strength. The power of the Daoyi saint's curse remaining in his body, due to the loss of the suppression of the power of chaos, immediately rushed out of his legs and began to spread rapidly in his body.

Once the power of this curse spreads, it will be even more difficult to suppress it again.

What's more, he is now not only suppressed, but also severely injured.

Under these double blows, Jian Chen couldn't tell the strength to continue suppressing the power of the curse for a while.

On the other side, Master Bi Luo and several other Wood Spirit Clan experts all changed their expressions when they saw Jian Chen's fate.

They could see at a glance that the spirit of the ancestors was very hostile to Jian Chen, which made some of them feel entangled in their hearts.

On one side is the spirit of the ancestral artifact, and on the other is the great benefactor who has the grace to recreate himself, which makes the newly promoted seven rulers start to feel troubled, and they don't know which side to stand on.

"Lord Zuling, the Lord of Peace has a great favor to us. If it wasn't for the Lord of Peace, we would not be able to enter here to wake up your old man. I hope Lord Zuling will show mercy." He opened his mouth and interceded for Jian Chen.

The Master Bi Luo only seemed to react at this time. She dodged and came to the illusory mountain that suppressed Jian Chen, her eyes showing anxiety and concern, and then holding the divine sword, she shot out powerful energy fluctuations and directly slashed towards the illusory mountain.

Dou Tianzhu and several other wood spirit powerhouses saw this scene, and their faces changed dramatically. This illusory mountain was transformed by the energy of the spirit of the ancestors, although they did not think that the master of the blue sky could break the power of the spirits of the ancestors. , but such an act is a great disrespect to the spirit of the ancestors.

However, the current master of Bi Luo seems to have abandoned everything, and only wants to save Jian Chen, and doesn't care if he will offend the spirit of the ancestors.


With a loud noise, the divine sword in the hands of the master Bi Luo hit the illusory mountain peak that suppressed Jian Chen, but the mountain peak did not move at all, and she herself was shaken by a powerful anti-shock force and flew out, looking Instantly flushed, and then a mouthful of blood sprayed out.

"You juniors, actually going to help a person from the Holy Realm? It's just stupid. Do you know how many of your ancestors were killed by those hateful people in the Holy Realm?"

"Did you ever know that because of those people from the Holy Realm, the Wood Spirit Clan was in danger of being wiped out?"

"You also know that you are trapped in this small world and cannot go out forever. Who is the ultimate culprit?"

The spirit of the ancestors seemed to be irritated. Why did the Wood Spirit Clan break away from the big ethnic group back then, and why they came to hide in this resource-poor Nether space, it was clear.

Because it has gone through that era.

For the holy world warrior, it is hated to the core, and there is a deep hatred in the sea of ​​blood.

Therefore, as soon as it woke up today, it saw this group of juniors mixed up with the people of the holy world, which naturally made the spirit of the supreme artifact unstoppable.

Its anger disturbed the sky, and saw that the sky was no longer blue, and instantly turned into a blood red, as if it was soaked by endless blood, and there was a chilling air that filled the whole world.

The hearts of these wood spirit powerhouses trembled, and their faces became extremely pale, because in this blood-colored sky, they seemed to see countless ancestors fighting against the people of the Holy Realm, seeing countless The dead body of the ancestors floated in the sea of ​​blood.

This scene deeply shocked the hearts of all of them.

"Did you see it? Did you see it? The culprits of all this are people from the Holy Realm, people from the Holy Realm." The tool spirit gritted his teeth, his eyes burning with hatred: "Not only your countless people The ancestors died tragically at the hands of the people of the Holy Realm, and even I was severely injured by the people of the Holy Realm."

"It's the sages of those ancient families, holding a powerful divine weapon of the same level as me, and hitting me hard"

Talking about some of the past events of the year, the spirit of the ancestors is suffocating. Although it has gone through countless years, it has been sleeping for too long, so these things seem to it to have happened yesterday.

Several experts from the Wood Spirit Race were shocked, and stood there tremblingly without saying a word.

"Ki Ling, what you are talking about is very ancient history. Now, the people of the Spirit Immortal Realm have turned into the Spirit Immortal Clan and become a part of the Holy Realm, which is what you call the people of the Holy Realm. At this time, Jian Chen, who was suppressed, said, his voice was a little hoarse, and when he spoke, there was even a trace of black blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

In his body, the power of the curse spread faster and faster, but now, he was suppressed and there was nothing he could do.

"Nonsense, our spirit world and holy world have already become mortal enemies. How can we live in harmony, let alone become a person in the holy world." Qi Ling retorted mercilessly, it experienced the darkness and hopeless despair back then In the era, I didn't think that Lingxian Realm had a chance of winning.

"Well, since you don't believe in the holy world, let's not talk about the holy world, let's talk about yourself. You woke up because of me. If you didn't have me, you would still be in a deep sleep."

"In the end, after you woke up, not only did you not appreciate me, but you suppressed me with your backhand. You are the artifact spirit of the dignified supreme artifact, do you want to avenge your revenge like this?" Jian Chen continued, feeling very powerless in his heart, the source of life is Awakened, but her power exceeded expectations, and she also hated the people of the Holy Realm very much.

In this case, his hope of obtaining the Supreme Divine Artifact is very slim and completely impossible.

Even survival became a big issue.

"It's ridiculous, my awakening is because of you?" Ancestor Artifact Spirit scoffed at Jian Chen's words.

"The Lord of Peace is right. If there is no Lord of Peace, we will not be able to get together the nine Primordial Primordial Realm. Without the Nine Primordial Primordial Realm, we will not be able to get in here," said the King of Chaos.

"Indeed, without Jian Chen, we can't get in. If we can't get in, we naturally can't wake up Lord Zu Ling from his slumber, so I hope Lord Zu Ling will be kind and forgive Jian Chen." Walking from a distance, there was blood on the corner of her mouth, but there was no fear in her eyes.

"Lord Zuling, please forgive the Lord of Peace because we lost 90% of our lives to wake you up." Lord Dou Tian also begged for mercy, and he would never forget the day when Jian Chen took him from the Lord of Blood Killing. The scene that was saved.

At that time, he was only in the primordial spirit state, very fragile, and fell into Jian Chen's hands. Jian Chen could have killed him easily, but instead of doing so, Jian Chen spent a lot of resources to help him reshape his body.

Dou Tianzhu has always remembered this kindness in his heart.

Because he is not an ungrateful person.

"What? Do you think you sacrificed your own life to wake me up? Hahaha, it's ridiculous, ridiculous, really ridiculous, your generation is really stupid. Just rely on your strength, just rely on yours With this little bit of vitality, you also want to wake me up?" The Ancestral Artifact Spirit laughed, and his words were full of ridicule.

"Could it be that it's not because of us?" Hearing this, the several rulers of the Wood Spirit Clan looked at each other.

"It was I who woke you up. I accidentally obtained a spine of your master back then. It was through this spine that I woke you up." Jian Chen said, and then he held the tool spirit's back. Suppressing, he stretched out his palm with difficulty, only to see a few dust-like sawdust residues in his palm.

This sawdust is the backbone of the Supreme Being of the Wood Spirit Clan.

When the spine of the Supreme Wood Spirit Race completely dissipated, there was still a little powder left on Jian Chen's hand.

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