Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3383: Sword Immortal Great Perfection (2)

Jian Chen comprehends the laws of kendo in the Peace Palace, completely ignoring the outside world.

During the time he was in retreat, the entire Wood Spirit Realm set off a huge wave, from the beginning of the infinite, down to the low-level martial artist who had just stepped into the practice.

Because all the powerhouses in the Primordial Beginning Realm in the Wood Spirit Realm have already collapsed the Wood Spirit Realm, the news that the Wood Spirit Clan will relocate to the Spirit Immortal Clan has been announced.

For the clansmen who lived in the wood spirit clan with more than nine layers, their knowledge of the world only stayed in the small world of the wood spirit world, and they didn't know that there was a wider world outside the wood spirit world.

Therefore, as soon as the news of the imminent relocation of the entire clan was distributed, it immediately caused a shock to the entire world.

At this moment, the powerhouses who were still cultivating came out one after another, and the alchemists who were refining the pills directly destroyed the precious spiritual pills in the furnace.

Even some of the Promise Realm powerhouses who were still hunting holy beasts overseas were stunned on the spot when they heard the news. The result was that they were beaten by their opponents, those holy beasts who were not much weaker than them. seriously injured.

"Lingxian clan? What kind of power is this? Is it stronger than our wood spirit clan?"

"Is it the Holy Realm? A big world that is countless times larger than our Wood Spirit Realm is really disturbing and looking forward to."

"No, we will never leave the Wood Spirit Realm. Our family has managed so many assets in the Wood Spirit Realm and owns such a huge territory. Once we leave, the foundation of our family's ancestors who worked hard to lay down this foundation, how could it be? It's all gone."

"A hundred years ago, the family spent a huge amount of money to buy one-tenth of the shops in this city. After leaving, what will we do with these industries?"

Various areas of the Wood Spirit Realm have made different voices. For the matter of leaving the Wood Spirit Realm, some loose cultivators, or the Wood Spirit people who do not have much assets here, naturally have an indifferent attitude, and even have the slightest expectation. .

But for some big families and big forces with huge industries, it is the King of Hell who kills them, which is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

Some resources can be taken away.

But there are also many resources that simply cannot be taken away.

In the same way, this change has also directly affected the existing order of the Wood Spirit World. Some people's once bound ambitions and suppressed desires also burst out at this moment without reservation, and began to burn and kill tribulations everywhere. plunder for resources.

"Since the Holy Realm is so big, why do we have to go to the Lingxian family, the Lingxian family may not be as good as the masters say, maybe we go to the Lingxian family, and we will be greeted by hellish days?"

"That's right, I don't plan to go to the Lingxian clan. I might as well take advantage of this good opportunity to grab more resources. When the wood spirit world is broken, I'll go to the holy world to roam alone."

For a time, the spirit world was in chaos, and bloodshed occurred in various areas.

Immediately afterwards, several major rulers took action one after another and began to suppress the riots everywhere, and at the same time explained the power of the Lingxian family in more detail to the whole family, so as to appease people's hearts.

It took three full years for the Wood Spirit Realm to return to peace again. Many people have already accepted the reality, and then under the arrangement of the major rulers of the Wood Spirit Realm, they began to prepare for evacuation.

In the blink of an eye, fifteen years have passed since Jian Chen retreated.

Fifteen years later, the wood spirit world has changed a lot. There are ruins everywhere, and many buildings have been demolished, taking away valuable and useful materials, and discarding low-value objects.

Pieces of spiritual fields have turned into wasteland, and all the treasures cultivated in them have been collected.

The entire Wood Spirit Realm is ready for the entire clan to relocate.

"The whole clan is ready and can leave at any time. Now we are waiting for Jian Chen. He does not know when this retreat will end." In the high sky of the Wood Spirit Realm, the master Biluo and several newly promoted Hunyuan Realm Come together to make complex sounds.

"Hey, this world has nurtured us, but now we have to leave, I'm really reluctant." Dou Tianzhu looked at the great mountains and rivers in the distance, and felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

However, at this moment, a powerful kendo law came from the peace domain, causing the world to change. Health cold.

"It is the ruler of peace. It seems that he has broken through and has become stronger than before." The King of Chaos looked in the direction of Hepingyu and exclaimed.

The next moment, several rulers disappeared one after another and appeared in the Palace of Peace at the fastest speed, all of them waiting patiently here.

Not long after, the law of kendo that soared into the sky gradually disappeared, and Jian Chen walked out of the secret room in high spirits.

This time in retreat, his kendo realm has successfully entered the realm of Sword Immortal Great Perfection.

In the realm of Sword Immortal, he has reached the end.

The Sword Immortal is complete, and his profound sword qi can already condense the sixth path.

The Body of Chaos also untied a shackle once again and could break through to the seventeenth floor.

However, condensing Xuanjian Qi is not bad, it only takes time.

But the body of chaos is not so easy to break through, after all, the resources required are too large.

"Is everything in the Wood Spirit Realm properly arranged?" Jian Chen came to the major rulers.

"All the clansmen are ready and can leave at any time." Dou Tian said.

"That's good!" Jian Chen nodded, and then shouted directly at the sky above his head: "Senior Feng!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a stalwart power instantly invaded the wood spirit world, so powerful that it was irresistible, even the source of life, the supreme artifact, could not stop it.

"It's so annoying, you always break in without saying hello, you old man is necrotic." The tool spirit of the source of life made a helpless and helpless complaint.

Venerable Feng's illusory figure appeared in front of Jian Chen, he was just a wisp of primordial spirit descending, not his body.

Master Bi Luo, Master Dou Tian, ​​and several other wood spirit powerhouses, all eyes condensed on the illusory figure of Venerable Feng, and everyone was muttering in their hearts.

Because in their eyes, Venerable Feng at this time was approachable, without the slightest breath, and looked like an ordinary person.

Just such an ordinary old man, would he be the supreme being in the holy world?

"See senior!"

Although he was very murmured in his heart, on the surface, the master of Bi Luo and the others did not hesitate at all, and immediately bent over to salute.

Hundreds of years later, when Jian Chen saw Venerable Feng again, he immediately felt more cordial, he respectfully clasped his fists at Venerable Feng, and said, "Senior Feng, I will have to trouble you, the old man. "

Venerable Feng looked at Jian Chen with a gentle smile on his face, and said in a kind tone: "Between you and me, why should you be so polite, the wood spirit clan has been living abroad for so many years, and it is time to return to the clan."

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