Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3371: Team up


The one who responded to the spirit was another loud noise that shook the world, and the whole earth was shaking, as if the heaven and the earth were about to collapse.

The attack from the outside is really too powerful, completely destroying the sky and destroying the earth, but also shaking the source of life, so that the small world inside the supreme artifact has been greatly affected.

At this time, Master Bi Luo, Master Dou Tian and others also woke up one after another. They looked at this world where the earth was shaking, and their expressions became solemn.

Qi Ling's gaze fell on Jian Chen, showing resentment, and roared loudly: "It's you, it's you, it must be you, it's you who brought these powerhouses here, the wood spirit clan's troubles today, everything is It's because of you"

At this moment, Qi Ling blamed all the responsibilities on Jian Chen. It was also because of the exposure of the Wood Spirit Realm that the Saint Realm powerhouses attacked, resulting in Jian Chen being killed for beheading a large number of Dark Star clansmen. The trace of goodwill left in Qi Ling's heart disappeared in an instant. "

Hearing Qi Ling's remarks and groundless accusations, Jian Chen frowned and immediately retorted: "I have been in the wood spirit world for hundreds of years, if I really attracted them, then they would have been there long ago. It was shot, why wait until now."

"Why don't you think about whether it is because of your awakening that you have attracted the powerhouses of the holy world."

"Dare to quibble, it's you, it's you, it's you who brought them here." Qi Reiki was in a state of panic, his eyes were red, and he was very anxious.


At this moment, it suffered a strong attack again, the whole world was spinning, the vision was blurred, the void was distorted, and this small world seemed to be unable to support it.

The attack from the outside was getting stronger and stronger, and the tool spirit could no longer control Jian Chen, and its figure disappeared instantly.

Immediately, only Jian Chen and the nine powerhouses of the Wood Spirit Clan were left in the small world.

The eyes of these nine strong men were condensed on Jian Chen.

"Jianchen, what's going on here? You tell me the truth, did you attract the powerhouses outside?" Master Bi Luo said, her eyes flashing with complex light, with worry and fear.

Jian Chen faced the master of Bi Luo with a magnanimous gaze, and said, "Can't you trust me?"

"I I" Bi Luo Master was tongue-tied, and he was a little unsteady for a while. She has lived for countless thousands of years, and is in the position of master, in charge of one world. She has never seen anything before, and she has long understood that people's hearts are sinister, and one-sided words should not be listened to, because the facts are often cruel.

The facts in front of him, as well as the accusation against Jian Chen by the spirit of the ancestors, obviously caused the trust in Jian Chen in the heart of Bi Luo to be shaken.

Dou Tianzhu and the seven new breakthrough powerhouses looked at Jian Chen with suspicion at this moment, and even some of them were full of coldness.

Seeing these gazes, Jian Chen sighed in his heart, but he didn't care too much. Fortunately, he didn't bother to explain. Instead, he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the spot.

They are all trapped here, and they can't get out unless they have the permission of the Item Spirit, so they can only wait here.

Outside the Wood Spirit Realm, the void here has turned into darkness and was completely destroyed.

Not only this void, but even the entire lower space where the Wood Spirit Realm is located has been completely destroyed by a force that destroys the sky and destroys the earth.

At the very center of this dark storm, a burly middle-aged man in battle armor stood in the void. He held a long sword, his eyes were extremely cold, and his body exuded a powerful aura that could be called terrifying.

This person is the **** of war!

The Martial God family is the top force that once gave birth to the Supreme. Although the Supreme fell later, the Wushen family also stood in the group of the ancient family for a long time.

Although it is now in decline and has long lost the name of the ancient family, it is still not to be underestimated.

And those who can obtain the title of Martial God, without exception, are the strongest ancestors of the Martial God family, and they have obtained the supreme inheritance.


At this time, the long spear in Wushen's hand swept the energy storm that destroyed the sky and the earth, and once again stabbed into the void in front of him, making a shocking roar.

And at the position where his spear was stabbed, a formation flashed, releasing an amazing defensive ability, resisting the attacks of the Valkyrie again and again.

But the attack of the **** of war is really too powerful, and the world-destroying gun in his hand is a supreme artifact. Even if his strength is far from being able to exert the full power of the supreme artifact, it is far superior to all the same rank. By.

Therefore, every time this formation resists an attack, the energy is consumed at a very terrifying speed, and it cannot last for long.

At the same time, above the head of Wushen, the law of the Great Dao flashed, turning into a red-red divine thunder, overwhelming the sky and smashing towards the head of Wushen.

This is the punishment of the Dao, and it comes from the obliteration of the rules.

The unscrupulous actions of the Martial God in the lower realm not only destroyed the entire world here, but also all the hundreds of millions of creatures that existed in this realm died.

Such an act of conscience will naturally be obliterated by the rules of the Nether space.

However, Wushen Que turned a blind eye to the punishment from the lower realm. He was wearing a battle armor, majestic and majestic, like an undefeated **** of war.

I saw his blood rush to the sky, turning into a blood dragon and rushing directly into the sea of ​​thunder.


