Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3385: innate spirit

Holy realm.

For the Lingxian family, today is definitely a very special day.

Because today, it is the first time Venerable Feng has returned to the ethnic group since he stepped into the ranks of Taizun, and it is also the first time he has made a public appearance.

The entire Lingxian clan was very lively because of Venerable Feng's return. Every clan member was cheering and singing excitedly, with excitement and joy overflowing on the surface.

Of course, Venerable Feng's official return to the clan can only arouse the emotions of countless clan members of the Lingxian clan, and it will not have any impact on the holy world.

After all, everyone already knows that Venerable Feng has become the Supreme Being, and it doesn't make any sense whether his deity is in the Lingxian family.

Because of the Supreme Being, you can come to any place in the Holy Realm in a single thought, and the vast Holy Realm has no distance at all for any Supreme Being.

But the news that came out from the Lingxian clan really attracted the attention of the major forces in the holy world, even the ancient clan could not ignore it.

Venerable Feng has accepted two direct disciples, and will officially hold the apprenticeship ceremony within the Lingxian clan in three months!

The significance of Taizun's acceptance of disciples is very important. Therefore, the top forces in the holy world have sent strong men to the Lingxian family with generous gifts to congratulate Venerable Feng on accepting his disciples.

These people who went to congratulate, the cultivation base is also the Primordial Beginning Realm, and even some Tai Shijing ancestors personally dispatched to show their sincerity.

The current Lingxian clan has a supreme leader, and the status has become completely different from before. The major forces in the holy world want to make friends with each other, and naturally they will not miss any opportunity.

Some forces that have had various disputes and frictions with the Lingxian clan have been more active, and all of them have tried their best to please the Lingxian clan.

Soon, March has arrived, and the ceremony of Venerable Feng's acceptance of disciples was officially held in the Lingxian clan.

Today, the voices of the Lingxian clan are full of people, and the crowd is very lively. There are countless powerhouses gathered, even in the Taishi realm. .

Venerable Feng's illusory body appeared on the high platform and was receiving the apprenticeships of Shen Jian and Bi Luo.

Today, in front of all the powers of the holy world, he officially announced to the world that the two of them were his disciples of Supreme Wind.

The disciple of the Supreme Being, this is an extremely dazzling halo in the holy world.

As long as you have this aura in your body, no one dares to bully you, even if you are just a mortal.

Otherwise, it would be feuding with Taizun.

In the crowd, several members of the Primordial Realm of the Wood Spirit Clan were gathering together, all of them were shocked, and their eyes were dull.

It was only at this moment that they truly realized how powerful the Lingxian clan was in the Holy Realm. If nothing else, the mere congratulations of these countless powerhouses was enough to prove the transcendent status of the Lingxian clan.

"My God, this spirit fairy clan is too strong, and none of these countless guests has the strength below us, and everyone's realm is higher than ours. And there is a large area that can't be seen. "The old man Shen Shan was amazed.

"Yes, yes, did you see the young man in black next to him, don't look at it directly, look out of the corner of your eyes, he feels extremely dangerous to me, and his breath is even more expansive. , is this person in the Taishi realm? Not only him, but also the people around him are also very terrifying..."

"Among all the people here, apart from some juniors of the Lingxian family, we are really the weakest people..."

"Hey, I thought that the return of our Wood Spirit Clan would cause a stir in the Spirit Immortal Clan, but we didn't even splash any waves in the Spirit Immortal Clan, which was really shocking... ."

"Look at Bi Luo standing on the high platform, now she is really seen by everyone, I am afraid that even the most powerful people who have reached the Tai Beginning Realm now need to be polite to her, which is really enviable. …”

Several members of the Primordial Realm of the Wood Spirit Clan all had a look of contemplation, and they were extremely envious.

"Bi Luo is really stepping up to the sky now. There is also that person named Xia Jianming, whose cultivation base is so weak, but because of the peaceful domination, he has now become the servant of the old patriarch, and his status has skyrocketed. When I see Xia Jianming, I'm afraid I have to be polite." Master Dou Tian complained, thinking of this, he felt very depressed.

Because in the Wood Spirit Realm, Xia Jianming was just ordinary in his eyes, and he didn't even take it seriously.

But looking at it now, people have suddenly become an existence that he has to look up to.

This status is changing too fast.

The conversations of the Primordial Realm members of the Wood Spirit Race were not heard by anyone other than them.

Because they all have the power of the world left by Venerable Feng, it seems that some kind of rule has been formulated, making it impossible for them to spread anything about Jian Chen.

Venerable You Feng, the supreme powerhouse, intervened in secret, and naturally he was not worried that the news that Jian Chen was still alive would spread like wildfire.

Although paper can't contain fire, it can be transformed into the way of heaven, the supreme being who can formulate the order of heaven and earth, but he has this ability.

If necessary, they can erase everything in a single thought.

Soon, Venerable Feng's ceremony of accepting his disciples had ended, and Shen Jian and Bi Luo had truly entered the field of vision of the major forces, making their identities widely known in the holy world.

The strength of the Wood Spirit Clan is insignificant among the Spirit Immortal Clan, and they don't even have the right to speak.

However, because of the blue sky, the status of the Wood Spirit Clan in the Spirit Immortal Clan was suddenly elevated.


In the wood spirit world created by the source of life of the supreme artifact, in the Palace of Peace, a powerful sword intent suddenly rose into the sky, covering the world for millions of miles in an instant, which immediately cut off the power supply. The fragile little world trembled violently, and even huge cracks appeared in the void, sending out violent space storms.

I saw Jian Chen sitting cross-legged on a large rock, and six incomparably blazing white lights appeared above his head.

Each ball of blazing white light is transformed by a mysterious sword energy.

Six lines of white light mean six lines of profound sword energy.

After years of condensing, his Xuanjian Qi finally succeeded in condensing.

"What kind of secret method is this, it looks so powerful?" The illusory artifact spirit of the Origin of Life appeared in front of Jian Chen, looking curiously at the six mysterious sword qi above Jian Chen's head.

At this moment, the Sword Intent in the sky dissipated in an instant, Jian Chen had withdrawn all the profound sword energy in a single thought, and the tightly closed eyes slowly opened.

"Hey, it's time to go. After I stopped the energy replenishment, the wood spirit world couldn't support it for long. Now it is about to shatter." The tool spirit of the source of life said to Jian Chen, although she had recognized Jian Chen as the Lord, she treats this master with no respect at all, and she is completely on an equal footing.

"Let's go, let's get out of here." Jian Chen nodded, he took out the Illusory Monster Clan mask and put it on his face, without the slightest nostalgia.

The next moment, the green sun that hung high in the wood spirit world disappeared instantly, turned into a green bead the size of a thumb and floated in front of Jian Chen, and then shot directly into Jian Chen's eyebrows and disappeared.

"Ah! This...this...what is this..." But soon, the tool spirit of the source of life exclaimed, and the green bead seemed to be frightened, and suddenly fell from the sword Dust brows drilled out.

Suddenly, two purple-blue rays of light shot up into the sky, turning into two illusory swords standing between the heavens and the earth.

At this time, the Ziqing Sword Spirit woke up from its slumber.

"It turned out to be the first... the spirit of the innate!" The tool spirit of the source of life exclaimed.

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