I only heard a loud noise from the thunder sea, which came from the punishment of the Dao in the lower realm, and was directly scattered by the **** of war.

He is too strong, ignoring all the rules of the lower realm, the Dao laws of the lower realm space can't help him at all.

At this moment, a few powerful breaths emerged from the void again.

I saw a few figures suddenly appear here on the opposite side of the **** of war, with a vast and majestic body, even if it is not as good as the **** of war, it is not inferior.

There were five people in total.

They are the first force in Tianhuo Province, the ancestor of Poisonous Flame of Huoshamen.

The third-ranked force in Xingyaozhou, the Huihai people of Wanhe Sect.

As well as the ancient family of the past, the Yudao family that has already fallen from the altar.

The ancestors of the poisonous flames and the people from Huihai are all from the Seventh Heaven of the Supreme Beginning Realm!

There are three people from the Yudao family, one is a seventh-level heaven, and two are a sixth-level heaven!

"Martial God!"

The expressions of the five strong men from the three top forces changed slightly and gradually became serious.

Especially when they saw the World Destruction Spear in the hands of Martial God, there was a deep fear in the bottom of their eyes.

Because this is a supreme artifact!

Wushen stopped attacking, his eyes swept over the five people in front of him, directly ignoring the ancestors of Poison Flame and the people from Huihai Sea, only when he looked at the strong men of the Yudao family, did he start to face them.

Like the Wushen family, the Yudao family is also a declining ancient family.

And the decline of the two of them is not because there is no supreme artifact, but because of the lack of a 9th Heaven of the Beginning Realm!

"Brother, this Martial God is not easy to deal with."

"Although the realm of the Martial God is the seventh-level Heaven of the Supreme Beginning, but he has the inheritance of the Supreme Being, and he has top-notch artifacts, and his strength is not inferior to the Eight-level Heaven of the Supreme Beginning. It is to meet Jiuzhongtian, with the ability of the **** of war, it is estimated that he can also be stubborn."

The two powerhouses of the Imperial Dao Family in the sixth-level Heavenly Beginning Realm transmitted their voices one after another, with a bit of solemnity in their voices.

They also don't pay much attention to the ancestors of the poisonous flames and the people from the sea. As the legacy of the supreme, they have a strong inheritance and are proud of their peers.

"Martial God is not easy to deal with, are we afraid of him in the Yudao family?" The seventh-level powerhouse of the Yudao family transmitted his voice faintly, without any fear.

"The source of life, I am determined to win, you all get out of the way!" Wushen said, his eyes coldly looking at the opposite people.

"The source of life has no owner. Everyone can take it. Our Yudao family will not give up." The strongest of the Yudao family said. Tao" word.

Valkyrie's gaze suddenly condensed on the stone slab, and his expression immediately became solemn.

"The source of life is naturally obtained by those who are destined. A supreme artifact, I don't think anyone will give up." The Huihai people from Xingyaozhou said calmly with a faint smile.

"You guys also want to compete for the source of life?" The **** of war had cold eyes, and the **** of world-destroying spear in his hand pointed directly at the people of Huihai Sea.

The expressions of the people in Huihai immediately became solemn, as if they were facing a great enemy, but they did not retire in the slightest, and said coldly: "Martial God, since we have discovered the source of life, we will definitely participate in the competition. If the opportunity is to be taken away, then the old man just needs to inform Jiuyi Xingjun of the source of life, presumably Jiuyi Xingjun will be interested in this thing."

"After all, this source of life is different from other top artifacts."

The ancestor of the poisonous flame also made a strange laughter: "Hey hey hey, if the Nine Lights Star Lord really comes, then all of us here can only stand aside and watch the fun."

As soon as they heard Jiuyi Xingjun, whether it was the Yudao family or the Martial God, their pupils shrank, revealing deep fear.

Because this is a peerless powerhouse that is invincible even if all of them add up!

As a well-known big man in Xingyao Province, Huihai Hairen is absolutely qualified to contact Jiuyi Xingjun directly.

"Okay, everyone depends on their strengths. As for who can get it, it depends on the individual's chance." In the end, Wushen still compromised and did not dare to do anything, so as not to really rush the people of Huihai Sea and provoke Jiuyao. Xingjun.

The ancestor of the Yudao family laughed and looked at the ancestors of Huihaihai and Duyan: "Don't inform Jiuyi Xingjun, there is only one source of life, and it is destined to be obtained only by one family, if it falls into our Yudao In the hands of the family, our Yudao family promises that we will definitely give you three huge compensations. Although this compensation is far less than the source of life, but with the background of our Yudao family, we will definitely not let you down. "

Wushen looked at the Yudao family indifferently, and said the same: "My Wushen family, the same, if it falls into my hands, my Wushen family will also compensate you."

The Martial God paused and continued: "But there is a powerful formation outside the source of life. This formation is most likely formed by the masters of the Nine Heavens of the Supreme Beginning Realm, although after endless years, the power of the formation has become great. It’s not as good as before, but it still takes a lot of effort to break it, and we all work together to break the formation.”

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